My first sports session in a long long time (groan)

In summary: My back was also hurting, my neck, everything hurt. I had never felt this way before, and I had been working out for 2 years.I decided to go back to bed, and try again tomorrow. I'm sure with a little more effort I can make it through the day.In summary, the person had trouble with their body after rigorous exercise, and decided to give up.
  • #1
My first year of college studies, was all about, well, studies. I had become such a bookworm that I hardly found any time for even casual sporting activities of any sort.

So, come summer vacations I decided to join the local badminton club to pursue something serious. I joined yesterday but didn't play. I had had some experience in the game (although that was several years ago), and thought that the players were quite of the same skill as I was.

So today, I started "playing", and found to my utter disbelief, that I couldn't so much as get a single good point, and it was hard to focus on the game. My stamina gave up, I almost fell on court, and lost both the doubles matches that I played. I knew I was out of shape, but I never knew I was this bad, it was embarassing.
Now I'm having second thoughts about going there tomorrow coz I don't want to be the laughing stock :frown:

Anybody else got similar experiences to share or any suggestions?
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Physics news on
  • #2
This happens to me every summer. You'll shake it off in two weeks' time.
  • #3
You mean I have to be the laughing stock for two more weeks :frown:
  • #4
arunbg said:
You mean I have to be the laughing stock for two more weeks :frown:
It takes about 2 weeks to recondition oneself, especially if one has been inactive - and that's if one is young 20's or 30's.

Start stretching and running each day.

I spent a summer in Golden, Colorado (School of Mines), and I joined three others who were long distance runners in running about 3 miles everyday. The first few days I felt terrible - exhausted - and I couldn't eat breakfast. However, after running for a week, I adjusted and began to eat twice as much as I did before I ran.

Stretching is very important so that one will not pull a muscle.

And start on it slowly and gradually build up.

And try not to be too self-conscious. :smile:
  • #5
arunbg said:
My stamina gave up, I almost fell on court, and lost both the doubles matches that I played. I knew I was out of shape, but I never knew I was this bad, it was embarassing.
Now I'm having second thoughts about going there tomorrow coz I don't want to be the laughing stock :frown:

Anybody else got similar experiences to share or any suggestions?

I have had this experience, only worse. I had not actually spent a whole year without physical activity, it was more like twenty. Typical geek, no sport for me, ever. I was 43 when I decided that celebrating my mid-life crisis should be done through boxing lessons. I found a gym that taught boxing, kickboxing and jujitsu and they gave me two free weeks to try it out, no strings attached. Excellent!

At my first class I gasped for air through the warm up exercises. I couldn't run to the street corner without a walking break. I looked totally pitiful but thankfully the pain kept me from noticing this humiliation. A few minutes after the actual lesson started with a gentle jab exercise in pairs, I passed out from exhaustion!

The coach got me back on my feet and suggested that I should go home. Stubborn, I wanted to keep working out so he sent me for a walk on a treadmill for the rest of the hour. I had given him a scare and he didn't expect to ever see me again. But I returned the next day, and my warm up was again a walk on the treadmill. Then I took the class and I was able to learn something. I returned again and again during these two weeks, almost proud of the pain, slowly increasing the intensity of the warm up, and I eventually signed up as a member.

Two years later I was a pretty good boxer, fit, knocking down heavier fighters fifteen years younger who used to dominate me with one hand, also doing a little kickboxing and jujitsu, running the 10K, feeling great! I enjoyed being the old dude at the club and encouraging new members by telling them about my first class. I stopped after three years because my opponents punches had grown so strong that I became concerned about damage. But I still have fond memories of the thrills of the ring. By now though, I just run and play golf. It's healthier.

So don't give up. Be proud of starting at the very bottom and clawing your way up. Later on you will be happy to tell your story to new players.
  • #6
Day 2

Today I found out as I got out of bed in the morning, the side-effects of such rigorous exercise. The body pain was excruciating. One of my legs was not holding up, I couldn't turn my head to one side, and my right arm I thought was positively busted. Being the fighter that I am though (:-p), I thought I should go to play today as well.

My father had offered to drop me at the club, but I declined afraid that he might see how bad I was (and he was such a good player when he was young).
Anyway, today I thought was slightly better than yesterday. The body pain disappeared to some extent once I started playing and I played two doubles matches of which my team won one. Clearly my partner did all the winning, but I could feel that my game had improved. I have still a lot to work on, especially the wristy parts but I think I'll manage.

Nice to hear about your experience Astronuc, I also have to try my hand at running for stamina. Out of whack your story was quite inspirational. Twenty years, man that's a long layoff. Your profile name is kind of weird though, considering you're a boxer and never quite "out of whack" :biggrin:
  • #7
Stretching is REALLY IMPORTANT! Seriously. Especially if one has been inactive for a long period. Stretching can prevent pulls or tears, and can actually contribute to increased strength. It will also help prevent some of the pain one is feeling.
  • #8
I'll definitely keep that in mind before going tomorrow.
I'm currently reading a few online strategy guides to polish my skills, can't wait before I try them out tomorrow.
  • #9
arunbg said:
Out of whack your story was quite inspirational.

