How does the chain reaction start in a BWR reactor?

In summary, the chain reaction in a nuclear reactor is started by bombarding U235 pellets with neutrons. The fuel rods are transparent to neutrons, allowing them to make their way into the rods. Neutron sources are typically placed in the core to provide an initial low level of fission, which is detected by in-core and ex-core detectors. In BWRs, local power range monitors and ex-core fission chambers are used, while PWRs have neutron source assemblies and startup-wide range detectors. Neutron sources can also be used for startup without the need for a neutron source.
  • #1

As someone who is interested in the history of the nuclear age, I have been unable to find an answer for this:

Once the fuel rods are loaded into the fuel assembly and the assembly is loaded into the core, how does the chain reaction start which creates the heat? Do they bombard the U235 pellets with neutrons? But, all the pictures I have seen of the assemblies show the fuel rods closed off, so how do the neutrons make their way into the rods?

Any clarity would be greatly appreciated! And if any of the above is incorrect, please, by all means, do correct.

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
A core of fresh fuel would have neutrons sources distributed in the core so that there are some initial neutrons that cause a low level of fission which is detected by in-core and ex-core detectors.

In BWR, groups of rods are removed from the core until a couple of groups remain. The last two sets are then adjusted (one set deep, and one set shallow) to achieve criticality, and then power ascension begins.
  • #3
Trinity10 said:
Once the fuel rods are loaded into the fuel assembly and the assembly is loaded into the core, how does the chain reaction start which creates the heat? Do they bombard the U235 pellets with neutrons?

Essentially, yes. But you don't need very many neutrons to start a chain reaction: it is sufficient that your "loop gain" is slightly larger than 1 (the famous k-factor), and from 100 neutrons, you get 101 neutrons, and then 102 neutrons, and ... about every 20 microseconds or so. This rises exponentially (hence, keep the k-factor not TOO far from 1 :-) ) until the desired neutron population is present.

The first few neutrons are usually delivered by a neutron source (mixture of an alpha-emitter and beryllium for instance).

But, all the pictures I have seen of the assemblies show the fuel rods closed off, so how do the neutrons make their way into the rods?

The rods are pretty transparent to neutrons, actually. Neutrons are beasts that can get through quite some material. We have made "neutrography" movies of a running diesel engine made of stainless steel.
But moreover the rod walls are made of for instance zirconium alloys, which are *particularly* transparant to neutrons.
  • #4
Thank you both VERY MUCH! This helps immensely. Is it possible for spontaneous fission to occur while they load the fuel rods with the uranium pellets?

  • #5
Trinity10 said:
Is it possible for spontaneous fission to occur while they load the fuel rods with the uranium pellets?


Not to any meaningful extent - there is no moderator present during fabrication/shipping/storage of the assemblies.
  • #6
Trinity10 said:
Thank you both VERY MUCH! This helps immensely. Is it possible for spontaneous fission to occur while they load the fuel rods with the uranium pellets?

Not with fresh fuel, hence the (PoBe or RaBe) sources which use energetic alphas to produce an (alpha, n) reaction which provide neutrons when the reactor is subcritical. Spontaneanous fission sources (e.g., Cf-252) are used instead of (PoBe/RaBe/PuBe) neutron sources. The Cf-252 source could be augmented with Be to achieve a higher neutron emission rate.

The radioisotope 252Cf is an intense neutron emitter that is routinely encapsulated in compact, cylindrical source capsules. Decay by alpha emission (96.91% probability) and spontaneous fission (3.09% probability) results in an overall half-life of 2.645 years and neutron emission of 2.314 x 106 s-1 ug-1, with a specific activity of 0.536 mCi/pg. The neutron energy spectrum is similar to a fission reactor, with most probable energy of 0.7 MeV and an average energy of 2.1 MeV.

Secondary sources typically used in PWRs are (Sb-Be) which uses activation of Sb by neutron absorption and the subsequent decay for a photoneutron source.

With exposure (burnup), reactor operators can do sourceless startup by taking advantage of the production of transuranic isotopes in moderate to high burnup fuel.
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  • #7
Did they use startup neutrons for CP-1? If so, where were they placed at?

  • #8
Trinity10 said:
Did they use startup neutrons for CP-1? If so, where were they placed at?


Actually, I don't know what they did for CP1. However, in principle, you don't even need any neutron source, because there is a tiny neutron background present due to cosmic rays. Point is, that is a really small background, and you need quite some "exponential growing" before you get to a reasonable neutron flux, which is, moreover, less well controlled in the beginning due to important statistical fluctuations. But in principle, the neutron background from cosmic radiation can start any critical mass.
  • #9
Hi there,

Astronuc said:
A core of fresh fuel would have neutrons sources distributed in the core so that there are some initial neutrons that cause a low level of fission which is detected by in-core and ex-core detectors.

Just a quick question: What kind of "in-core" detectors are you talking about. From my understanding of BWR, neutrons and gamma detectors are all out-of-core, measuring, therefore, an average distribution.

  • #10
Please ignore my response in post #5 above. Total brain fade, missed the point of the question.
  • #11
fatra2 said:
Hi there,

Just a quick question: What kind of "in-core" detectors are you talking about. From my understanding of BWR, neutrons and gamma detectors are all out-of-core, measuring, therefore, an average distribution.

Neutron sources must be in the core adjacent to fuel (in a BWR) or in within neutron source assemblies (in a PWR), which look like control rod or burnable poison assemblies, and which reside in the guidetube positions in an unrodded (uncontrolled) assembly usually toward the core periphery.

BWRs have local power range monitors (LPRMs) which are located in-core between cells, and actually at the common corner of 4 cells, where a cell corresponds to four assemblies which surround a common control blade (control rod). Ex-core fission chambers are also an option.

See also Figure 4.1-1 Core Configuration with Location of Instrumentation
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FAQ: How does the chain reaction start in a BWR reactor?

1. What is a BWR reactor?

A BWR (Boiling Water Reactor) is a type of nuclear reactor that uses water as both a coolant and a moderator. It works by generating steam from the heat produced by nuclear fission, which is then used to power a turbine and generate electricity.

2. How does a chain reaction occur in a BWR reactor?

The chain reaction in a BWR reactor starts with the splitting (fission) of uranium atoms. This releases energy in the form of heat and more neutrons, which then collide with other uranium atoms, causing them to split as well. This process continues in a chain reaction, releasing more and more energy.

3. What triggers the chain reaction in a BWR reactor?

The chain reaction in a BWR reactor is triggered by inserting fuel rods containing enriched uranium into the reactor core. These fuel rods are surrounded by control rods, which can absorb neutrons and regulate the rate of the chain reaction.

4. Can the chain reaction in a BWR reactor be stopped?

Yes, the chain reaction in a BWR reactor can be stopped by inserting control rods into the reactor core. These control rods absorb neutrons and slow down or stop the chain reaction. Additionally, the reactor can also be shut down by lowering the power level and decreasing the concentration of fuel in the core.

5. Are there safety mechanisms in place to prevent a BWR reactor from overheating?

Yes, BWR reactors have multiple safety mechanisms in place to prevent overheating, such as emergency cooling systems and pressure relief valves. Additionally, the reactor is constantly monitored by trained operators and automated systems to ensure safe operation and prevent any potential accidents.

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