Can a professor teach at more than one university?

In summary, the conversation discusses a professor who teaches at four different campuses, three for one university and one for another. The speaker mentions that this is not uncommon, providing an example of professors who belong to the University of London and tend to travel frequently due to teaching courses for the entire university. It is also mentioned that this professor could potentially be an adjunct professor at the different campuses. Additionally, there is a question about the timing of the classes mentioned on a website.
  • #1
I checked my prof on ratemyprof and he apparently teaches at 4 different campuses: 3 campuses for one university and at another campus for another university.

How does that work?
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  • #2
He has a busy schedule.
  • #3
I know a prof in the UK who teaches courses in both London and Singapore. But he spends a whole term (semester) in one place, he doesn't fly back and forth every week.
  • #4
This is at all unusual.
A good example is professors who belong to the Universty of London (which includes nearly all colleges in London except Imperial). They tend to travel quite a lot since many (most) 4th year and graduate courses are given by UL as a whole.
Moreover, many who have reached the "level" of professor are also visiting professors at other universities, sometimes this is a nearby university but quite frequently it is in another country.

So the answer is lots of travelling...
  • #5
ainster31 said:
I checked my prof on ratemyprof and he apparently teaches at 4 different campuses: 3 campuses for one university and at another campus for another university.

How does that work?

Is that person a tenured professor at a particular university?

He could be simply an adjunct professor at those places and he's employed simply to teach.

  • #6
ainster31 said:
I checked my prof on ratemyprof and he apparently teaches at 4 different campuses: 3 campuses for one university and at another campus for another university.

How does that work?

Does that site specifically state when the class was taught? He may have taught in several places, but maybe not all at the same time.

FAQ: Can a professor teach at more than one university?

1. Can a professor teach at more than one university?

Yes, it is possible for a professor to teach at more than one university. This is known as holding a dual appointment or having a joint appointment.

2. Are there any limitations on a professor teaching at multiple universities?

There may be limitations depending on the specific universities and their policies. Some universities may not allow their professors to hold a dual appointment, while others may have restrictions on the number of courses or percentage of time a professor can devote to teaching at another institution.

3. How does a professor get a dual appointment at multiple universities?

A professor typically needs to apply for a dual appointment at each university separately. They may need to provide a CV, teaching evaluations, and other materials to demonstrate their qualifications and expertise. The approval process may also involve the department or faculty at each university.

4. Is it common for professors to teach at more than one university?

It is not uncommon for professors to hold dual appointments, especially in fields where there is high demand for their expertise. This allows them to expand their academic network and potentially increase their research collaborations and opportunities for professional development.

5. What are the benefits of a professor teaching at more than one university?

Some potential benefits of holding a dual appointment include expanding their teaching and research opportunities, networking with colleagues at different institutions, and potentially increasing their income. It can also bring diversity to their teaching experience and allow them to contribute to different academic communities. However, it is important for a professor to carefully consider their workload and responsibilities at each university to ensure they can maintain a high level of performance and avoid burnout.

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