What Are the Statistics for Valentine's Day?

  • Thread starter Monique
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In summary: Looks like you have a nice boat ride coming, lol.So: what are the statistics of being single on Valentine's Day?In summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of being single on Valentine's Day. Some participants shared their plans for the day, while others discussed past relationships and their views on the holiday. The conversation also included discussions about gifts, including a gun and a boat ride around Manhattan. Despite being single, some participants expressed happiness and love for their friends and family.

Are you expecting a valentine? Are you:

  • Single, most likely I'll get a note though :)

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Single, noone noticed me..

    Votes: 24 60.0%
  • Partners, we get cozy on valentine's day :)

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • Partners, nothing romantic about the day..

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
So: what are the statistics..
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
single with no hope, but I do have a great twin sister! And a fine chopnik of a son. <private to chopnik> if you'd pick off the fleas everyday like Andy, you too could have a luxuriant coat!
  • #3
Single here... no plans. :frown:

- Warren
  • #4
single :p still pimpin'
  • #5
Single . Will probably be looking for a LONG time...
  • #6

Valentines day rather depresses a single shmoe like me. That and the fact that my school posts it everywhere and has a "couples calendar" further shoves it in my face.

Oh well, nothing that good ol' computer gaming can't fix. Shoot shoot bang bang, kaboom lots of fun
  • #7
Originally posted by chroot
Single here... no plans. :frown:

- Warren

what happened to linda (was that her name?)?

i have been getting hints of a great weekend planned...including getting my engagement ring that has been on layaway for several months now...
  • #8
Originally posted by Kerrie
what happened to linda (was that her name?)?
She broke up with me the day before Christmas. And didn't buy me a Christmas present. And kept the one I gave her. Oh, well.
i have been getting hints of a great weekend planned...including getting my engagement ring that has been on layaway for several months now...
Good news! I wish you the very, very best. :smile: Are you planning the honeymoon yet? :wink:

- Warren
  • #9
I'll be entertainng my son's family this weekend. I'm sure I'll get a valentine from my granddaughter. She'll get one from me, too.
  • #10
Originally posted by selfAdjoint
I'm sure I'll get a valentine from my granddaughter. She'll get one from me, too.
Those are the best kind! :smile:
  • #11
Originally posted by chroot
She broke up with me the day before Christmas. And didn't buy me a Christmas present. And kept the one I gave her. Oh, well.
- Warren
What a CHUMP. Women like her give the rest of us a bad name.

Here's the deal. Ivan is my 'main squeeze' but I think ALL of you are absolutely WONDERFUL people and I...well, I just love ya!
Will you ALL be MY Valentines?
  • #12
Originally posted by Tsunami
Will you ALL be MY Valentines?
Has chocolate overdose ever been recorded?
  • #13
Originally posted by Monique
Has chocolate overdose ever been recorded?

Not to my knowledge, but there's a first time for EVERYTHING. I'll let you know if I exhibit any untoward behavior.

Unfortunately, :wink: that's just ME! I'm an out-there, in-front-of-God-and-everybody kind of girl. If any of you DO want to be one of my Valentines, just know THIS: I've already eaten all of the chocolates I got for you. Sorry! THAT'S just ME, too!
  • #14
Originally posted by Monique
So: what are the statistics..

nothing special. Coming from the far east, valentine's day isn't too big of a deal. However, for valentines day (early present) my husband gave me a Ruger P94 .40 caliber autoloader and operates double or single action. We are going to go to the target range on valentine's day to shoot it.
  • #15
I'll spend my Valentine's Day with Physics and Maths coz they are my valentines. Oh I love them, yeah. So I'll buy Physics some white chocolate and Maths some dark chocloate. Envy me? I have two valentines, and I will spend half of the day with Physics and the other half with Maths.
  • #16

Originally posted by adrenaline
However, for valentines day (early present) my husband gave me a Ruger P94 .40 caliber autoloader and operates double or single action. We are going to go to the target range on valentine's day to shoot it.

Sounds like a great valentines day present, if only I had a girl who would buy me a gun for the holidays :frown:. So far I've found no other girl who likes WWII arsenal as much as I do (I can state statistics on various guns from the main allied/axis countries). Surely girls will like talent like that...? Maybe? Bah, that won't work, and now I am rambling. Time to go.
  • #17
We are so fun loving, you'd think we have friends OUTSIDE the internet lol

I would be interested in WWII statistics...however i am male - as my name suggests.

I wonder... anyone else have the inate ability to sort OTHER people's relationships out but they never have a partner/never last in a relationship. Seems such a typically Hollywood disease, but it happens in real life which is worrying.
  • #18

Originally posted by adrenaline
for valentines day (early present) my husband gave me a Ruger P94 .40 caliber autoloader and operates double or single action. We are going to go to the target range on valentine's day to shoot it.

Nothing says love like a handgun

Monique, are the stats what you expected? I never would have imagined this many people having dates. I was thinking cloesr towards 0.
  • #19
I just bought 2 tickets for a 3 hour cruise around Manhattan with food and dancing. I have nobody to take with me but I'm saving it for the future since the ticket lasts up to November 2005. Perhaps next Valentines, who knows..
  • #20
Originally posted by The_Professional
I just bought 2 tickets for a 3 hour cruise around Manhattan with food and dancing. I have nobody to take with me but I'm saving it for the future since the ticket lasts up to November 2005. Perhaps next Valentines, who knows..
That sounds wonderful, how romantic.
  • #21
Originally posted by Evo
That sounds wonderful, how romantic.

  • #22
The Professional has to make a professional job of it, that girl is going to feel like the luckiest person on earth.

Lol i previously offered to take this girl out but she won't be down for the weekend, and is going out with her dad for valentines day. hehe she can't decide if it is tragic or sweet that her dad is going to take her out. I COULD HAVE DONE THAT! [b(]
  • #23
Originally posted by jimmy p
Lol i previously offered to take this girl out but she won't be down for the weekend, and is going out with her dad for valentines day. hehe she can't decide if it is tragic or sweet that her dad is going to take her out. I COULD HAVE DONE THAT! [b(]
That's very SWEET, Chopnik. My dad took me out for a Valentine's dinner when my mom was in the hospital with pneumonia when I was in high school. It's a memory I treasure. If she's truly your Valentine, you could (QUICK! ) buy her a beanie bear with some pretty earrings attached to it's ears so she has something from YOU to wear on her date with her dad...

Just an idea...

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Hope you get CHOCOLATES!
  • #24
I risked my job for a girl just recently (if that counts as anything romantic) but as to answer the question...

Single, probably won't get noticed but I'm too busy with my Engineering Statistics course to give a damn in the first place.

Not only that, but Valentine's Day is commercialized. Why do you need one day to tell that someone that you care for them?
  • #25
Originally posted by Sting
Not only that, but Valentine's Day is commercialized. Why do you need one day to tell that someone that you care for them?
You don't, but it is a good excuse to take the night off and give some extra attention. Maybe rent a movie, make your favorite diner, go to that exibition you'd be wanting to go to.

I hate the commercialization, it is crazy.. this whole past week has been about nothing but valentine's day. The stores are full with these cheap cheezy gifts and stuff, the radio is going on non-stop about it, even the cafeteria has changed its menu the entire week to host the theme.

I just think it should be a day where you look each other in the face and feel comfortable. Not walking around frantically looking for the cheapest roze and a card.
  • #26
Originally posted by Monique
I just think it should be a day where you look each other in the face and feel comfortable. Not walking around frantically looking for the cheapest roze and a card.
Marry me?

- Warren
  • #27
Originally posted by Tsunami
That's very SWEET, Chopnik. My dad took me out for a Valentine's dinner when my mom was in the hospital with pneumonia when I was in high school. It's a memory I treasure. If she's truly your Valentine, you could (QUICK! ) buy her a beanie bear with some pretty earrings attached to it's ears so she has something from YOU to wear on her date with her dad...

Just an idea...

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Hope you get CHOCOLATES!

that's not the point, I WANTED TO TAKE HER OUT! I don't think she is really my valentine, she is certainly attractive but lives far away at the moment, i just planned it to be a vaguely romantic evening for two close friends who never go out on valentines day anyway...a break from the norm.
  • #28
Originally posted by jimmy p
The Professional has to make a professional job of it, that girl is going to feel like the luckiest person on earth.

Thank you
  • #29
I'm 17 and I still haven't had a girlfriend. I'm that kid in the movies who really likes a girl and ends up messing up every word he says to her and she ends up thinking he's an idot. Except I don't eventually get the girl like the kid in the movies does.
  • #30

I'm almost 45 and am celebrating on this Valentine's Day the anniversary of my most serious relationship. I look back to all of the women and girls I have rejected, mostly out of feeling inadequate. I've found that if you can establish a sense of fun and goodness with a woman, the rest follows naturally.

My mother used to claim that Valentine's Day was invented around the turn of the century by the card and candy companies.
  • #31
Hmm...You know this Valentines Day thing is a really odd phenomena. MOST people I know kinda use that old cliche that they really don't care about it but when the time comes, they get alll mushy and fuzzy and end up doing really "icky" (as a 5 year old will put it) stuff.

Aagh, that's just an observation.

Me - I, personally, am trying hard NOT to do anything on V-Day coz the girl I like and me aren't really close yet (and I'm broke and can't buy a prez...) As fate will have it, I will be forced to see her on Saturday so there's my plan blown (and the little money I had left!)

I was talking to my neighbour last nite and he gave me a very good suggestion - make a move AFTER V-day, IT'S CHEAPER!


FAQ: What Are the Statistics for Valentine's Day?

What are the statistics for Valentine's Day?

1. How many people celebrate Valentine's Day?

According to the National Retail Federation, approximately 55% of Americans celebrate Valentine's Day each year.

2. How much money is spent on Valentine's Day?

In 2020, Americans spent an estimated $27.4 billion on Valentine's Day, with an average of $196.31 per person.

3. What are the most popular gifts for Valentine's Day?

The most popular gifts for Valentine's Day include greeting cards, candy, flowers, and jewelry.

4. How many Valentine's Day cards are exchanged each year?

Approximately 145 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged each year, making it the second-largest holiday for giving greeting cards.

5. What is the percentage of people who buy gifts for their pets on Valentine's Day?

According to a survey by the National Retail Federation, 27% of Americans plan to buy gifts for their pets on Valentine's Day.

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