Why Do We Keep Forgiving the Unforgivable?

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, I would say that people who work hard are sometimes stupid themselves, and that it is important to take it easy.
  • #1
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Any one is included, actors ,politicians, business men, there are a few i dislike, but can not get up enough steam to hate, i think that some have
streched the limit of bublic endurance, and sunk to an all time low, only to
find that they bounce right back again, why?
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  • #2

"Reverand" Fred Phelps.

When I saw him and his followers demonstrated at Matthew Shepard's funeral with a sign that said "Enjoy Hell", I knew that we have a monster among us.

  • #3
I would consider him [phelps] a Ku Klux Klan type conservative. How about Howard Stern? I do not believe he is making great contributions to society either.
  • #4
I can't really say I hate any politician/actor/business-person/etc in the public spotlight because I don't really KNOW that person. I think its a little unfair to judge someone based on pre-selected information you receive 2nd and 3rd hand. For example, on a personal basis, i had a friend that i absolutely loved and she was an awesome person. Unfortunately, all people ever said about her were all these mean things and you'd hear all this gossip etc etc back in high school. If i didn't really know her, I woulda thought she's the worst person ever... but since I did know her, I knew a lot of the things said were either lies/exagerated or just completely made up by how nice of a person she was.
  • #5
I hate that irritating salesman on television who won't be undersold and dresses up in costumes to peddle his stuff. You've all seen him, every station has one. I hate everything I know about him, which is nothing more than what I see on TV. But I hate all of it. And I'm such a loving person!
  • #6
Osama-bin Laden, Al-Zawarhi, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: I'd gladly kill all three of these men. I'd also agree with ZapperZ about Fred Phelps, that guy is a monster.
  • #7
Dawguard said:
Osama-bin Laden, Al-Zawarhi, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: I'd gladly kill all three of these men. I'd also agree with ZapperZ about Fred Phelps, that guy is a monster.

haha oh yah i should have mentioned there are some obvious exceptions as to who shoudl be hated without personally knowing them.
  • #8
Dawguard said:
Osama-bin Laden, Al-Zawarhi, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: I'd gladly kill all three of these men. I'd also agree with ZapperZ about Fred Phelps, that guy is a monster.

They'd be gladly to kill us too you know.

Anyways, let's stick with reasonable responses.

I wish I can also respond with an answer, but I can't think of one.

If I had to pick, I say Beyonce because I don't she's hot at all.
  • #9
Adolf Hitler,racist poticans the North Korean dictor,Adolf Hitle,Osama-bin laden.I also agree with ZapperZ about that "reverend" what kind of a person show's to some funeral with sign "Enjoy Hell".I herd that some midwestern states were going to pass a protest funeral ban(They should already have and if they do pass it should be punished with the death penelty or life in prison)
  • #10
scott1 said:
I herd that some midwestern states were going to pass a protest funeral ban(They should already have and if they do pass it should be punished with the death penelty or life in prison)

That would probably be quickly shot down by the SCOTUS. Nothing is sacred in this country anymore.
  • #11
the North Korean dictor
YOu mean Kim Jung Kim?
  • #12
Mk said:
YOu mean Kim Jung Kim?

Kim Jon-il...
  • #13
Pengwuino said:
Kim Jon-il...

Its kim JUNG il, by the way.

All celebrities
All of MTV people, as they are just full of Sh*t
EMO Teenagers and Kids
Philosophers in general
Animal rights activists
  • #14
haha nothing like pointing out someones spelling mistake by making my own spelling mistake. Oh that is a 100% me.
  • #15
Yes it is.
  • #16
Men like Slobodan Milosevic, Radovan Karadcik, Jesse Helms and other hatred-stirring powerful figures.

As for women, Anita Bryant is a good example.
  • #17
I hate people who use "who" when "whom" is appropriate. :biggrin: :biggrin:
  • #18
I hate no one.
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Likes gracy
  • #19
I hate people in general.

especially people who are lazy i.e. not as hard-working or intellectual as me.
  • #20
Mattara said:
I hate people in general.

especially people who are lazy i.e. not as hard-working or intellectual as me.

I sometimes find those who work hard to be stupid themselves.

