Action/reaction force in relation to Newton's 3 law

In summary: In this case, the table is exerting a normal force on the bin and the bin is exerting a weight force on the table, but these are not action/reaction pairs. In summary, when trying to differentiate between an action/reaction force described in Newton's Third Law acting on two different bodies, the key is to identify the objects involved and determine which force is being exerted by one object on another. The normal force and weight force act on the same body, while other forces, such as the weight of the table and the floor pushing up on it, can be identified as action/reaction pairs.
  • #1
How do i differentiate b/t an action/reaction force described in Newton's Third Law acting on two different bodies, with the normal force and the weight force acting on the same body.
Scenario 1:
a bin rest on a table: the weight force of the bin exerts on the table due to gravity, and the normal force provided by the table acting on the bin.
(Both arrows representing the force are shown on the bin). Thus the bin is stationary.
Scenario 2:
Similar to scenario 1 but this time the normal foce arrow is shown on the bin and the force bin exerts on table is shown on the table.
And this is the action/ reaction force described by Newton. Not like the first scenario.

Very confussing! How do i know when the force is on the same body or on different bodies. B/c both scenarios are similar.
Any suggestions?
Physics news on
  • #2
The reasoning goes somewhat like this ...

We know the bin is in equilibrium. Therefore resultant force that it experiences is nil. The table therefore provides a normal force equal to the weight of the bin, but in the opposite direction of its weight. This normal force coming from the table is a result of the bin pushing down onto it. How hard and in which direction is the bin pushing down onto it? The table is experiencing the weight of the bin pushing down onto it. The action-reaction pair is the weight of the bin pushing down onto the table (the action force) and the reaction of the table to this force is the normal force with which the table pushes back on the bin (the same magnitude as the action force that it experiences, but in the opposite direction).

The table is actually experiencing more forces, its own weight and the floor pushing upward on it. These forces also need to balance. Which means that the reaction force of the floor (the normal force) need to balance the weight of the table and the bin on it. So the table serves to transmit the weight of the bin to the floor, which fortunately for us keeps everything resting on it up!
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  • #3
student12phys said:
How do i know when the force is on the same body or on different bodies. B/c both scenarios are similar.
Any suggestions?
So-called "action/reaction" or 3rd-law pairs can be identified by expressing Newton's 3rd law like this: If body A exerts a force ("action") on body B, then body B exerts and equal and opposite force ("reaction") on body A.

Always identify the two objects involved in any interaction. In both scenarios, the bin is one object. What other objects are involved? It depends on the force:
The bin's weight is the gravitational force exerted by the earth on the bin; thus the reaction to that force is the gravitational force exerted by the bin on the earth.

The normal force is the force exerted by the table on the bin; thus the reaction to that force is the force exerted by the bin on the table.​

The normal force and the weight can never be action/reaction pairs, since they act on the same object.

FAQ: Action/reaction force in relation to Newton's 3 law

What is Newton's 3rd law of motion?

Newton's 3rd law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts a force back on the first object with the same magnitude and in the opposite direction.

How does Newton's 3rd law relate to action and reaction forces?

Newton's 3rd law states that action and reaction forces are always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This means that whenever an object exerts a force on another object, the other object will exert an equal and opposite force back.

Can you give an example of action and reaction forces in everyday life?

One example of action and reaction forces in everyday life is when you push against a wall. Your body exerts a force on the wall, and the wall exerts an equal and opposite force back on your body, keeping you from moving forward.

Are action and reaction forces always equal and opposite?

Yes, according to Newton's 3rd law, action and reaction forces are always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This means that the two forces will always cancel each other out and have no net effect on the objects involved.

Do action and reaction forces have to act on the same object?

No, action and reaction forces can act on different objects. For example, when you jump off a diving board, your body exerts a downward force on the board, and the board exerts an equal and opposite upward force on your body, causing you to bounce back up.
