Looking for a book on the Invention of Numbers

In summary, the conversation discussed a for dummies book that briefly mentioned the invention of numbers and the speaker's interest in finding a book solely about the topic. Two recommendations were made: "Number - the language of science" by Tobias Dantzig and "The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer". Both books were praised for their insights on the evolution of the concept of numbers.
  • #1
I'm reading a for dummies book right now and there is a short paragraph about the invention of numbers. I find it really interesting and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a good book that is written about the invetion of numbers?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'd suggest "Number - the language of science" by Tobias Dantzig (p398). It's sort of a classic.
It's not just on the invention of numbers but rather on the evolution of the concept of number from prehistoric till modern times. I found it full of interesting ideas.
  • #3
Thanx I really appreciate your reccomendation. It looks like a great book.

I also found another book when I searched Amazon for "invention of numbers"

This book came up and it also looks really good...

"The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer"

FAQ: Looking for a book on the Invention of Numbers

1. How were numbers invented?

The invention of numbers is a complex process that has evolved over thousands of years. Early civilizations, such as the Sumerians and Egyptians, used symbols to represent numbers. Later, the concept of zero and the decimal system were developed by the Indian mathematician Brahmagupta. The modern numbering system we use today was largely influenced by the work of ancient Greek mathematicians.

2. Who invented numbers?

Numbers were not invented by a single person, but rather developed over time by various civilizations and cultures. Some notable figures in the history of numbers include Pythagoras, Euclid, and Archimedes in ancient Greece, and Al-Khwarizmi in the Islamic Golden Age. However, the concept of numbers has been present in human societies since the earliest civilizations.

3. What is the significance of the invention of numbers?

The invention of numbers is significant in the development of human civilization. Numbers are the foundation of mathematics, which is essential for fields such as science, technology, and economics. The ability to measure and quantify using numbers has allowed humans to make advancements in various areas of knowledge.

4. How has the invention of numbers impacted modern society?

The invention of numbers has had a profound impact on modern society. It has enabled advancements in science, technology, and commerce, as well as improved our understanding of the world. It has also led to the development of more complex systems, such as computer coding and financial models, which rely heavily on numbers.

5. Are there any resources available for learning more about the invention of numbers?

Yes, there are many resources available for learning more about the invention of numbers. Books, documentaries, and online articles can provide a comprehensive overview of the history and evolution of numbers. Additionally, many universities offer courses on the history of mathematics, which delve deeper into the subject.

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