There are people who work hard when it is unecessary. They should take it easy and not be in a rush all the time.
  • #21
I hate people who find enjoyment in hating.
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  • #22
I think the nearest i get to hatred is when i see cases of child abuse, some of these repeat offenders should be excused from life.
As for people that stir up hatred for what ever reason, if the laws of the land allow it, then it is time to elect leaders that will change the laws, there should be a well defined line between feedom of speach and incitement to harm others.
  • #23
wolram said:
there should be a well defined line between feedom of speach and incitement to harm others.
You could start a thread to discuss the possibilities. I don't see how a clear line can be drawn, but it may be an interesting debate.
  • #24
Bladibla said:
Its kim JUNG il, by the way.

All celebrities
All of MTV people, as they are just full of Sh*t
EMO Teenagers and Kids
Philosophers in general
Animal rights activists

Woah...that sounds really...bitter.
And I don't think I've ever seen an emo KID. Unless you count a kid as older than a teenager...which is mental.
  • #25
Wy should you hate anyone? It saps your energy and it does not affect the the person you hate. You may wish to engage in some activities (you can pick them), but settling in on "hate" is self-destructive and stupid.
  • #26
Yeah, what he said.
  • #27
turbo-1 said:
Wy should you hate anyone? It saps your energy and it does not affect the the person you hate. You may wish to engage in some activities (you can pick them), but settling in on "hate" is self-destructive and stupid.

Hating someone doesn't require any work. Hell since people can rarely agree on solid definitions for dis-like and hate, its utter semantics.
  • #28
that's right.
my hatred of pengwuino causes me no trouble whatsoever.
  • #29
My hatred of breasts causes me trouble.
  • #30
Dawguard said:
Osama-bin Laden, Al-Zawarhi, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: I'd gladly kill all three of these men. I'd also agree with ZapperZ about Fred Phelps, that guy is a monster.

I'd stick G. Bush to this list, along with a former croatian president and a number of people currently in (my, croatian) goverment. Wouldn't kill them though (not that they don't deserve it), just put them in prison or something like that. I can't imagine how could knowing them personally helped, in these cases it would probably only cloud my judgement, because some of them may seem nice.
  • #31
Mk said:
My hatred of breasts causes me trouble.

my love of breasts cause me trouble
  • #32
my love of breasts caused me to double
  • #33
I hate David Beckham, an English football player. Every bit of publicity about him turns out good. He cheats on his wife countless times and he is still the golden boy. He is a rubbish football player compared to what he used to be like, but people still hail him as a great one. This man appears in newspapers almost daily. I remember being appalled that they used half a page to comment that Beckham likes Doctor Who. ARGH!

FAQ: Why Do We Keep Forgiving the Unforgivable?

1. Why do we keep forgiving people who have hurt us?

One possible reason is that forgiveness is often seen as a virtue and a sign of moral strength. It may also be rooted in our desire for social harmony and maintaining relationships. Additionally, some people may forgive in order to move on and let go of negative emotions.

2. Is it healthy to keep forgiving someone who continues to hurt us?

It depends on the situation and the individual's personal boundaries. Forgiveness can be a powerful tool for healing and moving on, but it is important to also prioritize one's own well-being and safety. If forgiving someone repeatedly leads to further harm, it may be necessary to re-evaluate the relationship or seek outside support.

3. Can forgiveness be a form of enabling toxic behavior?

Yes, forgiveness without accountability or change can potentially enable toxic behavior to continue. It is important to set boundaries and communicate clearly with the person who has hurt us in order to promote healthy and respectful relationships.

4. How can we forgive someone who has done something truly unforgivable?

Forgiveness does not necessarily mean condoning or excusing the hurtful actions. It can be a process of acknowledging the pain and finding a way to move forward without holding onto anger and resentment. This may involve seeking therapy, practicing self-care, and finding healthy ways to cope with the trauma.

5. Is it possible to forgive someone and still maintain boundaries?

Absolutely. Forgiveness does not mean that we have to continue a relationship or allow someone to continue hurting us. It is important to set and communicate clear boundaries in order to maintain a healthy and respectful dynamic.

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