What is the second law of thermodynamics

In summary, the Second Law of Thermodynamics has two main statements - the entropic statement and Clausius' statement. They are connected through the concept of entropy and state that in a thermally isolated system, the total entropy can never decrease. However, in real-world situations, this law is modified to account for systems that are not completely isolated.
  • #1

The second law has various forms. I shall give these here then show how they are logically connected.

Entropic Statement of the Second Law:

There exists an additive function of thermodynamic state called entropy which never decreases for a thermally isolated system.

Clausius' Statement of the Second Law:

No process exists in which heat is transferred from a cold body to a less cold body in such a way that the constraints on the bodies remain unaltered and the thermodynamic state of the rest of the universe does not change.


[tex]\Delta S_{tot} = \Delta S_{sys} + \Delta S_{surr} \geq 0 [/tex]

Extended explanation

The entropic statement of the second law requires that systems are thermally isolated. This is rarely the case and so the second law becomes:

[tex]\Delta S_{tot} = \Delta S_{sys} + \Delta S_{surr} \geq 0 [/tex]

Thermodynamic processes can be reversible and so [itex] \Delta S_{sys}[/itex] can be < 0.

Lets consider the transfer of heat from body B to body A in such a way that the constraints on those two bodies never change.

From the second law:

[tex] dS_{tot} = dS_A+dS_B = \left(\frac{\partial S_A}{\partial E_A}\right)_{PV}dE_A + \left(\frac{\partial S_B}{\partial E_B}\right)_{PV} dE_B[/tex]


[tex] dS_{tot} = \left[\left(\frac{\partial S_A}{\partial E_A}\right)_{PV} -\left(\frac{\partial S_B}{\partial E_B}\right)_{PV}\right]dq_A \geq 0 [/tex]

where, [itex] dq_A = - dq_B[/itex], from the first law. Also the work is zero since [itex]P[/itex] and [itex]V[/itex] don't change.

We now define the coldness of a body to be:

[tex] \frac{1}{T} = \left(\frac{\partial S}{\partial E}\right)_{PV}[/tex]

and thus:

[tex] \left(\frac{1}{T_A} - \frac{1}{T_B} \right) dq_A \geq 0 [/tex]

So for [itex] dq_A > 0 [/itex] we must have:

[tex] \frac{1}{T_B} < \frac{1}{T_A}[/tex]

Body B must be less cold than body A and we conclude Clausius' statement of the second law.

* This entry is from our old Library feature. If you know who wrote it, please let us know so we can attribute a writer. Thanks!
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Likes Jared Edington
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
This is a great explanation of the Second Law, both in its entropic and Clausius' statements. It's very clearly laid out and makes the logical connection between the two statements easy to understand. Thank you for sharing this!

FAQ: What is the second law of thermodynamics

1. What is the second law of thermodynamics?

The second law of thermodynamics is a fundamental law of physics that states that the total entropy of a closed system will never decrease over time. In simple terms, it means that the natural tendency of a system is to move towards a state of disorder or randomness.

2. What is the difference between the first and second law of thermodynamics?

The first law of thermodynamics is the law of energy conservation, which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converted from one form to another. The second law is concerned with the direction of energy flow and the inevitable increase in entropy that occurs in natural processes.

3. How does the second law of thermodynamics relate to everyday life?

The second law of thermodynamics can be observed in many everyday phenomena, such as the cooling of a hot cup of coffee, the rusting of iron, or the decay of food. In all of these cases, energy is being converted from a more ordered state to a less ordered one, increasing the overall entropy of the system.

4. Can the second law of thermodynamics be violated?

No, the second law of thermodynamics is a fundamental law of nature and has never been observed to be violated. It is a universal principle that applies to all physical systems and processes.

5. How is the second law of thermodynamics applied in engineering and technology?

The second law of thermodynamics is an important concept in engineering and technology, as it helps engineers design efficient systems and processes. For example, the efficiency of a car engine is limited by the second law, as some energy is inevitably lost as heat. Engineers use the principles of thermodynamics to minimize these losses and improve the overall efficiency of their designs.
