Griffiths Electrodynamics gradient of charge distribution

In summary, the gradient is being applied to the coordinates of \vec{r} instead of \vec{r}' which would be integrated away. This result is from the chain rule.
  • #1
I do not understand the following from Griffiths’ Electrodynamics – page 424 Equation 10.21.

\nabla p = \dot{p} \nabla {tr} = …

I’m not sure how much of this applies (I think my question is on the math) but p is the charge distribution, tr is the retarded time.

Is this an application of the chain rule?

With the gradient being a derivative with respect to spatial location (x,y,z), why is the time derivative showing up in the gradient? I initially want to say if something is dependent upon t but not on x, then its derivative with respect to x is zero.

The result looks like the chain rule applied – I don’t see why the time dependent portion shows up.

Can you help clear this up for me?

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  • #2
continuity equation?
  • #3
I do not see it yet.

I see later on the same page

\nabla \dot{p} = \ddot{p} \nabla {tr} = …

Can you explain further?

Somehow the gradient is giving an additional time derivative.

  • #4
[itex]\rho[/itex] has arguments like this:
[itex]\rho (\vec{r}', t_r(\vec{r}, \vec{r}', t)) [/itex]

The gradient is being applied w.r.t to the coordinates of [itex]\vec{r}[/itex] ( not [itex]\vec{r}'[/itex] which gets integrated away). The coordinates that we would be taking the derivative with respect to in order to obtain the gradient are only found in the parameters of [itex]t_r[/itex]. So this result is from the chain rule. Here is one component of the gradient, for example.
[itex](\nabla \rho)_x = \frac{\partial \rho (\vec{r}', t_r(x, y, z, \vec{r}', t))}{\partial x} = \dot{\rho}\frac{\partial t_r}{\partial x} [/itex]
  • #5
Oh I see, did he specify that the dot derivative is with respective to retarded time?
  • #6
It won't matter. ##\partial _{t_{r}} = \frac{\partial t_{r}}{\partial t}\partial _{t} = \frac{\partial }{\partial t}(t - \frac{\mathfrak{r}}{c})\partial_{t} = \partial_{t}##.

Anyways, as noted above ##\rho = \rho(r',t_{r}) ## and ##r'## is no longer a variable after integration but ##t_{r} = t_{r}(t,x,y,z,r')## so ##\nabla \rho = \partial _{t_{r}}\rho \nabla t_{r} = \partial_{t}\rho \nabla t_{r}##. Not sure what that has to do with the conservation of 4-current (continuity equation) ##\partial_{a}j^{a} = 0##.
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  • #7
Thank you!

I went back in this section of the text and reread. I see that p (charge density) is specified p(r’, tr). That is actually the point of this topic (the nonstatic case).

You confirmed that this is an application of the chain rule and p is a function of position and tr.

Thank you for the help!

FAQ: Griffiths Electrodynamics gradient of charge distribution

What is the gradient of charge distribution in Griffiths Electrodynamics?

The gradient of charge distribution in Griffiths Electrodynamics refers to the change in electric charge per unit length, area, or volume. It is a vector quantity that describes how the charge is distributed in space. It is often denoted by the symbol ∇ρ, where ρ is the charge density.

How is the gradient of charge distribution calculated?

The gradient of charge distribution can be calculated using the formula ∇ρ = limΔV→0 (ΔQ/ΔV), where ΔQ is the change in charge and ΔV is the change in volume. Alternatively, it can also be calculated by taking the partial derivatives of the charge density function with respect to each coordinate axis.

What is the significance of the gradient of charge distribution in electromagnetism?

The gradient of charge distribution plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of electric and magnetic fields in space. It helps in determining the direction and strength of these fields at any point in space. It also plays a key role in the calculation of electric potential and electric field lines.

How does the gradient of charge distribution affect the electric potential?

The gradient of charge distribution is directly related to the electric potential. The potential gradient is equal to the negative of the charge density gradient, i.e., ∇V = -∇ρ. This relationship helps in understanding how changes in charge distribution affect the electric potential at different points in space.

Can the gradient of charge distribution be negative?

Yes, the gradient of charge distribution can be negative. This indicates a decrease in charge density in the direction of the gradient. It is also possible for the gradient to be zero, which would indicate a uniform distribution of charge in that particular direction.

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