Obama vs. McCain test. What d'you think?

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In summary: I hope that he will win but I am not really put into this election.In summary, the test from ABC is biased and does not accurately reflect the positions of either candidate. The questions are not meaningful if the candidates are not truthful in their responses.
  • #1
Chi Meson
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
Obama vs. McCain "test." What d'you think?

Here is a short test from ABC that intends to "help you decide" who you should vote for. I had my suspicions re neutrality, but for me I split nearly straight down the middle (where I thought I had always been).

So, give it a shot and comment on it's objectivity.
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  • #2

Ummm...might help if you included the link. :rolleyes:
  • #3

There isn't a single question that favors either candidate.

Edit: You beat me Moonbear.
  • #4

Chi, can you post the link for us? :biggrin:
  • #6

Heh, like I need ABC to tell me how to vote.
  • #8

Ivan Seeking said:
Heh, like I need ABC to tell me how to vote.

This is why I'm so curious to see the "test." I have a hard time imagining it helping anyone who is truly undecided. Maybe it'll help those who haven't been paying any attention at all to get a crash course on the positions of each candidate, but I really wish that anyone who has had their head in the sand this long would just stay home on election day.
  • #9

Moonbear said:
This is why I'm so curious to see the "test." I have a hard time imagining it helping anyone who is truly undecided. Maybe it'll help those who haven't been paying any attention at all to get a crash course on the positions of each candidate, but I really wish that anyone who has had their head in the sand this long would just stay home on election day.

Sure, and we have no way to know if ABC has accurately reflected the positions of the candidates. What's more, the positions of the candidates are only as meaningful as the word of the candidates.

"Sarah Palin knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America." - John McCain

That must be as much a bald faced lie as any that I've heard.
  • #10

Chi Meson said:
The link? The link?

D'Oh, you mean the LINK!

Yeah, that one, Pion.

Clever...they ask an odd number of questions so the final answer will never be "undecided." 7 points for Obama, 6 points for McCain for me. Yep, pretty much where I already knew I was...each of them is worth half a president. :wink:
  • #11

The test is biased against Obama. The questions require you to think about your positions.
  • #12

Moonbear said:
...each of them is worth half a president.

If you don't mind then I'll take the half that comes without the Palin threat.
  • #13

11 Obama, 2 McCain.

It may have been closer if McCain-2000 were being quoted, but clearly it was McCain-2008.
  • #14

jimmysnyder said:
The test is biased against Obama. The questions require you to think about your positions.
But that means McCain would never be able to take it.

My score:
McCain 6
Obama 7

Actually, that should have been:
McCain 4
Obama 6
Neither 3
  • #15

Gokul43201 said:
Actually, that should have been:
McCain 4
Obama 6
Neither 3

True! I didn't keep track of the "neither" choices, but that sounds about right for this one. There's a reason I'm considering a write-in vote. (In the long run, it doesn't matter anyway...I don't think there's any way that WV is going to choose anyone other than McCain by a large margin in this election, so a few write-ins or third-party votes in this state won't make any big difference other than on principle...if I was still living in OH, I'd stick with one of the two main candidates, and not take chances on third party votes in a state where it may be a lot closer and every vote could count).
  • #16

I just did for fun thinking how I would like those policies in my nation if I ever cared about it.

I got
Obama: all :bugeye:
  • #17

I thought it was interesting that many of the quotes indicated positions that were not all that far apart.

By the way, it was split 6 and 7 for me too. I was a big supporter of McCain in 2000. I registered as a republican just to be able to vote in the primary. It was the South Carolina primary where I first started to hate W.

I liked McCain, and it will be an improvement no matter who is elected, but Palin is another W.
  • #18

Chi Meson said:
I thought it was interesting that many of the quotes indicated positions that were not all that far apart.

By the way, it was split 6 and 7 for me too. I was a big supporter of McCain in 2000. I registered as a republican just to be able to vote in the primary. It was the South Carolina primary where I first started to hate W.

I liked McCain, and it will be an improvement no matter who is elected, but Palin is another W.

I voted McCain this year in the primaries as my greater concern then was a nit-wit like Romney might get the nod, and my state was pretty clearly not needing my vote in the Democratic Primary. If I had it to do over I would still vote McCain, only if doing it over might also mean McCain might make a different selection than Palin.

