What Are the Signs of a Weakening Sisterhood in a Group?

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary, the Sisterhood is struggling to keep together as the members get older and wiser, but they hope to revive their tradition in the summer with a new lighter slogan and a new focus on quality over quantity. They also plan to bring in new members and spies for their Rush week party.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
It used to be quite strong, but i guess as the members get older and wiser
the links break, it is a shame as i used to enjoy their antics, may be a new sisterhood will arise from the ashes.
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  • #2
Where do you get such ideas, Wolly? Don't you know we are doing Spring training right now? We just got the new rifles in last week, and that's been keeping everyone pretty occupied. Plus, we're trying to decide on some new habits for the summer.
  • #3
Math Is Hard said:
Plus, we're trying to decide on some new habits for the summer.
What's wrong with the old Kevlar ones you've always used ?

Are you changing your slogan as well (from "These old habits are hard to break")?
  • #4
Gokul43201 said:
What's wrong with the old Kevlar ones you've always used ?

Are you changing your slogan as well (from "These old habits are hard to break")?
<snark> :smile: :smile: :smile: *slaps knee*

We need something more lightweight for summer. Like this:

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  • #5
Math Is Hard said:
Where do you get such ideas, Wolly? Don't you know we are doing Spring training right now? We just got the new rifles in last week, and that's been keeping everyone pretty occupied. Plus, we're trying to decide on some new habits for the summer.

I have been reading that females should be good sharp shooters, something to do with upper body mass absobing recoil, although the science escaped me.
  • #6
The Sisterhood is as strong as ever!

Tsu's just been busy burning all those trees down. We do need to spruce up the Supersonic RV and go for another ride. We need Recon though. That girl needs to get her nose out of those books for awhile.

I remember this trip... Knock, knock, knock

Gokul -:smile: :smile:

Oooh, MIH, I vote for that one. :smile:
  • #7
Math Is Hard said:
<snark> :smile: :smile: :smile: *slaps knee*

We need something more lightweight for summer. Like this:


:!) :!)

Ooh la la!
  • #8
wolram said:
It used to be quite strong, but i guess as the members get older and wiser
the links break, it is a shame as i used to enjoy their antics, may be a new sisterhood will arise from the ashes.
Oh I thought all of them are since they don't accept young girls in hood!:confused:
  • #9
Well the sisterhood is a whimpy shadow of what it used to be, i bet you can not field more than three or four members?
  • #10
Well, the "sisters" are Me, Tsu, MIH, Moonbear, SOS & hypatia, "neices" are Recon, Gale, Lisa! and Honestrosewater
  • #11
Oh I myself didn't know that! :cool:
  • #12
Can I be the cross-dressing "aunt" who smells of booze and is avoided by everyone?
  • #13
dav2008 said:
Can I be the cross-dressing "aunt" who smells of booze and is avoided by everyone?
Oooh, yes, we need one of those!
  • #14
I am bringing Larkspur and TheSwerve to the next Sisterhood "Rush" party. It would not be bad to add a couple of photographers to our group. They would make excellent spies. :approve:
  • #15
Evo said:
Oooh, yes, we need one of those!
I can't believe we've managed this long without one!
  • #16
Evo said:
Well, the "sisters" are Me, Tsu, MIH, Moonbear, SOS & hypatia, "neices" are Recon, Gale, Lisa! and Honestrosewater
Yep, hardly enought to field a basket ball team, you fems are just so under
representated, i guess the the blonds win.
  • #17
wolram said:
Yep, hardly enought to field a basket ball team, you fems are just so under
representated, i guess the the blonds win.

Agreed. Clearly we need a new Cosa Nostra-esque clan to take over. They've grown weak.
  • #18
Do I have to tell you again that quality is more important than quantity? :devil:
  • #19
Is Monique the French foreign exchange sister?
  • #20
Lisa! said:
Do I have to tell you again that quality is more important than quantity? :devil:

Blondie, :smile:
  • #21
Math Is Hard said:
I am bringing Larkspur and TheSwerve to the next Sisterhood "Rush" party. It would not be bad to add a couple of photographers to our group. They would make excellent spies. :approve:
I think we might be able to groom SimplySolitary for nomination soon enough too. Have to check on their shoe sizes to find out if they'll qualify for full membership or as nieces.
  • #22
Moonbear said:
I think we might be able to groom SimplySolitary for nomination soon enough too. Have to check on their shoe sizes to find out if they'll qualify for full membership or as nieces.

