Invest in Zero Q Machine: The Timeless Travel Solution

In summary, the bread and butter argument is flawed, my experiments prove that the butter side is all ways more attracted by gravity, in order to improve this quality i found that spreading the opposite face with bbq sauce increases the attraction.
  • #1
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I have found that the bread and butter argument is flawed (a slice of bread and butter all ways falls butter side down), my experiments prove that the butter side is all ways more attracted by gravity, in order to improve this quality i found that spreading the opposite face with bbq sauce increases the attraction.
From this i discovered that it was allmost impossible to make two slices of bread thus treated to touch butter face to butter face, i came to the conclusion that if i could engineer a way to smooth out the course surfaces of the bread i could increase the repulsion effect, this was accomplished by using a secret neutral medium.
Now with the two (treated) (materials) i could place them at a distance of one sixtillionth of an inch from one another, (a critical distance) explained in a latter leter, This Device can now produce( O) quarks ,the quarks are held in a transient state from matter to anti matter.
Now as you all know when our U was created a negative or anti matter U was all so created, my (0) Quark device can access the divide between the two Us, and as this (devide) is timeless, instantanious travel between two points in normal ST can be accomplished,
All i need to make this invention practical is funds so be one of the first to
invest, the future is yours.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Oooh, I want to invest .
Will that be in matter or antimatter ?
  • #3
arunbg said:
Oooh, I want to invest .
Will that be in matter or antimatter ?

I still think the suggestion to tie the bread, butter side up to the back of a cat was great.
  • #4
Consider also the situation of a Cat of mass (m) to which a slice of liberally buttered bread ( Bread to butter ratio of 5:1 say, mass of bread (b) ) has been affixed, such that the average butter surface normal is directed Pi to the natural orientation of the cat.

Now take such a system to a height (h) above the Earth surface and release it, allowing them to fall freely under the influence of gravity (g).

Could such a system also be used to generate large amounts of energy?

Would the outcome be a cat-a-strophic collapse of space-time?

[edit] bah beaten to it!
  • #5
3trQN said:
Consider also the situation of a Cat of mass (m) to which a slice of liberally buttered bread ( Bread to butter ratio of 5:1 say, mass of bread (b) ) has been affixed, such that the average butter surface normal is directed Pi to the natural orientation of the cat.

Now take such a system to a height (h) above the Earth surface and release it, allowing them to fall freely under the influence of gravity (g).

Could such a system also be used to generate large amounts of energy?

Would the outcome be a cat-a-strophic collapse of space-time?

[edit] bah beaten to it!
Well, your version was much more scientific. :biggrin:

Perhaps we should expand the study to encompass the attraction by certain materials to the compound applied to the bread. For instance, a white silk blouse has a much greater attraction to raspberry jam than a black t-shirt.
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  • #6
Perhaps we should expand the study to encompass the attraction by certain materials to the compound applied to the bread. For instance, a white silk blouse has a much greater attraction to raspberry jam than a black t-shirt.

Ah! I like your thinking. Do you suggest that perhaps there is an underlying force common to these anomalies?

Maybe Maj E.A.Murphy would have had some insight into this topic.
  • #7
What if you tied the buttered bread to the back of Schrodinger's cat?
  • #8
Evo said:

I still think the suggestion to tie the bread, butter side up to the back of a cat was great.

I forget who made that suggestion here, but I used in it in my public speaking class last quarter. Great material. Thanks anonymous jokester.

FAQ: Invest in Zero Q Machine: The Timeless Travel Solution

1. What is the "Zero Q Machine" and how does it work?

The "Zero Q Machine" is a hypothetical machine that is proposed to have the ability to travel through time. It is based on the concept of "zero point energy", which is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system can possess. The machine would theoretically harness this energy to create a time machine, allowing individuals to travel to any point in time.

2. Is the "Zero Q Machine" a scientifically proven concept?

No, the "Zero Q Machine" is currently just a theoretical concept and has not been scientifically proven. While the concept of zero point energy has been studied and observed in quantum mechanics, the technology to harness it for time travel does not currently exist.

3. What are the potential implications of time travel using the "Zero Q Machine"?

If the "Zero Q Machine" were to be developed and successfully used for time travel, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the laws of physics and the concept of cause and effect. It could also potentially have ethical and moral implications, as changing the past could have unforeseen consequences for the present and future.

4. What challenges would need to be overcome in order to create the "Zero Q Machine"?

The creation of the "Zero Q Machine" would require a deep understanding of quantum mechanics and the ability to manipulate zero point energy. It would also require advanced technology and resources that currently do not exist. Additionally, there would need to be extensive research and testing to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the machine.

5. Could the "Zero Q Machine" be used for practical purposes, such as time travel tourism?

While the idea of time travel tourism may seem exciting, it is currently not a feasible or ethical use of the "Zero Q Machine". The theoretical implications and potential consequences of time travel make it unlikely that the machine would be used for leisure purposes. Additionally, the technology would likely be closely monitored and regulated by the scientific community and government agencies.

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