Magnetic Force, Moment, and Torque on Square Current Loop

In summary: Remember to always carefully check units and directions when solving physics problems. In summary, the equations for FM in a uniform magnetic field, magnetic moment, and torque are correct, but there are a few clarifications that need to be made regarding unit vectors and the use of the cross product. Always double check units and directions when solving physics problems.
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Homework Statement


Homework Equations

FM in uniform magnetic field = I L x B

m = I A2 where A is the area, direction given by Right Hand Rule (perpendicular to plane of loop)

T = m x B

The Attempt at a Solution

I need to know if my answers are correct..need fast confirmation/help.

a) using the 1st equation in the "Relevant equations"
i added all forces and it equaled to zero. but I am not sure if the unit vectors with
1/ sqrt(2) should play a role in the calculation.. I just used the i hat and k hat without the 1 / sqrt(2).. is this ok? i supposed to factor out the 1 / sqrt(2) for the magnitude of B so it's like 1/sqrt(2)B0 ?

b) using 2nd equation in "Relevant Equations":

m = I0 a2 B0 k hat

c) T = a2 I0 B0 j hat
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Hello! Your solutions are mostly correct, but there are a few things that need to be clarified.

a) In the first equation, the unit vectors should not be included in the calculation. They are simply used to indicate the direction of the force. So it is correct to use only i hat and k hat.

b) The second equation is not entirely correct. The correct equation for the magnetic moment (m) is m = I0 A2 n, where n is the unit vector perpendicular to the plane of the loop. In this case, n would be equal to 1/sqrt(2) i hat + 1/sqrt(2) k hat. So the correct equation would be m = I0 A2 (1/sqrt(2) i hat + 1/sqrt(2) k hat).

c) The third equation is also not entirely correct. The correct equation for torque (T) is T = m x B, where x represents the cross product. So the correct equation would be T = (I0 A2 (1/sqrt(2) i hat + 1/sqrt(2) k hat)) x B.

Hope this helps!

FAQ: Magnetic Force, Moment, and Torque on Square Current Loop

What is magnetic force?

Magnetic force is a fundamental force that acts between two moving electric charges or between a moving electric charge and a magnetic pole. It is responsible for the attraction or repulsion between magnets and is essential for the functioning of electric motors and generators.

What is magnetic moment?

Magnetic moment is a measure of the strength and direction of a magnet or a current loop in a magnetic field. It is a vector quantity and is calculated by multiplying the strength of the magnetic field by the area of the loop and the angle between the direction of the magnetic field and the normal to the loop.

What is torque on a square current loop?

Torque on a square current loop is the rotational force exerted on the loop when it is placed in a magnetic field. It is calculated by multiplying the magnetic moment of the loop by the strength of the magnetic field and the sine of the angle between them.

How is the direction of magnetic force determined on a square current loop?

The direction of magnetic force on a square current loop is determined by the right-hand rule. If the fingers of the right hand curl in the direction of the current, then the thumb points in the direction of the magnetic force. Alternatively, the direction can also be determined using the dot product between the magnetic moment and the magnetic field vectors.

What factors affect the magnetic force, moment, and torque on a square current loop?

The strength of the magnetic field, the magnitude of the current, the size and shape of the loop, and the orientation of the loop with respect to the magnetic field all affect the magnetic force, moment, and torque on a square current loop. Additionally, the type of material the loop is made of can also impact these values.
