Is con't fn maps compact sets to compact sets converse true?

In summary, the original question is whether the set S under the continuous map f: s belongs to R^n -> R is compact, and the answer is that it depends on the definition of compactness. If the set S is made up of the points on a line, then S is not compact, but if the set S is counted as a compact set, then S is compact.
  • #1
Is "con't fn maps compact sets to compact sets" converse true?

The question is here,
Suppose that the image of the set S under the continuous map f: s belongs to R^n ->R is compact, does it follow that the set S is compact? Justify your ans.

I already know how to prove the original thm, it requires us using another thm: Given S belongs to R^n, a belongs to S, and f: S->R^m, the following are equivalent:
a. f is con't at a.
b. For any {x_k}sequence in S that converges to a, the sequence {f(x_k)} converges to f(a).

If I need to prove the question on the top, I have to get the converse of this thm first.

And I see someone post a similar question before, please take a look as well:

"That f is continuous and that there is a continuous inverse, g, say.

So all we're doing is using the more basic fact that the continuous image of a compact set is compact.

Ie K compact implies f(K) compact, and f(K) compact imples gf(K)=K is compact."

Here, I agree this method, but I doubt this is not enough to prove my question, isn't it?
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  • #2

Indeed it is not enough to prove your assertion, as f may not have a continuous inverse. It may not have an inverse at all!

Do you think the converse is true or false? Have you tried looking for counter-examples?
  • #3

Think about the function f(x)= 0 for x any member of Rn.
  • #4

HallsofIvy said:
Think about the function f(x)= 0 for x any member of Rn.

you are right, but i still don't 100% get it.

my professor gave me a similar example, f(x)=c.

as you said, x can be any number, assume S={x_k}, f(S)=c, right?

but if a set is made up by the points on a line, say y=c, then this is not compact because it's not closed?
i am not sure here.
if the set of points on a line is counted to be a compact set, then you are right because {x_k} is not compact.

FAQ: Is con't fn maps compact sets to compact sets converse true?

1. What is the definition of a compact set?

A compact set is a subset of a metric space that is closed and bounded. This means that the set contains all of its limit points and has a finite diameter.

2. What does it mean for a function to map compact sets to compact sets?

This means that when a compact set is input into the function, the output will also be a compact set.

3. Is the converse true for all functions?

No, the converse is not always true. There are functions that may map compact sets to compact sets, but not all functions will.

4. Can you provide an example of a function that does not map compact sets to compact sets?

Yes, the function f(x) = 1/x does not map compact sets to compact sets. For example, the set [0,1] is compact, but its image under this function is the set (1, infinity), which is not compact.

5. How is the concept of compact sets related to continuity?

A function is continuous if and only if the inverse image of every open set is open. Compact sets are related to continuity because a continuous function will map compact sets to compact sets. This is known as the Heine-Borel theorem.

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