Understanding the Probability of Rolling 4 of a Kind in Yahtzee

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In summary, the probability of getting a Yahtzee in 3 rolls is: C(6,2) * C(2,1) =
  • #1

I'm confused as to what is the probability of rolling 4 of a kind in one roll, in Yahtzee. I'm thinking its simply C(6,2) * C(2,1), which gives a probability of [tex]\frac{30}{6^5} = \frac{5}{1296}[/tex] . However, most of the sources I have seen regarding this outcome give a probability of [tex]\frac{25}{1296}[/tex] , which is five times greater than what I have. What is the correct way to go about this?

Thanks a ton
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  • #2
You have consideerd only one order of dice. There are several orders of dice, so the probability is greater C(5,1) greater.

The probability of gettting 2,3 is the same as getting 5,5 if you consider order. If you don't the probability is greater than getting 5,5.
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  • #3
first of all, thank you very much for replying

now, that's exactly what i thought at first. However, my teacher told me to consider the calculations without order, hence utilising combinations, not permutations. So I found out that in total, there are [tex]C(6,1)^5 = 6^5 [/tex] possible combinations of faces. Proceeding in the same manner, there should be [tex] C(6,2)*C(2,1)*C(1,1)*C(1,1) = 30 [/tex] combinations for 4 of a kind. If we consider permutations, then the total number of ways one can get 4 of a kind is [tex] P(6,2)*P(2,1) = 60 [/tex] correct?

Please point out any flaws in the calculations above
  • #4
No actually there are 150 ways of getting a four of a kind. You HAVE to consider order. Take the following simple example:

The probability of getting a 2 and a 3 is greater than getting two fives if you DO NOT consider order. This is because the either die#1 can be a 2 and die#2 can be a 3 or die#2 can be a 3 and die#1 can be a 2.

So, for a four of a kind, it will be C(6,1) * C(5,4) * C(5,1) * C(1,1) = 150

If the calculation is not self-explanatory please let me know and I will elaborate.
  • #5
I see why we must consider order in this case, as the total number of outcomes possible is taken to be [tex]|S| = 6^5 [/tex]. And this number is inclusive of distinct arrangements, taking each arrangement to be a different element of set [tex] S [/tex]. Your example clearly shows why order is necessary.
However, I don't follow the mathematical product itself. I see the [tex] C(6,1) [/tex] as "pick anyone of the six elements of the die-face-set for the 1st position", and [tex] C(5,1) [/tex] as "pick any element distinct from that of the 1st position for the 2nd position". Now, where does the [tex] C(5,4) [/tex] come from? I'm thinking that if you have two distinct elements for the first two positions, then you have a choice of two elements for the third position and are forced to fill the rest of the positions with the same element as that of the third position. Nevertheless, I do see how there are 150 possibilities in all, since I like to see it as the different positions which could hold the single (5 in all) multiplied by [tex] C(6,2)*C(2,1) [/tex], which yields 150.

Pardon my inability to connect the mathematics to the game, but the only part I don't understand is the mathematical product.
  • #6
C(6,1) - choose a number from one to six
C(5,4) - pick 4 dice from your five and assign the number to them
C(5,1) - pick another number different from your initial choice
C(1,1) - pick the remaining die and assign the number to it.

Hope this clarifies.
  • #7
Thank you so much himurakenshin!
The muddy waters of my mind have thus become crystalline.

I am going to use your method to calculate the probability of getting a pair (and only a pair; a full house counts as a triple, and a double pair is still a pair, for my purposes). Once I have that, I can calculate the probability of getting a Yahtzee in 3 rolls, which was the original objective of my project.

FAQ: Understanding the Probability of Rolling 4 of a Kind in Yahtzee

1. What is Yahtzee Trouble?

Yahtzee Trouble is a game that combines elements of both Yahtzee and the classic board game Trouble. It is played on a board with a special layout that includes spaces for rolling dice, moving game pieces, and earning points. The objective is to be the first player to fill up the scorecard with points.

2. How many players can play Yahtzee Trouble?

Yahtzee Trouble is designed to be played with 2-4 players. However, variations of the game can be played with more or less players depending on the players' preferences.

3. What is the difference between Yahtzee Trouble and regular Yahtzee?

The main difference between Yahtzee Trouble and regular Yahtzee is the addition of the game board and the ability to move game pieces. In regular Yahtzee, players only focus on rolling dice and filling up their scorecard. In Yahtzee Trouble, players must also strategize their moves on the game board to earn points and hinder their opponents' progress.

4. Is Yahtzee Trouble suitable for all ages?

Yahtzee Trouble is recommended for ages 8 and up. Younger children may need assistance with the rules and scoring, but the game can still be enjoyed by players of all ages.

5. Can you customize the game rules for Yahtzee Trouble?

Yes, players can customize the game rules to their liking. Some common variations include changing the number of dice rolled or the number of game pieces per player. Players can also create their own set of rules to add more complexity or simplicity to the game.

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