Times are tought, maybe in a bazillion years you fems will have reached,our level :smile: :smile:
  • #23
Let's not forget our Mother Superior, Nereid. Then's there's Adrenaline.

Monique and Kerrie qualify due to their shoe size, (IIRC).
  • #24
Math Is Hard said:
We need something more lightweight for summer. Like this:
Yes, I think that one would do. Though, perhaps with a strappy sandal rather than those pumps. I don't want to have to wear stockings in the summer. Is the bikini wax party planned for Rush week? :biggrin:
  • #25
Math Is Hard said:
I am bringing Larkspur and TheSwerve to the next Sisterhood "Rush" party. It would not be bad to add a couple of photographers to our group. They would make excellent spies. :approve:

And I've got a seesaw, which can also be used as a catapult or even as a mode of transportation.:-p


  • #26
0TheSwerve0 said:
And I've got a seesaw, which can also be used as a catapult or even as a mode of transportation.:-p
Ha! Such a naive girl. You'll never make the sisterhood with a seesaw. Our sisterhood is more fond of acitvities like this: Surely these people will do a good deed for the nun
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  • #27
Math Is Hard said:
I am bringing Larkspur and TheSwerve to the next Sisterhood "Rush" party. It would not be bad to add a couple of photographers to our group. They would make excellent spies. :approve:

Sign me up! I'll bring my camera. Anybody got a six pack to bring?

  • #28
larkspur said:
Sign me up! I'll bring my camera. Anybody got a six pack to bring?

Ooh la la! :!) I think you've got a really good chance of a unanimous vote for membership. :biggrin:
  • #29
I have been busy , fine tuning the RV. We now have satellite internet, a ice maker and mini hot tub/spa!
  • #30
hypatia said:
I have been busy , fine tuning the RV. We now have satellite internet, a ice maker and mini hot tub/spa!
Woo hoo! See, Woolie was all worried for nothing. We just press the alert button, and the sisters all return. :biggrin:
  • #31
This thread is even more pointless than my threads
  • #32
Evo said:
The Sisterhood is as strong as ever!

Tsu's just been busy burning all those trees down. We do need to spruce up the Supersonic RV and go for another ride. We need Recon though. That girl needs to get her nose out of those books for awhile.

I remember this trip... Knock, knock, knock

Gokul -:smile: :smile:

Oooh, MIH, I vote for that one. :smile:

Bite my shorts, Wooly. As Evo says we're as strong as ever and I've recently gained MUCH experience with my chain saw and bonfire materials - so unless you want REAL trouble, you'll back off of this Sisterhood is Weakening thingy you've got goin' on here. OK??

You're right, Sis. That WAS a great trip! :smile: We got to plan another one soon. Who lives where we might want to go next? :biggrin:

Hey! Maybe we should go see Recon! I've always wanted to see Brunei! :biggrin: I haven't heard from her in AGES! What's she up to these days?
  • #33
yomamma said:
This thread is even more pointless than my threads

NOTHING is quite THAT pointless...:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #34
Tsu said:
Bite my shorts, Wooly. As Evo says we're as strong as ever and I've recently gained MUCH experience with my chain saw and bonfire materials - so unless you want REAL trouble, you'll back off of this Sisterhood is Weakening thingy you've got goin' on here. OK??

I think this is clearly a desperate play for power. As woolie said, the sisterhood is weak. Time for the rest of PF to rise up in rebelion! Carpe Diem!
  • #35
Tsu said:
Bite my shorts, Wooly. As Evo says we're as strong as ever and I've recently gained MUCH experience with my chain saw and bonfire materials
Excellent! :devil:
You're right, Sis. That WAS a great trip! :smile: We got to plan another one soon. Who lives where we might want to go next? :biggrin:
ROAD TRIP! (Well, we'll sometimes touch down on road to refuel.)

Hey! Maybe we should go see Recon! I've always wanted to see Brunei! :biggrin: I haven't heard from her in AGES! What's she up to these days?
Don't know where she's been, but Brunei sounds like a good RV trip location! :biggrin:

I'm thinking we need to bring both larkspur and TheSwerve along...that six pack would go really well with the see-saw as in-flight entertainment. :biggrin: :devil: :blushing: