Government Intelligence - does it exist?

In summary, US intelligence agencies have been under scrutiny for their handling of intelligence leading up to the Iraq war, with many believing that the Bush administration pressured them to provide misleading information in support of the war. Prior to 9/11, the agencies were providing cautious but relatively accurate intelligence, but after 9/11, the pressure to provide "actionable" intelligence intensified, leading to potential biases in the reports. The 9/11 Report found no direct evidence of pressure to alter conclusions, but it is possible that other forms of pressure influenced the mindset of the agencies. The current state of Iraq has also been a source of debate, with the administration dismissing negative intelligence reports as mere speculation. This raises concerns about the trust in the intelligence
  • #1
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US intelligence agencies have been in the public eye a lot, lately. We've heard how they missed opportunities to prevent 9/11 (9/11 Report), how bad intelligence lead us into the Iraq war ( ), and the intelligence estimates on the current state of Iraq that motivated Richard Lugar's and Chuck Hagel's recent comments.

The intel on pre-war Iraq was so bad that many believe the Bush administration pressured them into providing material to support the war versus actual intelligence.

1) Did the Bush administration pressure the CIA to provide intel that supported the war?

2) How eager was the CIA to provide intel supporting the war?

3) How badly does our intel system need fixing?

Prior to 9/11 the CIA and other intelligence agencies were providing 'pretty good' intelligence, but were very conservative when it came to basing actions on it. Not great, but 'pretty good'. They could tell the administration what they 'thought' was going on, but whenever it came time to commit to some kind of action, they emphasized the caveats, the chances they could be wrong. Every time they were pressed on an issue, they tended to respond - Ah, okay, I've basically got nothing.

If the US had actually acted on the intel provided it, we might have prevented 9/11, but definitely would have made a lot of mistakes along the way.

Post 9/11, looking back in hind sight, the mistakes they would have made weren't nearly as bad as what actually happened. The entire attitude changed. All of their intel was 'actionable' intel with any reservations and caveats buried deep in the text of their briefings.

The Report on Pre-War Iraq Intel couldn't find any evidence of direct pressure to alter intel conclusions to support the war or anyone who would even suggest they were pressured to alter their conclusions. That doesn't mean that a different kind of pressure wasn't applied. When you've had your butt handed to you for being too conservative and the administration is demanding intel that they can base real actions and decisions on, it affects the mindset of the people providing the intel reports.

Bottom line is that Bush and his administration are correct that all the intel provided them suggested that Iraq was an imminent threat.

Now, we get intelligence reports assessing the current situation in Iraq as very bad to very dangerous. Bush's response: They're guessing.

That's bad. If you take his comment at face value, Bush is saying that his administration's trust in our intel system is so bad that the administration is now working blind - a viewpoint supported by other Bush comments about how the situation in Iraq is improving.

Obviously, you can't take his comments at face value during an election year, but our intel system obviously needs an overhaul: one to move from an intel system that was great at meeting Cold War needs to one that meets today's needs and one to overhaul its entire psyche (in the words of 'Crash' Davis, they need a rainout!)
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  • #2
That's bad. If you take his comment at face value, Bush is saying that his administration's trust in our intel system is so bad that the administration is now working blind

He is suggesting that he doesn't trust the intelligence provided by the CIA as much as he did in the past. Should he?
  • #3
It's at least more understandable why Bush decided to invade Iraq. It was the right decision based on the info they received.

But it's also a little scarier and goes beyond who's President or Secretary of Defense. Whoever is in charge needs some means of figuring out what's really going on.

I also agree the administration is in a pretty tough spot and a little skeptism about the info they're receiving is justified.

There's also a more professional way to deal with the problem. As Benjamin Franklin said, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." This is a problem that's going to take a while to fix. What the administration has is what the adminsitration is going to have for quite a while.

It's hard for the public to know what's going on at different management levels within the government, but when an organization makes drastic swings from one extreme to the other with no improvement in results, it's a sign that at some level, management is amplifying the problems instead of making much progress in fixing them.

Admittedly, even knowing Bush's decisions weren't as outlandish as they appeared doesn't reduce the frustration that the government just isn't functioning as well as you'd hope. It's hard to resist the same solution the Yankees use: when the team starts losing, fire the manager. Not often effective, to be sure, but Bush should at least show a little more professionalism in dealing with a problem that's not going to go away for awhile.
  • #4
What is it you want him to do?

FAQ: Government Intelligence - does it exist?

1. What is government intelligence and how does it work?

Government intelligence refers to the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information by government agencies to inform decision making and protect national security. This can involve gathering data through various means, such as surveillance, informants, and open source research. The information is then evaluated and used to inform policies and actions.

2. How is government intelligence different from other types of intelligence?

Government intelligence is distinct from other types of intelligence, such as military or business intelligence, in that it is primarily focused on protecting national security and informing government decision making. It often involves gathering information that is not publicly available and can involve covert operations.

3. Is government intelligence legal?

The legality of government intelligence can vary depending on the country and the specific actions taken. In most cases, governments have laws and regulations in place to govern their intelligence activities and ensure they are carried out in a legal and ethical manner. However, there have been instances where intelligence agencies have been accused of violating privacy laws and civil liberties.

4. How is government intelligence overseen and regulated?

Government intelligence is typically overseen by a combination of executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. This can include oversight committees, internal review processes, and legal checks and balances. There may also be independent watchdog organizations that monitor and report on government intelligence activities.

5. Is government intelligence effective in preventing threats?

The effectiveness of government intelligence in preventing threats is a complex and debated topic. Intelligence agencies have been successful in thwarting some attacks and gathering valuable information, but there have also been instances of intelligence failures. It is important for governments to continually evaluate and improve their intelligence methods in order to effectively protect national security.

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