The Choice Satan Made: Defying God

  • Thread starter Singularity
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In summary, Shadows claims that he can see things floating in front of him, and Singularity claims that science is run by satan as a deception.
  • #1
Let me explain. Here we have the situation : The universe was just created along with the angels, etc. Lucifer among them. Everyday we make choices in our lives. Just like us , Satan made a choice. He chose to defy God - BIG MISTAKE! Although all of us defy Him as well, it is a little harder for us since we cannot see God directly. We mostly see the effects of His intervention. But Lucifer could see God. And yet he still chose to defy Him. I know if God was sitting on His throne in front of me and I could feel and see his infinite power, there would be no way that I will EVER deviate from His path. Satan is smart in another category though : deception. And this becomes more and more evident as I read through these forums. I am praying for all of you.
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  • #2
I agree, he is an idiot.
  • #3
… it is a little harder for us since we cannot see God directly.
Some might even say it’s impossible.
I know if God was sitting on His throne in front of me and I could feel and see his infinite power, there would be no way that I will EVER deviate from His path.
Would you just remain on your knees, frightened to death, for eternity?
I am praying for all of you.
Thanks for the thought.
  • #4
OMG - Now here's to people we DON'T need here at the forums.

Shadows claims (in another forums) that he sees things floating in front of him!

Singularity claims that science is run by satan as a deception!
  • #5
Shadows claims (in another forums) that he sees things floating in front of him!

What are you taking about? I have never said that! Are you so disillusioned you would make up lies about me to make you look better? I am reporting that to a mentor.

Note: I have posted three times since i joined yesterday and there are two posts in this thread and one in the differences between sciences and religion thread. in neither of them did i say what LA said i did and if he means another website I have no idea what he is talking about because I only belong to this forums and the astronomy magazine forum (and on the astronomy website I use a name different than this)
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  • #6
Originally posted by Singularity
Let me explain. Here we have the situation : The universe was just created along with the angels, etc. Lucifer among them. Everyday we make choices in our lives. Just like us , Satan made a choice. He chose to defy God - BIG MISTAKE!

No, not a mistake at all, but a birth of an intellect. Satan was the first not-so-much-idiot-to-believe-in-supertitions-like-God(s).
  • #7
No, I am an antifan of belivers in superstions. Their closed mind makes me smiling.

I am just an average atheist (=believer is facts and logic).

Knowledge is power, ignorance is darkness.
  • #8
Originally posted by Nicool003
BH you have bad timing I just deleted that post so I could reply to alexander in another way... Ok i'll be back
Ok, I removed it.
  • #9
Alexander. No. Ignorance is disbelieving and disbelieving CAN lead to darkness but that is not to say it will. Knowledge is power yes but Wisdom is the circuit that uses the power. Did you take the Knowledge is power thing from my old signiture? (just asking)
  • #10
this thread is idiotic...

FAQ: The Choice Satan Made: Defying God

1. What is "The Choice Satan Made: Defying God" about?

"The Choice Satan Made: Defying God" is a religious and philosophical concept that explores the story of Satan in the Bible and his decision to rebel against God. It delves into the idea of free will, temptation, and the consequences of defying a higher power.

2. Is this concept supported by any religious texts or beliefs?

Yes, "The Choice Satan Made: Defying God" is based on the biblical story of Satan's fall from grace in the book of Genesis. It is also a common theme in Christian and other religious teachings that discuss the concept of free will and the temptation of evil.

3. What is the significance of Satan's choice to defy God?

The significance of Satan's choice to defy God lies in the idea of free will and the consequences of using it to go against a higher power. It also brings up questions about the nature of evil and the role it plays in the world.

4. Can this concept be applied to other aspects of life?

Yes, the concept of "The Choice Satan Made: Defying God" can be applied to various aspects of life, such as personal decisions, relationships, and societal issues. It encourages individuals to reflect on their choices and the potential consequences that come with them.

5. What can we learn from the story of Satan's defiance?

The story of Satan's defiance teaches us about the power of free will and the importance of making choices that align with our beliefs and values. It also reminds us of the consequences of giving into temptation and going against what we know is right.

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