What is this called and does anyone know more of these?

  • Thread starter quddusaliquddus
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In summary, scientific names, also known as binomial names, are used to uniquely identify and classify organisms. They are created using a standardized system called binomial nomenclature and can change over time due to new research or evidence.
  • #1
What are mythologies (esp., about Gods) that contain scientific phenomenon (esp. astronomy) called? Does anyone know some of these? Does anyone know any good links on these?

Thanks. :biggrin:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3

This is called the study of mythologies and their connection to scientific phenomenon, particularly in the field of astronomy. It is a fascinating area of research that explores how ancient civilizations used myths and stories to explain natural phenomena they observed in the sky. Some examples of mythologies that contain scientific elements include Greek and Roman mythology, Egyptian mythology, and Native American mythology. As for specific links or resources on this topic, a quick internet search using keywords such as "mythologies and astronomy" or "scientific elements in mythology" should provide plenty of information and resources. Additionally, there are many books and articles written on this subject by scholars and experts in the field. Happy researching!

FAQ: What is this called and does anyone know more of these?

1. What is this called?

This is called a scientific name or a binomial name.

2. Does anyone know more of these?

Yes, there are many scientists and experts who specialize in different fields and have extensive knowledge on various organisms and scientific concepts.

3. How are scientific names created?

Scientific names are created using a standardized system called binomial nomenclature, which was developed by Carolus Linnaeus in the 18th century. It involves two parts - the genus and the species name, which together form the unique scientific name for a specific organism.

4. Why do we use scientific names?

Scientific names help to avoid confusion and misidentification of organisms. They also provide a universal way for scientists to communicate and share information about different species, regardless of language barriers.

5. Can scientific names change?

Yes, scientific names can change if new research or evidence is discovered that warrants a revision. This can happen if a species is reclassified or if there is a need to update the name to better reflect its characteristics or evolutionary relationships.
