Is Life an Illusion? | Existential Exploration

  • Thread starter Iacchus32
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In summary, the conversation touched on various philosophical topics such as the nature of reality, consciousness, time and space, and the concept of illusion. The participants also discussed the limitations of language and the potential for personal growth and evolution. Overall, there was a sense of wonder and curiosity about the mysteries of the universe.
  • #1
If reality is that which exists after we stop believing, would that be akin to saying we were never here? How could we possibly tell? Surely there would be no way of ascertaining this if everything was purely physical. :smile: And yet consciousness isn't physical is it? Hmm ... Is it possible consciousness transcends both time and space? ... throughout Eternity that is. Or, are we stuck with being fleeting illusions unto ourselves?
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Physics news on
  • #2

interesting... surely there is no one provable 'reality' as long as there are separate living entities experiencing wholly different things generalised using language? or am i confusing things? i am assuming we as humans are not the be all and end all as far as dictating what it is to be. an animal without our language surely exists even though the concept of existing is a human trait. by growing up without verbal language one would live in a real world experiencing phenomena taking place over time would they not?

conscioussness... what a wonderful thing, i reckon the illusion concept that is found globally throughought the worlds mystic traditions must have an element of truth, whatever truth may be. alternative states of consciousness are real but may not necessarily be physical in the traditional sense: to dream is simply one of the many.

eternity is right now, hold, and i think due to subjective interpretations of time, the answer is yes, consciousness goes beyond time and space.

addition: to change ones opinion and keep living conscious of that change would be to consciously evolve, would it not? do human beings (and any beings for that matter) have a consciousness that is developing separate to the physical body? i do not assume we as a collective are any more consciously evolved than we were thousands of years ago, although this seems possible.

keep it (un)real :wink:
  • #3
Iacchus32 said:
If reality is that which exists after we stop believing, would that be akin to saying we were never here? How could we possibly tell? Surely there would be no way of ascertaining this if everything was purely physical. :smile: And yet consciousness isn't physical is it? Hmm ... Is it possible consciousness transcends both time and space? ... throughout Eternity that is. Or, are we stuck with being fleeting illusions unto ourselves?

For only $29.95 you too can own the secrets to the universe! Is existence real or illusory? Does anything really matter? What the heck is matter anyway?

Send cash or money order to: :smile:
  • #4
wuliheron said:
For only $29.95 you too can own the secrets to the universe! Is existence real or illusory? Does anything really matter? What the heck is matter anyway?

Send cash or money order to: :smile:
I don't know? But hey, if there was an afterlife, does that mean it was just an afterthought? Ha ha ha! :biggrin:
  • #5
Hey, did you know that both time and space are born of Therefore the moment which, is where consciousness resides, transcends both time and space. The moment is here, now and everywhere ... and, Eternal. :smile:

wuliheron said:
Does anything really matter? What the heck is matter anyway?
Matter is the outcropping of one's intent ... Universal or otherwise. :wink:
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  • #6
Iacchus32 said:
I don't know? But hey, if there was an afterlife, does that mean it was just an afterthought? Ha ha ha! :biggrin:

For only $29.95...

Likewise, if you wish to know what the moment is or your intent... :smile:
  • #7
There is no escape, there is no easy way out. Every moment paid in full.
  • #8
wuliheron said:
For only $29.95...

Likewise, if you wish to know what the moment is or your intent... :smile:
Afraid the book hasn't come out yet, at least not so anybody can buy it yet. Sorry ... :wink:
  • #9
nonsensical illuminations

I'm afraid any book that claims to contain the secrets of the universe would not meet my mind in any positive fashion*, as if some material construction could ever enlighten! what am i saying- I'm an artist!ha ha. sorry for the muse, but oh all and mighty where oh where is the commonality - is the concept of language and its inherent generalisations on it's way out?

peace to all who know nothing(ness) :smile: ha ha..

what the english language is capable of: EXERCISE IN BRACKETS
(SEE (observe (percieve (quantify))) WHAT (that which ) I (one single human entity (generalisation concerning the arrangement of cells (generalisation concerning the arrangement of molecules (generalisation concerning the arrangement of atoms (etc.))))) MEAN (understand (comprehend by way (journey) of body/mind (and everything in between) conclusions (statements (words stringed together logically) to ones self (manifestation of the said body/mind complex) to crystallise a personal notion or idea (imaginative energy usage) that results in an action (realisation)))

*note: a book can contain elements of truth, of course, but one with such claims would arouse suspicious brain vibrations! :smile:
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  • #10
Iacchus32 said:
Matter is the outcropping of one's intent ... Universal or otherwise. :wink:

interesting proposition suggestive of a true magician! hail :smile:
  • #11

According to Hinduism, life is maya (illusion). I think life is an illusion because of our own limitations of thought, not that God is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

"God may be sophisticated but he is not malicious"---Albert Einstein
  • #12
Iacchus32 said:
Afraid the book hasn't come out yet, at least not so anybody can buy it yet. Sorry ... :wink:

No problem, just send me the money anyway and you'll get an idea of the difference between reality and illusion. :-p
  • #13
RAD4921 said:
According to Hinduism, life is maya (illusion). I think life is an illusion because of our own limitations of thought, not that God is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

"God may be sophisticated but he is not malicious"---Albert Einstein
Besides being conscious, there is very little that any of us knows. :wink:

FAQ: Is Life an Illusion? | Existential Exploration

1. What is the concept of life being an illusion?

The concept of life being an illusion suggests that our perception of reality is not actually real, but rather a construct of our minds. In other words, what we perceive as reality may not be the ultimate truth.

2. Is there any evidence to support the idea that life is an illusion?

There is no concrete evidence to prove that life is an illusion. However, some scientific theories, such as quantum physics, suggest that the physical world is not as solid and tangible as it appears. This has led some to speculate that our perception of reality may not be entirely accurate.

3. How does the idea of life being an illusion tie into existentialism?

Existentialism is a philosophical approach that emphasizes the individual's experience and freedom to create their own meaning in life. The idea of life being an illusion challenges traditional notions of reality and encourages individuals to question their own existence and purpose.

4. Can the idea of life being an illusion have a negative impact on mental health?

This is a complex question and the answer may vary for each individual. For some, the idea of life being an illusion may cause feelings of confusion and uncertainty, which can potentially lead to anxiety or depression. However, for others, it may inspire a sense of wonder and curiosity about the nature of reality.

5. How can we cope with the idea that life may be an illusion?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as coping mechanisms may differ for each individual. However, some potential coping strategies may include practicing mindfulness, seeking support from loved ones or a therapist, and finding ways to create meaning and purpose in life regardless of its ultimate nature.
