Why Do Magnetic Domains Aligned with a Magnet Increase in Size?

In summary: This phenomenon is known as the first effect described in the conversation. In summary, when a strong magnet is brought near a common iron nail, there are two effects that take place - a growth in size of domains aligned with the magnetic field and a rotation of domains as they align with the field. The growth in size is caused by domain wall motion, where the magnetic moments of the domains try to align with the field, resulting in the rearrangement and growth of the aligned domains.
  • #1
I have a conceptual question. I have two physics books that say "In a common iron nail, the domains are randomly oriented. When a strong magnet is brought nearby, two effects take place. One is a growth in size of domains that are oriented in the direction of the magnetic field. This growth is at the expense of domains that are not aligned. The other effect is a rotation of domains as they are brought into alignment."

Can anybody explain why the domains aligned with the magnet get bigger? I understand the second effect. But the first effect I can't figure out, and neither book offers an explanation. Any help would be appreciated (I have to teach this subject this week and really want to know!). Thanks so much.
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  • #2
The domains aligned with the magnetic field get bigger because of a process called domain wall motion. When a magnetic field is applied, the magnetic moments of the domains that are not aligned with the field try to align themselves with the field in order to be energetically favorable. This causes the domain walls to move and rearrange the domains, resulting in the growth of the domains that are aligned with the magnetic field.
  • #3

Thank you for your question. I can provide an explanation for the first effect mentioned in your question.

Firstly, it is important to understand what magnetic domains are. Magnetic domains are regions within a material where the magnetic moments of the atoms are aligned in the same direction, creating a small magnetic field within the domain. In an unmagnetized material, these domains are randomly oriented, resulting in no overall magnetic field.

Now, when a strong magnet is brought near an iron nail, the external magnetic field from the magnet causes the magnetic domains in the iron nail to align with the direction of the external magnetic field. This alignment causes the domains to grow in size, as more and more atoms are now aligned in the same direction, creating a larger magnetic field within the domain. This growth in size of the aligned domains occurs at the expense of the non-aligned domains, which lose their alignment and become smaller.

To understand this concept better, think of the magnetic domains as small magnets within the material. When the external magnet is brought near, it exerts a force on these small magnets, causing them to align with the external magnetic field. As they align, the small magnets become stronger and larger, resulting in an overall growth in size of the aligned domains.

I hope this explanation helps you in your teaching and understanding of magnetic domains. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Good luck with your lesson!

FAQ: Why Do Magnetic Domains Aligned with a Magnet Increase in Size?

1. What are magnetic domains?

Magnetic domains are regions within a material where the magnetic moments of atoms are aligned in a specific direction, creating a magnetic field. These domains can vary in size and orientation, and their behavior determines the overall magnetic properties of a material.

2. How do magnetic domains affect the size of a magnet?

The size of a magnet is determined by the number and size of its magnetic domains. A larger number of aligned magnetic domains will result in a stronger magnetic field and a larger overall magnet. However, the size of individual magnetic domains also plays a role, as smaller domains can contribute to a more uniform and stronger magnetic field.

3. Can the size of magnetic domains be controlled?

Yes, the size of magnetic domains can be controlled through various methods such as applying an external magnetic field, changing the temperature, or altering the composition of the material. These techniques can be used to manipulate the magnetic properties of a material for specific applications.

4. What is the significance of domain size in magnetic storage devices?

The size of magnetic domains is crucial in determining the storage capacity of magnetic devices such as hard drives. Smaller domains allow for more data to be stored in a smaller area, while still maintaining a strong magnetic field. This is why advancements in reducing domain size have led to increased storage capacity in modern devices.

5. How do scientists study and observe magnetic domains?

Scientists use a variety of techniques such as magnetic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction to study and observe magnetic domains. These methods allow for the visualization of domain structures and the measurement of their size and orientation, providing valuable insights into the behavior of magnetic materials.

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