Kinematics ramp and crate problem

In summary: The equation for k should be correct, but you may have made a calculation error. Can you show your work or the numbers you plugged in? Also, make sure to use the correct values for the variables (e.g. use the weight of the crate, not its mass, for mg).
  • #1

Homework Statement

You are designing a delivery ramp for crates containing exercise equipment. The crates of weight 1480 N will move with speed 2.1 m/s at the top of a ramp that slopes downward at an angle 23.0 degrees. The ramp will exert a 578 N force of kinetic friction on each crate, and the maximum force of static friction also has this value. At the bottom of the ramp, each crate will come to rest after compressing a spring a distance x. Each crate will move a total distance of 8.0 m along the ramp; this distance includes x. Once stopped, a crate must not rebound back up the ramp.
Calculate the maximum force constant of the spring k_max that can be used in order to meet the design criteria.

Homework Equations

hinital= (sin23=h/8) = 3.126
hfinal= 0
(spring)xinitial= 0
(spring)xfinal= ?
vfinal= 0
vinitial= 2.1

Wfriction = Ffriction * Distance

Change in gravitational potential energy = mghfinal-mghinitial

Change in elastic potential energy = (1/2)kxfinal2 - (1/2)kxinitial2

Change in Kinetic Energy = (1/2)mvfinal2-(1/2)mvinitial

The Attempt at a Solution

Since the final velocity, final height, and initial x for the spring are all equal to zero I got the equation..

Wfriction + mghinital + (1/2)mvinital2 = (1/2)kxfinal2

And then I solved for k..

k= (2(Wfriction+mghinital+(1/2)mvinitial2))/x2I don't know if what I did it's right, but if it is.. I can't solve for k since I don't know x, the distance that the spring compressed, and I don't know how to find it =[[
Help pleaseee
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  • #2
Fera09 said:
Wfriction + mghinital + (1/2)mvinital2 = (1/2)kxfinal2

this is perfect, although bear in mind that the work against friction will be negative (because it's energy that it has lost).

what I would do from here is put in the values that you know in order to get a nice equation relating k & x.

next you can set up a simultaneous equation, because you also know hooke's law don't you? that the force is proportional to the spring constant multiplied by the extension

F = kx, you know what K is (bear in mind F is a vector - if it's still on the ramp the only bit the spring is supporting is the horizontal component of the force)

do you see why this works?
  • #3
I think so.. but what is the force of the spring in hooke's law?
  • #4
Hooke's law is as follows

the force impressed on a spring is equal to the extension of the spring caused by that force multiplied by the spring constant.

so F = kx

however like I said bear in mind that the spring is on the angle and is only supporting the box's horizontal motion (the floor is supporting the box vertically) so perhaps it will look something like

mg cos(theta) = kx

have you set up the simultaneous equation yet? you had the right formula you just needed to put in the numbers.
  • #5
Okay, so I set..


my equation for K was..

And i got x= .49 m
which I then substituted into my equation for k, but I got the wrong answer
is my equation for k wrong?

FAQ: Kinematics ramp and crate problem

1. What is a Kinematics ramp and crate problem?

A Kinematics ramp and crate problem is a type of physics problem that involves a crate or object moving on a ramp or incline. It typically requires the use of kinematic equations and concepts such as friction, gravity, and acceleration to determine the motion and behavior of the object.

2. How do you solve a Kinematics ramp and crate problem?

To solve a Kinematics ramp and crate problem, you must first identify the given variables such as the mass of the crate, the angle of the ramp, and the coefficient of friction. Then, you can use kinematic equations, such as the equations for acceleration, velocity, and displacement, to solve for the unknown variable.

3. What are the key principles involved in solving a Kinematics ramp and crate problem?

The key principles involved in solving a Kinematics ramp and crate problem include Newton's laws of motion, which describe how forces affect the motion of an object, and the concept of acceleration, which is the rate of change of an object's velocity. Additionally, friction, gravity, and the angle of the ramp are important factors to consider.

4. What are some common challenges when solving a Kinematics ramp and crate problem?

Some common challenges when solving a Kinematics ramp and crate problem include identifying all the given variables, understanding the relationship between these variables, and selecting the appropriate kinematic equations to use. Additionally, accounting for factors such as air resistance and the shape of the crate can also be challenging.

5. How is a Kinematics ramp and crate problem applicable in real life?

Kinematics ramp and crate problems are applicable in various real-life scenarios, such as when loading a truck or moving furniture up a ramp. They can also be used in engineering and construction to determine the optimal angle of a ramp or incline for a specific task. Additionally, understanding these problems can help improve our understanding of motion and how forces affect the movement of objects in our everyday lives.

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