Mathematical words that add up to 50

  • Mathematica
  • Thread starter blackwargreymon564
  • Start date
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In summary: But I think the one you were looking for is convexity.Define convexity to be the property that a subset of a space is always contained within the whole space.Thankyou for your help!In summary, this person's teacher is asking for nonsensical math problems that have nothing to do with coffee tables or puzzles, and they have tried complaining to the headmaster.
  • #1
This is kinda Urgent, i need an answer as soon as possible-
Can anybody think of Math words that add up to 50 if:
c=3 etc
Needs to be one word.
Consonants must be added and vowels subtracted eg.
to work out the word "add" you do 4+4-1=4 in any order.
Thanks for your help!
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Physics news on
  • #2
Blarrgh...your teacher should find another job.
  • #3
tell me about it, it isn't even anything much to do with math, its just monotnous and boring
  • #4
So give that as your answer to her (sounds like a woman). Ask her when you are supposed to actually learn MATHS, and not nonsense.
  • #5
its a him and he's the most stuffy,irritating,"always right" teacher that ever lived. If he makes a mistake he's too stubborn to correct it and complaining is liable to get a detention, believe me, I've tried!
  • #6
Complain to the headmaster all the same.
This "exercise" is just nonsense and has nothing to do with maths, nor with coffee-table puzzles.
Put your case cogently forth, it is rather important that this teacher of yours gets an official reprimand for his "work".
  • #7
mouhaha diffeomorphism, got it on first try :biggrin:

consonant: d+f+f+m+r+s+m =4+12+13+18+16+8+19+13=103

vowels: i+e+o+o+i = 9+5+15+15+9=53

You'd better double check

If he asks what a diffeomorsphism is tell him it's a map btw objects that conserves the topological properties (never done topology b4 but I think that's correct). Like the famous exemple that a donut can be continuously transformed into a cofee mug is because these two objects are diffeomorphic, i.e. there exists a diffeomorphism btw them.
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  • #8
good idea,thanks for your help.
  • #9
quasar987 said:
mouhaha diffeomorphic, got it on first try :biggrin:
You're kidding, right?
  • #10
sorry to burst your bubble, but it needs to be a single word(forgot to mention that)but great word.
  • #11
note: there was an error in my post, the word that works is "diffeomorphism", not "phic", but I edited it.
  • #12
diffeomorphism IS a single word... so how is his bubble burst?
  • #13
Would that be "mouhaha diffeomorphism", or just "diffeomorphism"?
  • #14
mouhaha is the sound of my glorious laughter
  • #15
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  • #16
quasar987 said:
mouhaha is the sound of my glorious laughter
  • #17
ooooooooooohhhhhhhh sorry i get easily confused!
  • #18
  • #19
blackwargreymon564 said:
You ought to complain to the headmaster all the nonetheless.
Your complaint will have all the more force behind it now that you have "solved" that idiot teacher's problem.
He shouldn't get away with this.
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  • #20
Define [tex] \alpha [/tex] to be 50.

Then [tex] \alpha[/tex] works
  • #21
quasar987 said:
If he asks what a diffeomorsphism is tell him it's a map btw objects that conserves the topological properties (never done topology b4 but I think that's correct). Like the famous exemple that a donut can be continuously transformed into a cofee mug is because these two objects are diffeomorphic, i.e. there exists a diffeomorphism btw them.

A diffeomorphism is a differentiable map with differentiable inverse. It is nothing to do with donuts to coffee cups. That is a homotopy. Homotopies are in general neither differentiable nor invertible.
  • #22
I stand corrected.

Matt, I've seen the definition of a diffeomorphism in the context of differential geometry as a smooth map with a smooth inverse btw surfaces. Are you saying it's ok to call just any r time differentiable map with a r times differentiable inverse a diffeo?
  • #23
No, smooth is probably required, I can't be bothered to check.
  • #24
This might actually have been a fun exercise if you were meant to use a program to compute it. It took me a few minutes to find a suitable word list and write a Python program (actually not really a program, just using the interpreter), and it came up with a zillion words with sum 50, like spheric and pentagon.
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FAQ: Mathematical words that add up to 50

1. What are some examples of mathematical words that add up to 50?

Some examples of mathematical words that add up to 50 are: twenty-five, twenty-five, sum, fifty, and product.

2. How do you determine if a word adds up to 50 in mathematics?

To determine if a word adds up to 50 in mathematics, you would need to assign a numerical value to each letter based on its position in the alphabet (A=1, B=2, etc.) and then add up the values of all the letters in the word. If the sum is 50, then the word adds up to 50 in mathematics.

3. Can the same word add up to 50 in different ways?

Yes, the same word can add up to 50 in different ways. For example, the word "mathematics" can add up to 50 as 13+1+20+8+5+13+1+20+9+3+19 = 50 or as 4+1+20+8+5+13+1+20+9+3+6 = 50.

4. Are there any other numbers besides 50 that are commonly used for word puzzles in mathematics?

Yes, there are many other numbers that are commonly used for word puzzles in mathematics, such as 100, 50, 70, and 60. These numbers are often used because they have a variety of divisors, making it easier to find words that add up to them.

5. Why are word puzzles involving numbers popular in mathematics?

Word puzzles involving numbers are popular in mathematics because they require both logical and creative thinking skills. They also provide an enjoyable and engaging way to practice basic mathematical operations and improve one's mental math abilities.

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