Delighted to hear that. Stick-to-it-ism works wonders. Enjoy the climb! Oh, and as Astronuc said: stretch. Before the workout to warm up and get ready, and after the workout to keep from cramping up later.

Your profile name is kind of weird though, considering you're a boxer and never quite "out of whack" :biggrin:

I forget exactly how I came across someone's post about a theory that was so outrageously incoherent that I just had to sign up to this forum and post a reply. It inspired my user name. :smile:
  • #10
Just so you know, before a workout you should do dynamic stretches and after a workout you should do a static stretches.

Doing static streches before a workout is probably more dangerous than not stretching at all before a workout. So, search around online so you know what I mean between the two.
  • #11
Ummm static stretching before a workout is not more 'dangerous' than not stretching as far as I know?

Dynamic stretches have been found to be ideal given that the person in question has a certain degree of flexibility, but static stretches are always thrown in the mix.

I've never had any physio tell me that doing static stretches before a workout is detrimental and I haven't read any publications that say that either. I wouldn't mind finding out about a study that claims static stretches are potentially more detrimental than no stretches as a warm up.
  • #12
There's a difference between dynamic stretching and ballistic stretching. Jason is right on the mark. Static deep stretching is not something to do when your body and muscles are cold. They don't likely hurt you, but you can definitely do better by yourself by doing the stretching routine differently. I have been a proponent of static passive stretching only at the end of a workout for many years.

If you are interested in reading up on that viewpoint, take a look at Thomas Kurz's "Stretching Scientifically." He does reference quite a few papers in his book. I highly recommend his book. It's shrouded in the wrappings of a "Follow my program and you'll be great" kind of sales slant, but he gives an excellent explanation of the hows and whys of stretching. He has the physio creds to back it up.
  • #13
Thanks you guys, I never thought that even the type and order in which you stretch was so important. And since I went to play before reading these posts, I think I might have done a couple or so unhealthy stretches :frown:

After reading online sources, I see that dynamic stretching is preferred before a workout and static stretching afterwards. Static stretching can also be used after a brief warm-up, before the workout. However I think I'll keep the static stretching at the end. And I won't do any ballistic stretching for the love of my muscles !

As for the cramps, I think they are subsiding gradually, and of course now I'm playing better.

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  • #14
Just something to note: after you finish your workout, you should load up on proteins and carbs, because your body will readily digest them and use them efficiently. You'll feel better, and it'll make your workout more effective
  • #15
I kind of prefer a more dynamic full-body warmup myself. I'll do a few arm circles and leg kicks and body twists and such to loosen up a bit, then go for three rounds of 10 pull ups, 10 push ups, 10 leg raises, 10 back extensions, and 10 overhead squats with an unweighted bar, then, if necessary, do a warmup more specific to the workout, like some light running if I'm going to be sprinting, or some light lifting if I'm going to do heavy lifting, layup lines and jump shots if I'll be playing basketball, etc.

FAQ: My first sports session in a long long time (groan)

1. What are the benefits of starting a sports session after a long break?

Starting a sports session after a long break can have numerous benefits for your physical and mental health. It can improve your cardiovascular health, strengthen your muscles, and boost your energy levels. Regular exercise can also help reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and boost your mood.

2. How should I prepare for my first sports session after a long time?

It is important to prepare both mentally and physically for your first sports session after a long break. Make sure to warm-up properly to prevent injuries and ease your body back into physical activity. Drink plenty of water and eat a light snack before your session to fuel your body. Also, remember to wear appropriate clothing and footwear for your chosen sport.

3. What should I expect during my first sports session after a long break?

Your first sports session after a long break may feel challenging, but it is important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. Expect to feel some muscle soreness and fatigue, but this is normal and will improve with time. You may also experience some mental challenges, such as feeling self-conscious or frustrated with your performance, but remember that you are making progress just by showing up and trying your best.

4. How often should I participate in sports after a long break?

The frequency of your sports sessions after a long break will depend on your individual fitness level and goals. It is important to start slowly and gradually increase the frequency and intensity of your sessions. Aim for at least 3 sessions per week, but listen to your body and adjust accordingly. It is important to also incorporate rest days to allow your body time to recover.

5. What are some tips for staying motivated to continue with sports after a long break?

Staying motivated to continue with sports after a long break can be challenging, but there are a few things you can do to help. Set realistic goals, celebrate your progress, and find a workout buddy or join a team to keep you accountable. Also, make sure to choose activities that you enjoy, mix up your routine to prevent boredom, and remind yourself of the numerous benefits of regular physical activity.
