How does production cost of absorbent paper compare to that of printer paper?

In summary, toilet paper is generally cheaper to make than regular paper for printing. This is because toilet paper is a simpler product and can be made using less expensive processes. However, the cost of making paper towel paper may be significantly different, as it has different properties from toilet paper. Additionally, there is a Japanese invention, called the "White Goat" machine, which can convert office paper into toilet paper for recycling purposes. However, this machine is very expensive and would take at least 11 years of constant use to break even. This suggests that toilet paper is simpler to make than office paper, which often requires large, capital-intensive factories.
  • #1
I know that right now an A4 page sells for 0.8 cents at Walgreens. So presumably the thing is dirt cheap at the factory gates. For toilet paper I don't have any handy store prices to quote, but I do have a nagging suspicion of being overcharged.

So, generally speaking, what is the economic difference between making absorbent paper for toilet paper and making regular paper for printing? Is absorbent paper inherently more expensive or cheaper to make, per kilogram or per square meter or per whatever relevant metric? Also, let's throw in the paper towel type absorbent paper into the comparison since it is somewhat different in properties from toilet paper, at least in case that the cost of making paper towel paper is significantly different from cost of making toilet paper.
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  • #2
this is not a direct answer to my question above, but nevertheless an info tidbit that may shed some extra light on the question. Turns out there is a recently built Japanese invention called "White goat" which is a machine that converts office paper into toilet paper (apparently for recycling purposes or something like that). Relevant quote from :
The oddly named 'White Goat' machine is 6ft-tall and weighs a hefty 94st.

It works using an automatic system that creates one new roll from 40 sheets of A4 in just 30 minutes.

Waste paper is fed into a shredder on the machine, which is then untangled and dissolved in a pulper. Any foreign matter is removed and the wet paper is thinned out and dried. Finally this is wound into toilet rolls, which emerge one at a time.
The machine shreds the paper and puts it through a process of pulping, thinning and drying
White Goat is going on sale this summer for the eye-watering price of $100,000 (£63,000). The machine would have to churn out 200,000 recycled rolls to break even. This would take at least 11 years if it was on constantly.
What to make of it in the context of this thread? I am not sure. I guess on the naive/intuitive level it suggests to me that toilet paper is somehow "simpler" than office paper. Usually simple things can be made from more complex ones using relatively low key processes (like a $100K machine that will get cheaper in subsequent iterations) while the reverse (like turning "simple" wood pulp into "complex" paper) often involves huge capital intensive factories.

FAQ: How does production cost of absorbent paper compare to that of printer paper?

1. What factors contribute to the production cost difference between absorbent paper and printer paper?

There are several factors that contribute to the production cost difference between absorbent paper and printer paper. These include raw material costs, processing techniques, manufacturing equipment, and packaging and transportation costs.

2. Is the production cost of absorbent paper higher or lower than that of printer paper?

The production cost of absorbent paper is typically higher than that of printer paper. This is due to the specialized materials and processing techniques required to make absorbent paper, as well as the additional steps involved in its production.

3. How does the demand for absorbent paper and printer paper affect their production costs?

The demand for absorbent paper and printer paper can have a significant impact on their production costs. When demand is high, production costs may increase due to the need for more raw materials and labor. However, when demand is low, production costs may decrease due to reduced material and labor expenses.

4. Are there any environmental factors that affect the production cost of absorbent paper compared to printer paper?

Yes, there are environmental factors that can affect the production cost of absorbent paper compared to printer paper. For example, the sourcing of raw materials and the disposal of waste products can impact production costs and also have environmental implications.

5. How do advancements in technology impact the production cost of absorbent paper and printer paper?

Advancements in technology can have a significant impact on the production cost of both absorbent paper and printer paper. New technologies may allow for more efficient processing and reduced material waste, which can help to lower production costs. However, the initial investment in new technology may also increase production costs in the short term.

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