Position expectation value of a particle in a box

It is only when the distribution is symmetric that the most probable value is equal to the expectation value.
  • #1
I have calculated the expectation value of a particle in a box of width a to be a/2. The wavefunction of the particle is:

[tex]N Sin(k_n x) Exp[-i \frac{E_n t}{\hbar}][/tex]

Now, in the first excited state with [tex]k_n[/tex] equal to [tex]2\pi / a[/tex] the position probability density peaks at a/4 and 3a/4 but is zero at a/2! But the expectation value is still given by a/2 because it is still the average value of the position. How can it be that the expectation value of the position is illegal (position probability equal to zero)? I thought the position expectation value was the position where the particle was most likely to be found?

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  • #2
The expectation value of an observable in a QM state is the weighted average of all the values you could obtain when measuring the variable. It is not, itself, necessarily a value that you could measure that observable to be.

Let's take a simpler example to illustrate this. If we call the eigenstates that you've listed [tex]\Psi_n[/tex], we can see that any linear combination of these will also satisfy the Schroedinger Equation.

In particular, we can choose a state like [tex]\Psi = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (\Psi_1 + \Psi_2)[/tex]. (You can check to make sure this is properly normalized.)

If we take the energy expectation value of [tex]\Psi[/tex], we find that [tex]\langle E \rangle = \frac{E_1 + E_2}{2}[/tex]. This is certainly not an energy eigenvalue of the system; so it isn't an energy you would ever measure the system to have. Instead, what this represents is that, were the system in the state I describe, half of the times you measured the energy you would get [tex]E_1[/tex] and the other half you would get [tex]E_2[/tex].

Taking this kind of reasoning back to your example, we see that the natural interpretation for the expectation value of position is that it is the point at which there is equal probability of the particle being observed to either side. That is, half the times you measure the particle's position and don't find it to be at [tex]\langle x \rangle[/tex] it will be to the left of [tex]\langle x \rangle[/tex], and the other half it will be to the right.
  • #3
Expectations are really what the average measure value would be if you made measurements on an ensemble of many, many identically prepared systems.
  • #4
Repetit said:
How can it be that the expectation value of the position is illegal (position probability equal to zero)? I thought the position expectation value was the position where the particle was most likely to be found?

This has nothing to do with quantum theory per se:
What is the expectation value of the value of rolling a fair dice (with faces 1,2,3,4,5, and 6) ?

  • #5
Repetit said:
I have calculated the expectation value of a particle in a box of width a to be a/2. The wavefunction of the particle is:

[tex]N Sin(k_n x) Exp[-i \frac{E_n t}{\hbar}][/tex]

Now, in the first excited state with [tex]k_n[/tex] equal to [tex]2\pi / a[/tex] the position probability density peaks at a/4 and 3a/4 but is zero at a/2! But the expectation value is still given by a/2 because it is still the average value of the position. How can it be that the expectation value of the position is illegal (position probability equal to zero)? I thought the position expectation value was the position where the particle was most likely to be found?


No, the expectation value is NOT the most likely outcome. It is simply the *average* outcome.

A striking is example is the following: consider tossing a coin and let's assign a value of 1 to the head side and a value of 2 to the tail side. Assume that the coin is fair (both sides are equally probable). The expectation value after N tosses is (N_1 + 2 N_2)/(N_1 +N_2) where N_1 is the number of heads and N_2 is the number of tails. Unless all tosses are heads or they are all tails, it is clear that the expectation value is somewhere between 1 and 2, and it is clear that as N goes to infinity, the expectation value approaches 1.5. All this is true even though th eonly possible outcomes are 1 or 2!

This is a striking example because the distribution is discrete (50% of the time the result is 1 and 50% of the time it is 2). But even with continuous distributions, one can end up with the result that the expectation value is none of the possible measurements, as in your example where the expectation value correspond to a result which is never obtained.

Even if a probability distribution is nonzero everywhere so that all results are possible (think for example of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution), the expectation value is not necessarily equal to the most likely outcome. That is not the case for example for the MB distribution or even for the measurement of the radial position of an electron in the gorund state of hydrogen. That's because those distributions are not symmetric.

Hope this makes sense
  • #6
Hi Pat,

That's why I gave the example of the expectation value of a fair dice:
it is 3.5, which is not one of the obtainable values...
As such, I didn't need to assign a value to heads and tails.

FAQ: Position expectation value of a particle in a box

1. What is the position expectation value of a particle in a box?

The position expectation value of a particle in a box is a measure of the average position of the particle within the box. It is calculated by taking the integral of the position probability distribution function over the entire box.

2. How is the position expectation value related to the uncertainty principle?

The position expectation value and the uncertainty principle are related in that the uncertainty principle states that there is a limit to the precision with which we can simultaneously measure both the position and momentum of a particle. The position expectation value is the most probable position of the particle, but it does not tell us anything about the spread or uncertainty in the particle's position.

3. How does the position expectation value change as the size of the box changes?

The position expectation value is directly proportional to the size of the box. As the box size increases, the position expectation value also increases, meaning that the particle is more likely to be found at a larger position within the box. Likewise, as the box size decreases, the position expectation value decreases and the particle is more likely to be found at a smaller position within the box.

4. Can the position expectation value be negative?

No, the position expectation value cannot be negative. This is because it represents the average position of the particle within the box, and the position itself cannot be negative. However, the position expectation value can be zero if the particle is equally likely to be found at any position within the box.

5. How is the position expectation value affected by the energy of the particle?

The energy of the particle does not directly affect the position expectation value. However, the energy of the particle does affect the shape and behavior of the position probability distribution function, which in turn affects the position expectation value. For example, a higher energy particle will have a wider spread of possible positions, resulting in a larger position expectation value.
