Calculating Torque of a String Attached to an Iron Bar

This distance should be 0.4m, not 0.8m. In summary, to calculate the torque produced by the tension in the string, we can use the formula T=F*s*sin, where F is the force, s is the moment arm, and sin is the sine of the angle between the force and the moment arm. In this problem, since the pivot is at one end of the bar and the string is attached at the center of mass, the moment arm is 0.4m. Using the given values of 1.2m for the length of the bar and 35 degrees for the angle, we can calculate the torque to be 5.402 N*m. Both formulas for torque are actually
  • #1
There is a 0.8m long, 1.2 iron bar with a string attached to the center, making a 35 degree angle (from the bar). Calculate the torque produced by the tension in the string. A pivot at one end holds the bar, and the string is attached at the bar's center, which is the center of mass.

I'm confused because my book gave me two formulas for torque. Which one is right for this problem?

= (1.2 * 9.81) (0.8) (sin35)
= 5.402 N*m

= (1.2*9.81)(0.4)
= 4.7088 N*m
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  • #2
Well both formulas are infact identical. In the second one, you were probably missing the little perpendicular to sign as a subscript. That indicates that you only multiply the perpendicular component. Which is exactly what the first formula does (the sin35 will yield only the perpendicular component). With that being said, in this situation it would be better to use the first formula (since the moment arm and the force are not perpendicular). However, you seem to have made a small mistake. Remember, the moment arm is the distance in between the rotation axis and the force vector.
  • #3

Both formulas for torque are correct, but they are used in different situations. The first formula, T=F*s*sin, is used when the force is not applied perpendicular to the lever arm (in this case, the distance from the pivot to the point where the force is applied). The second formula, T=Fr, is used when the force is applied perpendicular to the lever arm. In this problem, since the string is attached at the center of mass of the bar, the force is applied perpendicular to the lever arm, so the second formula should be used. However, if the string was attached at a different angle, the first formula may need to be used. It is important to understand the differences between the two formulas and when to use them. In this case, using the second formula, the torque produced by the tension in the string is 4.7088 N*m.

FAQ: Calculating Torque of a String Attached to an Iron Bar

1. What is torque?

Torque is a measure of the force that causes an object to rotate about an axis. It is a combination of the force applied and the distance from the axis of rotation.

2. How do you calculate the torque of a string attached to an iron bar?

To calculate the torque of a string attached to an iron bar, you need to multiply the force applied to the string by the distance from the point of application of the force to the axis of rotation. This can be represented by the equation: Torque = Force x Distance.

3. What units are used to measure torque?

Torque is typically measured in units of Newton-meters (Nm) in the metric system, or foot-pounds (ft-lb) in the imperial system.

4. How does the angle of the string affect the torque of the iron bar?

The angle of the string affects the torque by changing the distance from the point of application of the force to the axis of rotation. The greater the angle, the longer the distance and therefore the greater the torque.

5. What factors can affect the torque of a string attached to an iron bar?

The factors that can affect the torque of a string attached to an iron bar include the force applied to the string, the distance from the point of application of the force to the axis of rotation, and the angle of the string. Additionally, the mass and length of the iron bar can also affect the torque.
