How Do Eigenstates of a Spin System Evolve in Time?

In summary, a spin system with two possible states, described by E1=H, E2=0, with eigenstates \vec{\varphi}1 = \left\langle1\right,0\rangle and \vec{\varphi}2 =\left\langle0\right,1\rangle and Eigenvalues E1 and E2. The state \vec{\psi} is a function of the previous two states and evolves according to the Schrodinger equation.
  • #1
Hi, I'm totally lost here...Quantum physics seems to be just incomprehensible to me! Hope someone can help me out! That would be great!

Homework Statement

(a) A spin system with 2 possible states, described by
(E1 0)=H
(0 E2)
with eigenstates [tex]\vec{\varphi}[/tex]1 = [tex]\left\langle[/tex]1[tex]\right,0\rangle[/tex] and [tex]\vec{\varphi}[/tex]2 =[tex]\left\langle[/tex]0[tex]\right,1\rangle[/tex] and Eigenvalues E1 and E2. Verify this. How do these eigenstates evolve in time?

(b) consider the state [tex]\vec{\psi}[/tex] = a1 [tex]\vec{\varphi}[/tex]1 + a2 [tex]\vec{\varphi}[/tex]2 with real coefficients a1, a2 and total probability equal to unity. How does the state [tex]\vec{\psi}[/tex] evolve in time?

The Attempt at a Solution

I only know that [tex]\vec{\psi}[/tex] must solve the Schroedinger equation to show the time dependence of a1 and a2 and a12 + a22 must be equal to 1. Other than that I'm really totally lost! This is one of 4 tasks I need to finish to pass this course, I can do the other 3, but this one I just don't get. So please help! I would be very grateful...
Physics news on
  • #2
[tex]\psi (x,t)=exp(-iHt/\hbar)\psi (x)[/tex]
and if [tex]H\psi (x)=\lambda \psi (x)[/tex] the: [tex]exp(-iHt/\hbar)\psi (x)=exp(-it\lambda /\hbar)\psi (x)[/tex].
  • #3
Hi, first of all thanks for your fast answer! But then.. as I said above, I'm totally lost in quantum physics, so I don't quite get your statement. I guess it's about part (a) of my assignment which shows the time evolution. But what happened to [tex]\varphi[/tex]1 and [tex]\varphi[/tex]2 ? I'm sorry for my obviously stupid questions but I guess I'm missing any understanding of this quantum system thing. I only need to pass the course and will never need it again, so I hope you could just outline your answer a little more for me! Thanks again :blushing:
  • #4
you first need to verify [itex]\psi_1[/itex] and [itex]\psi_2[/itex] are eigenstates.

what is [itex]\hat{H} \psi_1[/itex]?
  • #5
Ok, so now I proved that they are eigenstates. What about the time evoution then?
  • #6
well id suggest using the TIME DEPENDENT form of the Schrodinger eqn

[itex]\hat{H} \psi_1 = i \hbar \frac{\partial \psi_1}{\partial t}[/itex]
u just worked out [itex]\hat{H} \psi_1[/itex] when showing it was an energy eigenstate so subsititute that back in and rearrange it so you have a differential eqn you can solve.
  • #7
Great, thank you! That's easier than I thought it would be.. So maybe I can pass the course after all :wink: Thanks a lot!

FAQ: How Do Eigenstates of a Spin System Evolve in Time?

1. What is time evolution in quantum systems?

Time evolution in quantum systems is the concept of how quantum systems change and evolve over time. It describes the change in the state of a quantum system as it progresses from one point in time to another.

2. How is time evolution different in quantum systems compared to classical systems?

In classical systems, time evolution is deterministic, meaning that the future state of the system can be predicted with certainty based on its current state. In quantum systems, however, time evolution is probabilistic, as the state of the system can only be described in terms of probabilities.

3. What is the role of the Hamiltonian in time evolution of quantum systems?

The Hamiltonian is a mathematical operator that represents the total energy of a quantum system. It plays a crucial role in time evolution as it determines the quantum states that the system can transition between and the probabilities of those transitions occurring.

4. How is time evolution of quantum systems related to the Schrödinger equation?

The Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes the time evolution of a quantum system. It relates the time derivative of the system's wave function to the Hamiltonian operator, providing a mathematical description of how the system evolves over time.

5. What is the significance of time evolution in quantum computing?

Time evolution is a crucial concept in quantum computing as it allows for the manipulation and control of quantum states to perform calculations. By precisely controlling the time evolution of a quantum system, quantum computers can solve certain problems much faster than classical computers.
