Help uranium and plutonium costs

  • Thread starter brandy
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In summary, the cost of uranium 234 and plutonium 239 per kilogram can vary depending on factors such as enrichment and manufacturing costs. Natural uranium, which is primarily used in Candu reactors, currently has a world price of $60 US per pound or $132 per kg. Enriched uranium, which is used in most other reactors, can cost around $2000 per kg or more due to the cost of enrichment. Plutonium is not openly sold due to its toxic nature and its main application in building nuclear weapons. However, it can be produced in reactors and its price is difficult to determine as it is not a traded commodity.
  • #1
im so desperate. i can not find anything on the costs of uranium 234 and plutonium 239 per kilogram. please help me.

also if anyone has any information on the detonation/trigger/aftermath on the bombs 'little boy' of hiroshima and 'fat man' of nagasaki.

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  • #2
I'm pretty sure they don't sell these kind of materials very openly o_O. And Did you mean U-235?.
  • #3
brandy said:
im so desperate. i can not find anything on the costs of uranium 234 and plutonium 239 per kilogram. please help me.
Uranium is sold as U3O8. The world price for U3O8 is currently about $60 US per pound or $132 per kg. This is natural uranium which has about .7% U235 and 99.3% U238.

Candu reactors use natural U (processed into UO2. Most other reactors use lightly enriched U. Enrichment is expensive. The price of enriched U depends on the level of enrichment. To make 1 kg of U enriched to 5% U235 you need 7 kg of natural U. Then you have to factor in the cost of enrichment which I think is about 2 SWU per percent of enrichment at about $100 per SWU. To enrich to 5% you would have to spend another $1000 per kg on top of the cost of the U, so now you are up to about $2000 per kg. before manufacturing costs. I am guessing it is at least $3000 per kg including manufacturing, but that is just a guess.

No one sells Pu. It does not occur naturally in any signficant quantities because it has a relatively short (in geological time) half life of 24,000 years. It is produced in reactors. But it is difficult to separate out the Pu239 from the U, fission products and heavier elements. It can be done but it is not permitted by law in the U.S.

  • #4
.. and with good reason!
Pu is unbelievably toxic. Radioactive enough to force users to keep their well shielded distance; and contamination by even a tiny amount (micrograms) will do damage and cause cancers.
  • #5
GTrax said:
Pu is unbelievably toxic.
The toxicity of Pu is exagerated, don't breath in dust of it but compared to something really nasty like uncooked fish or a rusty nail it's child's play.

Radioactive enough to force users to keep their well shielded distance; and contamination by even a tiny amount (micrograms) will do damage and cause cancers.
It's only an alpha emitter so well-shielded would require a sheet of newspaper.
A few micrograms in the correct form in the lungs gives a few % increase in cancer risk.

It's not widely sold because it's only real application is in building nuclear weapons, personal use of nuclear weapons doesn't seem to be covered by the 2nd ammendment.
  • #6
im not making a bomb. i have to DESIGN one and find out details about cost and things for school.
  • #7
The best resource is probably

It is difficult to set a price for Pu since it is not exactly a traded commodity
You could take the total budget of the dept of energy over the last 50years and divide by the total stockpile!
  • #8

Andrew Mason said:
To enrich to 5% you would have to spend another $1000 per kg on top of the cost of the U, so now you are up to about $2000 per kg. before manufacturing costs.
This is not quite correct. Since depleted U is still about .2% U235, 7 kg of raw U would yield 1 kg. of 3.5% U235. Enriching 1 Kg of U235 to 5% requires 10 kg of raw U.


FAQ: Help uranium and plutonium costs

1. What is the difference between uranium and plutonium?

Uranium and plutonium are both radioactive, metallic elements that are commonly used in nuclear power plants. However, they have different properties and uses. Uranium is a naturally occurring element that is primarily used to fuel nuclear reactors. Plutonium, on the other hand, is a man-made element that is created by bombarding uranium with neutrons. It is used as both a fuel and an explosive in nuclear weapons.

2. How are the costs of uranium and plutonium determined?

The costs of uranium and plutonium are determined by a variety of factors, including supply and demand, production costs, and government regulations. The prices of these elements can also fluctuate based on geopolitical events and market conditions.

3. Why are the costs of uranium and plutonium important?

The costs of uranium and plutonium are important because they have a significant impact on the economics of nuclear power. As these elements are used as fuel in nuclear reactors, their costs can affect the overall cost of producing electricity from nuclear energy. In addition, the costs of uranium and plutonium can also impact the development and proliferation of nuclear weapons.

4. How do the costs of uranium and plutonium affect the environment?

The costs of uranium and plutonium can have both positive and negative effects on the environment. On one hand, nuclear power plants can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. However, the production and mining of uranium and plutonium can also have negative impacts on the environment, such as water pollution and radioactive waste disposal issues.

5. Can the costs of uranium and plutonium be reduced?

Yes, the costs of uranium and plutonium can be reduced through various means, such as improving production processes, increasing efficiency, and investing in alternative sources of energy. Additionally, government regulations and policies can also play a role in controlling the costs of these elements. However, the reduction of costs must also be balanced with safety and environmental concerns.
