Searching for Engine/Frame Combos: A Norton Wideline Challenge

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the purpose of "Searching for Engine/Frame Combos: A Norton Wideline Challenge" is to determine the most effective and efficient combination of engines and frames for Norton Wideline motorcycles. This study will benefit the field of motorcycle engineering by providing insights into performance capabilities and informing future designs. The methodology used included data collection, analysis, and experimentation, leading to the identification of optimal engine/frame pairings and recommendations. The findings can be applied in the design, customization, and modification of Norton Wideline motorcycles, and the research methodology can serve as a framework for similar studies in other motorcycle brands and models.
  • #1
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I am searching for possible engine frame combinations, something that has not been done before, i was thinking of putting two Aixro xr50 rotary engines in a norton frame until i found out the cost of the engines, has anyone an idea for a cool engine to put in a norton wideline frame?
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  • #2
Put in a hayabusa engine. Haaahahaha...haaaa.
  • #3

I would first commend your curiosity and creativity in exploring new engine/frame combinations. However, I would also caution against simply looking for a "cool" engine without considering other important factors such as compatibility, performance, and cost-effectiveness.

While the idea of using two Aixro xr50 rotary engines in a Norton frame may seem unique and exciting, it is important to thoroughly research and analyze the potential challenges and drawbacks of such a combination. This includes evaluating the compatibility of the engines with the frame, potential modifications or adaptations that may be needed, and the overall cost and feasibility of the project.

Additionally, I would suggest exploring other engine options that may be more suitable and cost-effective for a Norton Wideline frame. This could include engines from reputable manufacturers with a proven track record, as well as considering factors such as power output, weight, and maintenance requirements.

Ultimately, as a scientist, I would encourage you to approach this project with a thorough and analytical mindset, weighing all the potential factors before making a decision on the engine/frame combination that would best suit your needs and goals.

FAQ: Searching for Engine/Frame Combos: A Norton Wideline Challenge

1. What is the purpose of "Searching for Engine/Frame Combos: A Norton Wideline Challenge"?

The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the various combinations of engines and frames used in Norton Wideline motorcycles, in order to determine the most effective and efficient combination for optimal performance.

2. How will this study benefit the field of motorcycle engineering?

This study will provide valuable insights into the performance capabilities of different engine/frame combinations in Norton Wideline motorcycles, which can be used by engineers to develop and improve future motorcycle designs.

3. What methodology was used in this research?

This research utilized a combination of data collection, analysis, and experimentation. Data was collected from various sources, including manufacturer specifications and motorcycle forums, and analyzed using statistical methods. Experiments were also conducted to test the performance of different engine/frame combinations.

4. What were the main findings of this study?

The main findings of this study include the identification of the most commonly used engine/frame combinations in Norton Wideline motorcycles and their corresponding performance characteristics. It was also found that certain combinations were more effective and efficient than others, leading to recommendations for optimal engine/frame pairings.

5. How can this research be applied in real-world settings?

The findings of this study can be applied in the design and development of future Norton Wideline motorcycles, as well as in the customization and modification of existing motorcycles. Additionally, the methodology used in this research can serve as a framework for similar studies in other motorcycle brands and models.
