Calculate the arc length between two points over a hyper-sphere

In summary: The distance between those points is the arclength (geodesic distance) between the two points on the sphere.In summary, the conversation is about computing the arclength or geodesic distance between two n-dimensional points on a n-dimensional sphere, also known as a hypersphere. The experts discuss using the formula S = R*ω, where S is the arclength, R is the radius, and ω is the angle between the points. They also mention using the dot product in N dimensions and confirm that the formula can be extended to higher dimensions. They also discuss the intersection point between an n-vector and a n-sphere and mention that it can be easily calculated, as well as extending this calculation to N
  • #1
Good morning,

I'm trying to compute the arclength (geodesic distance) between two n-dimensional points over a n-dimensional sphere (hypersphere). Do you know if it is possible? If yes, please, I'd be very pleased if you, as experts, provide me this knowledge.

Thank you very much
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  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi 7toni7! welcome to pf! :smile:

won't it just be the radius times the angle between them?

(which you can get from the dot-product)
  • #3
Hello tiny-tim,

Thank you very much for your answer, and I'm pleased to be in this forum.
Yes, I think the same.
In 2D and 3D is just: (arclength = S, radius = R (in radians), angle between points= ω)

S = R*ω.

Then, I have 3 doubts:
1 - when dealing with dimensions greater than 3...the order of hundreds, could we do the same computation than 2 and 3 Dimensions? Could we extend this equation to higher dimensions?

2 - The dot product in N just the same than 2 and 3 dimensions?

3 - This formula is in an euclidean space, isn't it?

Thank you very much,
Best regards.
  • #4
hello 7toni7! :smile:
7toni7 said:
1 - when dealing with dimensions greater than 3...the order of hundreds, could we do the same computation than 2 and 3 Dimensions? Could we extend this equation to higher dimensions?

2 - The dot product in N just the same than 2 and 3 dimensions?

3 - This formula is in an euclidean space, isn't it?

1. yes

2. yes: (a1,a2,…an).(b1,b2,…bn) = a1b1 + a2b2 + …anbn

(don't forget that the dot product gives you R2cosω, so you'll have to divide by R2, and then use the cos-1 button ! :wink:)

3. yes :smile:
  • #5
Thank you.
Then, the arclength on a n-sphere can be computed as follows:

S = R*acos(a.b/R2).

I think it is correct. Isn't it?

A last question, do you know how to compute the intersection point between a n-vector and a n-sphere?

Thank you so much again.
  • #6
7toni7 said:
Then, the arclength on a n-sphere can be computed as follows:

S = R*acos(a.b/R2).

yes :smile:
A last question, do you know how to compute the intersection point between a n-vector and a n-sphere?

(this is from your other thread, isn't it?)

do you mean an n-vector starting from the origin (the centre of the n-sphere)?

if not, how are you defining the n-vector and the n-sphere? :confused:
  • #7

Yes, suppose that we have one n-sphere. Inside it, we have a n-point (this point different of the origin, it is another point named H).

So, I have to compute the intersection of the line (that goes from the origin of the n-sphere passing from H) with the n-sphere. do you understand? is it possible?

Thank you in advance again,
  • #8
7toni7 said:
So, I have to compute the intersection of the line (that goes from the origin of the n-sphere passing from H) with the n-sphere. do you understand? is it possible?

ah, so the line is a diameter of the n-sphere?

then yes, it's easy …

the n-vector to the intersection will be a scalar multiple of the n-vector to H, such that the magnitude of the n-vector (ie, the square-root of the dot-product with itself) equals the radius :wink:
  • #9
This is how I do it in 2 dimensions. See image.

Now, my question is: could this development be extended to N dimensions?


Thank you
  • #10
7toni7 said:
Now, my question is: could this development be extended to N dimensions?

yes, the same formula (radius times the unit vector in the P direction) works in n dimensions …

Q = R*(P/|P|) :smile:
  • #11
In n-dimensional Euclidean space, the (hyper)sphere with radius R and center at [itex](a_1, a_2, ..., a_n)[/itex] has equation [itex](x_1- a_1)^2+ (x_2- a_2)^2+\cdot\cdot\cdot+ (x_n- a_n)^2= R^2[/itex]. The line through the origin and point [itex](b_1, b_2, ..., b_n)[/itex] is given by the parametric equations [itex]x_1= b_1t[/itex], [itex]x_2= b_2t[/itex], ..., [itex]x_n= b_nt[/itex]. Replacing [itex]x_1[/itex], etc. in the equation of the sphere with those gives a single quadratic equation for t. Finding the two solutions to that equation gives the two points at which the line crosses the sphere.

FAQ: Calculate the arc length between two points over a hyper-sphere

1. What is the formula for calculating arc length on a hyper-sphere?

The formula for calculating arc length on a hyper-sphere is L = rθ, where r is the radius of the hyper-sphere and θ is the angle subtended by the arc in radians.

2. How do you determine the angle between two points on a hyper-sphere?

To determine the angle between two points on a hyper-sphere, you can use the dot product formula: θ = arccos((x1x2 + y1y2 + z1z2)/(r1r2)), where x, y, and z are the coordinates of the two points and r is the radius of the hyper-sphere.

3. Can you calculate the arc length between two points on a hyper-sphere if the points are not directly opposite each other?

Yes, the formula for calculating arc length on a hyper-sphere can be used for any two points on the surface, regardless of their position relative to each other. However, the angle between the two points will be different depending on their position.

4. How do you convert the angle in degrees to radians for calculating arc length on a hyper-sphere?

To convert the angle from degrees to radians, you can use the formula θ(rad) = θ(deg) * (π/180). This will give you the angle in radians needed to calculate the arc length on a hyper-sphere.

5. Is there a different formula for calculating arc length on a hyper-sphere in higher dimensions?

Yes, the formula for calculating arc length on a hyper-sphere in higher dimensions is L = rθ, where r is the radius and θ is the angle subtended by the arc, just like in two dimensions. However, the calculation of θ becomes more complex as the number of dimensions increases.
