Maxwell's Demon: Is it Worth the Read?

In summary, Maxwell's demon is an interesting experiment to grasp the concept of entropy. It is a complex concept that has many implications for our lives.
  • #1
Maxwell's Demon by Hans Christian and Von Baeyer, for those who've read it, is it worth reading?
Physics news on
  • #2
Maybe I'm wrong, but why to read a whole book for the Maxwell's demon?
  • #3
DB said:
Maxwell's Demon by Hans Christian and Von Baeyer, for those who've read it, is it worth reading?
I haven't read this book but I have read his book 'Information: The New Langauge of Science'. I felt that this was definitely worth reading, but at the start he seemed to be trying to show how difficult the subject was. Possibly his other book is similar, so I would say that even if the first chapter seems a bit daunting then you should stick with it.

1)Hans Christian Von Baeyer is all one name

2)When I first looked at your post with what seemed like 2 authors, it thought it referred to Maxwell's demon 2 : entropy, classical and quantum information, computing / edited by Harvey S. Leff and Andrew F. Rex., but that's a different book altogether - its a collection of papers about Maxwell's demon, and I would only advise it for those who are keen on finding out about the history of the subject.
  • #4
oops my mistake, its just that von baeyer was under hans christian.
  • #5
ramollari said:
Maybe I'm wrong, but why to read a whole book for the Maxwell's demon?

I'd suggest several even (well, at least one). It's a very, very informative experiment to get a grip on entropy, if that's at all possible. Took quite some time for someone to really refute the original logic, too (Szilard).
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  • #6
lyapunov said:
I'd suggest several even (well, at least one). It's a very, very informative experiment to get a grip on entropy, if that's at all possible. Took quite some time for someone to really refute the original logic, too (Szilard).
I don't have anything against the subject, honestly it is among the most interesting ones. I have read about the Maxwell's daemon in a chapter of an entertaining book from G.Gamov, and I think a few pages would be enough. Maybe the interested reader would like to know more.
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  • #7
ramollari said:
I have read about the Maxwell's daemon in a chapter of an entertaining book from G.Gamov, and I think a few pages would be enough.

Let me guess: The New World of Mr. Tompkins ...

nice, but hardly thorough or extensive. :wink:
  • #8
Yes, you got it! :smile:
  • #9
ramollari said:
Yes, you got it! :smile:

Thought so.

Thing is though, that entropy is not only something related to energy, but to information as well. There are subtle differences, some pretty hard to grasp. Therefore I'd suggest to anyone really reading up on MD, because it is one of the rare instances where the two types (energy and information) meet.

And entropy plays an enormous - albeit somewhat hidden - role in just about everything we do. It keeps us sane, for one - through forgetting. Even if we don't really forget, but no longer focus on something - essentially because we do no longer wish to put in so much effort (energy) into something bad or that's gone wrong in the past.

Something much overlooked in A.I. circles, too. :wink:
  • #10
Entropy v Forgetting
What is the relationship?
  • #11
ramollari said:
Entropy v Forgetting
What is the relationship?
Well suppose you turn off your computer. The information in it is lost (forgotten) due to dispersion of the energy of the system to the environment - the increase of entropy.

So I've told you how entropy is really the same as forgetting. Well, now you should forget it, because I'm going to tell you the exact opposite :confused:

When Maxwell's demon finds out the position of a particle he has gained some information. To reset the system to its original state he has to get rid of this information. But since physics is reversible he has no mechanism for doing this. If he could then we could build Maxwell's demon type devices. Thus the second law of thermodynamics rests on the fact that no information is ever truly forgotten.
  • #12

FAQ: Maxwell's Demon: Is it Worth the Read?

1. What is Maxwell's Demon?

Maxwell's Demon is a thought experiment proposed by physicist James Clerk Maxwell in 1867. It involves a hypothetical creature that can manipulate individual molecules to create a temperature difference without expending any energy, contradicting the second law of thermodynamics.

2. Why is Maxwell's Demon important?

Maxwell's Demon raises questions about the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and the nature of entropy. It has also been used to explore concepts such as information, computation, and the arrow of time in physics.

3. Is Maxwell's Demon a real creature or just a thought experiment?

Maxwell's Demon is purely a thought experiment and has never been observed in real life. It is used to illustrate the limitations of our understanding of thermodynamics and the physical world.

4. What are the criticisms of Maxwell's Demon?

One of the main criticisms of Maxwell's Demon is that it assumes a violation of the second law of thermodynamics, which is a well-established principle in physics. Additionally, some have argued that the concept of the "demon" is too vague and does not provide a feasible mechanism for its actions.

5. Is it worth reading about Maxwell's Demon?

Whether or not it is worth reading about Maxwell's Demon depends on your interests. If you are interested in physics, thermodynamics, or philosophical questions about the nature of the universe, then it may be worth exploring. However, if these topics do not interest you, then it may not be worth the read.

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