Sadly I think Palin makes Romney look good. The most pleasant candidate the Republicans offered up I thought was Huckabee, though his social position are totally faith based. I at least respect his positions because he holds to his beliefs and unlike Palin just comes out and says he doesn't believe in Evolution, or gay marriages, or stem cell research. I think Palin's pragmatic approach of dishonestly projecting tolerance is the more dangerous personality and not to be trusted.
  • #19

jimmysnyder said:
The test is biased against Obama. The questions require you to think about your positions.

Funny, but the conservatives on Wall Street are saying just the opposite.
  • #20

10 Obama
3 Mccain
  • #21

It's very easy to produce whatever result one wishes on this test, provided one has paid a bit of attention to the campaign, and politics in general. Almost every quote on there has some give-away language; many of them have been elevated into catch-phrases by the media.

That said, Obama 8 to McCain 2.
  • #22

quadraphonics said:
It's very easy to produce whatever result one wishes on this test, provided one has paid a bit of attention to the campaign, and politics in general. Almost every quote on there has some give-away language; many of them have been elevated into catch-phrases by the media.

That's what I was wondering about. I thought I could have figured who said what, but I tried to be "blind" in that analysis. I must declare that I am mostly "unpolluted" by television media (no cable). I get news from NPR, NYT, and WSJ. And Colbert (via Hulu.com)
  • #23

Chi Meson said:
That's what I was wondering about. I thought I could have figured who said what, but I tried to be "blind" in that analysis. I must declare that I am mostly "unpolluted" by television media (no cable). I get news from NPR, NYT, and WSJ. And Colbert (via Hulu.com)

You realize that the WSJ is now owned by the same guy who brought us Fox News - the most dishonest news source to be found anywhere beyond the grocery store checkout stand.
  • #24

I don't get TV service of any kind, but I think internet access more than makes up for that when it comes to media exposure of this type...
  • #25

I was:

Still not a big fan of either though.
  • #26

Ivan Seeking said:
You realize that the WSJ is now owned by the same guy who brought us Fox News - the most dishonest news source to be found anywhere beyond the grocery store checkout stand.
Yes, I am sadly aware of that and I am also keenly aware of FOX-like agenda-news. I had been reading WSJ for years to make sure I was getting the "other side" from the NYT.

As far as what they report, they say the same thing, and you have to read the editorials to get the feel for the attitude. I have to admit, I am uncomfortable reading any editorial.

I have not seen a change in the quality of the Journal's news, nor a shift in the tenor of the editorials since the takeover. I am vigilant, though.
  • #27

I got 10-3 in favor of Obama.
  • #28

41 days to election.

118 days to inauguration.

Bye. Bye. Bush.
  • #29

LowlyPion said:
41 days to election.

118 days to inauguration.

Bye. Bye. Bush.
What if the alternative is "Hello Palin"?
  • #30

Evo said:
What if the alternative is "Hello Palin"?
My lovin' baby is through with me.
  • #31

Evo said:
What if the alternative is "Hello Palin"?

McCain will at least be better than the insipid Bush, and if this calamity is truly visited upon us we must fervently pray for McCain's health and hope that he doesn't drag us into another stupid war.
  • #32

McCain pulling out of debates and returning to Washington for bailout talks.

What a perfect excuse for Chicken Little.

FAQ: Obama vs. McCain test. What d'you think?

1. What is the purpose of the "Obama vs. McCain test"?

The "Obama vs. McCain test" is a hypothetical test that is used to compare the policies and stances of former US Presidents Barack Obama and John McCain.

2. How is the "Obama vs. McCain test" conducted?

The test is typically conducted by asking a series of questions about various political issues and comparing the answers given by Obama and McCain.

3. What are the main differences between Obama and McCain according to the "Obama vs. McCain test"?

The "Obama vs. McCain test" may highlight differences in their views on healthcare, foreign policy, immigration, and other important issues.

4. Is the "Obama vs. McCain test" an accurate representation of their policies?

The test is not necessarily an accurate representation of their policies as it is based on hypothetical questions and may not take into account their actions and decisions as Presidents.

5. Can the "Obama vs. McCain test" be used to predict the outcome of an election?

No, the "Obama vs. McCain test" is not a reliable predictor of election outcomes as it does not take into account all factors that may influence an election, such as campaign strategies and voter demographics.

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