Which grows faster as x-> infinity? ln(x^2+4) or x-5?

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In summary, when comparing x-5 and ln(x^2+4), x-5 grows faster because exponential growth dominates polynomial growth as x approaches infinity. This can be seen by comparing x and ln(x^2), with x growing at the same speed as ln(e^x), which is faster than x^2.
  • #1
which grows faster as x--> infinity? ln(x^2+4) or x-5?

so using L'H rule i got lim as x-->infinity of [ln(x2+4)]/(x-5) = [2x/(x2+4)]/1 = 2x/(x2+4) then using L'H rule again i got 2/2x, then again i 0/2 = 0.

So, does that mean that x-5 grows faster? And why?
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  • #2

You were actually only supposed to (and allowed to) apply L'hopital's rule once. It is obvious that 2x/(x^2 + 4) tends to 0 as x tends to infinity.

Well, polynomial growth dominates logarithmic growth. This should be clear in even the simplest case where you compare x and log(x).
  • #3

why are you only allowed to apply L'H rule one time?
  • #4

Actually in this case it did not matter, and L'Hopital's rule could be applied again. However, if the limit can be computed without L'Hopital's rule, it's sometimes better to do without L'Hopital since you may overlook the hypotheses and try to apply it again incorrectly (this is probably not a big problem on second thought since most people have the 0/0, inf/inf cases ingrained in their heads).
  • #5

snipez90 said:
Actually in this case it did not matter, and L'Hopital's rule could be applied again. However, if the limit can be computed without L'Hopital's rule, it's sometimes better to do without L'Hopital since you may overlook the hypotheses and try to apply it again incorrectly (this is probably not a big problem on second thought since most people have the 0/0, inf/inf cases ingrained in their heads).

Doesn't the proof for l'Hospital's rule required the limit of f(x)/g(x) to be 0/0 or ∞/∞?
  • #6

x-5 does indeed grow faster than ln(x^2+4). The reason is that an exponential function grows more rapidly than all polynomial functions (as x->inf).

Don't worry about the constants (-5 and 4) in the expressions, they are of no consequence. So, the comparison is x vs. ln(x^2)

Now let's compare x vs. ln(e^x) = x. They grow at the same speed. Since e^x grows faster than x^2, then ln(x^2) must grow slower than ln(e^x)=x.

An intuitive, and non-rigorous proof.

FAQ: Which grows faster as x-> infinity? ln(x^2+4) or x-5?

1. What is the limit of ln(x^2+4) as x approaches infinity?

The limit of ln(x^2+4) as x approaches infinity is infinity. This can be seen by the fact that as x gets larger, ln(x^2+4) also gets larger, approaching infinity.

2. What is the limit of x-5 as x approaches infinity?

The limit of x-5 as x approaches infinity is also infinity. This can be seen by the fact that as x gets larger, x-5 also gets larger, approaching infinity.

3. Which function grows faster as x approaches infinity, ln(x^2+4) or x-5?

Both functions grow at the same rate as x approaches infinity, since their limits are both infinity. Therefore, they can be considered equivalent in terms of growth rate.

4. How can you prove that ln(x^2+4) and x-5 have the same growth rate as x approaches infinity?

One way to prove this is to use the L'Hopital's rule, which states that if the limit of a function as x approaches infinity is infinity, then the limit of its derivative as x approaches infinity is also infinity. In this case, both ln(x^2+4) and x-5 have a derivative of 2x, which also approaches infinity as x approaches infinity.

5. Can you provide a visual representation of the growth rate of ln(x^2+4) and x-5 as x approaches infinity?

Yes, a graph of both functions shows that they have the same growth rate as x approaches infinity. Both functions have an asymptote at y=infinity, indicating that their values increase without bound as x gets larger. Additionally, the two curves have similar shapes, further demonstrating their equivalent growth rates.

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