What Have I Been Missing on This Forum?

  • Thread starter Thrice
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the black hole that spawned the user's existence and how lucky the user is to have found it. The user advises the reader to stay on the board for a long time, as it will take a long time for the user to die. The user also advises the reader to be careful, as the user is a being that has the patience to last a thousand years. The user also mentions that if the reader does not advance in the mafia's importance, then the user's situation will worsen. Lastly, the user provides a cyclopse smilie and some waffles.
  • #1

I've been on this forum for like a month now & I can't believe I missed this place. Make some space. I need to sit down :-p
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  • #2
Welcome, enjoy, greetings, hi, hello, etc...you have discovered the black hole that spawned my existence. It is a priviliged place, and you are lucky to have found it. Few people in the world have come here to where I began, so enjoy the privilage. One day in the distant future you will remember this place, and be eternally gratefull that you were blessed to find it. Welcome, brother, welcome to my throne.
  • #3
Heh this forum kicks ass. I'm working through previous threads. That should keep me occupied for some time.
  • #4
Here's a time sink, read the entire Thread Killer Champion thread. You'll get a lot of laughs, a lot of wasted time, and at the end, a lot of very important information that is essential to life and the pursuit of happiness.
  • #5
Don't be that impatient! You have to stay here for so long and then we might let you to sit .:-p

Welcome to GD! :smile:

franzbear! said:
Welcome, brother, welcome to my throne.
  • #6
Lisa! said:
See my latest journal entry, all will be explained. In short, I am now an emporer, and have set up my thorne here as recognition to all the wonderful people who gave me life.
  • #7
Don't be afraid to stay in one board thrice, it took me several months before I found out PF had other than Physics (well it is called physicsforums).
  • #8
who let franzbear out again? seriously. put him back in his cage and throw away the key. After locking it.
  • #9
yomamma's changed its password! :rolleyes:
  • #10
It didn't work, I'm here again, and this time he can't hurt me! Yomamma failed, and continues to fail, in his effort to eradicate me, and no one can lock me up. I'm here to stay, get used to it. Nobody, nobody can get rid of me except for mentors, Greg and Chroot. Even then I will live even though I could no longer post here. Yomamma, I laugh at your feeble attempt to kill me, I laugh in your face! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #11
I think its time to slip greg a check for twenty grand...
  • #12
franznietzsche said:
I think its time to slip greg a check for twenty grand...
YESS! Not many people are worth twenty-grand to eliminate, that's quite a privilige! How much further annoyence will it take to bump it up another hundred thousand? :biggrin:
  • #13
franzbaer said:
YESS! Not many people are worth twenty-grand to eliminate, that's quite a privilige! How much further annoyence will it take to bump it up another hundred thousand? :biggrin:
Well, laundered mafia money is cheap afterall.
  • #14
You think that, until you realize that you're playing with fire, and the merest slip will result in a painful death. Then you become slightly paranoid, but still enjoy the money. As time goes on, if you do not advance in the mafia's importance, then the paranioa grows, until it consumes your life, ridding you of the very joy you sought to gain. If you do advance in the mafia your situatiuon only worsens as you go from playing with fire to juggling loaded guns. All I have to do is sit back and wait franznietzsche, wait for your doom to come on black, criminal wings.
  • #15
franzbaer said:
You think that, until you realize that you're playing with fire, and the merest slip will result in a painful death. Then you become slightly paranoid, but still enjoy the money. As time goes on, if you do not advance in the mafia's importance, then the paranioa grows, until it consumes your life, ridding you of the very joy you sought to gain. If you do advance in the mafia your situatiuon only worsens as you go from playing with fire to juggling loaded guns. All I have to do is sit back and wait franznietzsche, wait for your doom to come on black, criminal wings.

Meh, I'm indifferent.
  • #16
For now friend, for now. I have all eternity in which to wait, how long do you have? You are dealing with a being who has the patience to last a thousand years, while your lifetime is a mere four-score. I'll be young when your bones have rotted away, and I guarantee you that no matter how long it takes, I will be there to laugh at your demise. All because you didn't take my advice and leave the mafia while you still could.
  • #17
You're not franzbear, period!
  • #18
Lisa! said:
You're not franzbear, period!

Ditto .
  • #19

  • #20
Thrice said:
What is that supposed to be? A cyclopse smilie? Sideways breasts?

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