Complex Cross Product and Area of a parallelogram

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the area of a parallelogram generated by two complex numbers expressed as vectors. The formula for the area is |z x z'|, where z and z' are the complex numbers. The cross product can be applied in 2D by taking the third coordinate as 0. The area is the absolute value of the imaginary part of the conjugate of z times z'. The area is a non-negative real number and can be expressed as the absolute value of the z-component of the cross product.
  • #1
Hello, just a quick question.

I have two complex numbers (say z and z'), and I want to find the area of the parallelogram that is generated by the two complex numbers (written as vectors, ie, if z = x + iy is a complex number, then the vector is (x,y)).

Now the area of the parallelogram generated by z and z' is |z x z'|

However, when I compute z x z' I get what I would consider a "scalar" and then I am asked to take the "magnitude" (or is it "absolute value") of this "scalar." Do I just take the "absolute value"?

For example.

say z = 1 + i, and z' = 1 + 2i
then z x z' = (1)(2) - (1)(1) = 2 - 1 = 1.
The area is |z x z'| = |1|. Is this the absolute value of 1 (which would equal 1) ?

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  • #2
The cross product is really only defined in 3D. But you can apply it in 2D by just taking the third coordinate as 0. So (x,y,0) X (x',y',0) = (0,0,xy'-x'y). Now if z=x+iy and z'=x'+iy', can you think of a way of expressing xy'-x'y in terms of z and z'?
  • #3
Yes, xy' - x'y = Im(~zz') [That is the Imaginary part of (conjugate of z times z')]. (I am not sure how to put a bar over z) However, I must be missing how this is connected to whether or not I am supposed to just take the "absolute value" of z x z' to get the area of the parallelogram spanned by z and z'. Could you elaborate? Thanks.

edit... hmmm... Maybe you are getting at that our new vector is (0, xy' -x'y) since z x z' = Im(~zz'), then we can take the "magnitude" (the modulus) which would be just the absolute value as I suspected.

Sorry about loosely using the terms magnitude, and absolute value.
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  • #4
"Area" is, by definition, a non-negative real number. Taking the cross product as you are, with the z-component of each vector 0, gives a vector with both x- and y-components 0. The area is the length of that vector, the absolute value of the z-component.

FAQ: Complex Cross Product and Area of a parallelogram

1. What is the formula for finding the cross product of two complex numbers?

The formula for finding the cross product of two complex numbers, z1 and z2, is (a1 + bi1) x (a2 + bi2) = (a1a2 - b1b2) + i(a1b2 + b1a2).

2. How is the cross product related to the area of a parallelogram?

The magnitude of the cross product of two complex numbers, |z1 x z2|, is equal to the area of the parallelogram formed by the two complex numbers, z1 and z2.

3. Can the cross product of two complex numbers be negative?

Yes, the cross product of two complex numbers can be negative if the two vectors are oriented in opposite directions. This means that the area of the parallelogram formed by the two complex numbers will be negative as well.

4. Is the cross product commutative?

No, the cross product of two complex numbers is not commutative. This means that z1 x z2 is not always equal to z2 x z1. The order of the complex numbers matters when calculating the cross product.

5. How can the cross product be used in real-world applications?

The cross product is commonly used in physics and engineering to calculate torque, which is the measure of a force's tendency to rotate an object about an axis. It can also be used in computer graphics to determine the orientation and direction of 3D objects. In addition, the cross product has applications in electrical engineering, such as calculating the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire.

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