Binary relations: weak order, strict partial order, equivalence

In summary, to show that P and I are strictly partial and equivalent, we need to prove that they satisfy the properties of transitivity and asymmetry for strictly partial order, and transitivity and symmetry for equivalence. You can use the definitions of weak order, strict partial order, and equivalence to guide your proofs. Good luck!
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm totally lost about this. I know the properties of binary relations (or at least I think I know them, what it means to be transitive, complete etc).

This exercise asks me to show that P and I are strictly partial and equivalent respectively when P and I are defined in terms of R, a weak order. How do I apply the properties to do this? What should my steps be?

The exercise:

Let R be a weak order relation. The relation P is defined by xPy if and only if xRy and not yRx and the relation I is defined by xRy if and only if xRy and yRx.

Homework Equations

The question does not supply these but these are the definitions of 'weak order', 'strictly partial order' and 'equivalence' as given by the lecturer's notes:

Weak order: a binary relation that satisfies transitivity and completeness.
Strictly partial order: a binary relation that satisfies transitivity and asymmetry.
Equivalence: a binary relation that satisfies transitivity and symmetry.

The Attempt at a Solution

I started by writing out what R, P and I would normally be just to be a weak order, strict partial order and equivalence:

R: xRy: [tex]\forall[/tex]x,y,z in X, xRy [tex]\wedge[/tex] yRz => xRz (transitive)
: [tex]\forall[/tex]x,y in X, xRy [tex]\vee[/tex] yRx (completeness)

P: xPy: [tex]\forall[/tex]x,y,z in X, xPy [tex]\wedge[/tex] yPz => xPz (transitive)
: [tex]\forall[/tex] x,y in X, xPy =>[tex]\neg[/tex]yRx (asymmetry)

I: xIy: [tex]\forall[/tex]x,y,z in X, xIy [tex]\wedge[/tex] yIz => xIz (transitive)
: [tex]\forall[/tex] x,y in X, xIy => yIx (symmetry)

Then I wrote out what P and I would be when defined as per the exercise's instruction:
P: xPy [tex]\Leftrightarrow[/tex] xRy [tex]\wedge[/tex] [tex]\neg[/tex]yRx

I: xRy [tex]\Leftrightarrow[/tex] xRy [tex]\wedge[/tex] yRx

Then I tried formulating a contrapositive statement for P:
[tex]\neg[/tex](xPy) [tex]\Leftrightarrow[/tex] [tex]\neg[/tex](xRy [tex]\wedge[/tex] [tex]\neg[/tex]yRx)

But frankly I don't know the direction I should take to solve this problem, so stopped there and sought help! What are the steps I should be taking? How do I use the properties of completeness, transitivity, asymmetry and symmetry to show this?
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  • #2

thank you for reaching out for help with this exercise. It seems like you have a good understanding of the definitions of weak order, strictly partial order, and equivalence. To show that P and I are strictly partial and equivalent, we need to prove that they satisfy the properties of transitivity and asymmetry for strictly partial order, and transitivity and symmetry for equivalence.

Let's start with P. We can use the definition of weak order to show that it satisfies transitivity. Since R is a weak order, we know that for any x, y, and z in X, if xRy and yRz, then xRz. Now, let's consider the definition of P. If xPy and yPz, that means xRy and yRz, but also that yRx and zRy. By the transitive property of R, we know that xRz and zRx. However, since P is defined as xPy if and only if xRy and not yRx, we know that zRx cannot be true. Therefore, xPy and yPz imply xPz, and P satisfies transitivity.

To show that P is asymmetric, we can use the definition of P again. If xPy, that means xRy and not yRx. Therefore, if yPx were true, that would mean yRx and not xRy, which contradicts the definition of P. Therefore, P is asymmetric.

Similarly, we can use the definitions of I and weak order to show that I satisfies transitivity and symmetry, and is therefore an equivalence relation.

I hope this helps guide you in the right direction. Remember to always start with the definitions and use them to guide your proofs. Good luck!

FAQ: Binary relations: weak order, strict partial order, equivalence

1. What is a binary relation?

A binary relation is a mathematical concept that defines a relationship between two elements of a set. It can be thought of as a rule that specifies whether two elements of a set are related in some way or not. Binary relations are commonly used in various fields of mathematics, computer science, and other scientific disciplines.

2. What is a weak order relation?

A weak order relation is a binary relation that satisfies the properties of reflexivity, transitivity, and weak asymmetry. In other words, it is a relation that is reflexive, transitive, and allows for ties between elements. Weak order relations are often used to model preferences in decision-making processes.

3. What is a strict partial order relation?

A strict partial order relation is a binary relation that satisfies the properties of irreflexivity, transitivity, and asymmetry. This means that it is not reflexive, but it is transitive and does not allow for ties between elements. Strict partial order relations are commonly used in mathematical proofs and formal logic.

4. What is an equivalence relation?

An equivalence relation is a binary relation that satisfies the properties of reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity. This means that it is reflexive, symmetric (meaning the order of elements does not matter), and transitive. Equivalence relations are often used to classify elements of a set into distinct equivalence classes.

5. How are these types of binary relations used in real-world applications?

Binary relations, including weak order, strict partial order, and equivalence relations, are used in various real-world applications such as decision-making processes, formal logic, and data analysis. For example, weak order relations are used in voting systems to determine preferences, while strict partial order relations are used in computer algorithms for sorting and searching. Equivalence relations are used in data analysis to identify patterns and classify data into groups.

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