King of the Nerds exploitative or genuine?

  • Thread starter Jack21222
  • Start date
In summary: Computers?"In summary, the new show King of the Nerds is starting this week and I am very guarded about it because I am afraid that the show will be designed to exploit rather than explore nerd culture. I am afraid that instead of presenting the contestants as they really are, TBS will present them as caricatures to be laughed at.
  • #1
So TBS is starting a new show this week called I am very guarded about this show, because I'm afraid the show will be designed to exploit rather than explore nerd culture. I'm afraid that instead of presenting the contestants as they really are, TBS will present them as caricatures to be laughed at.

The Big Bang Theory gets a lot of criticism about that, but I enjoy the show for 2 reasons.

1) I think it's a genuinely funny show. I'm not a big fan of sitcoms, but the unique theme has allowed them to use situations that other sitcoms haven't been able to do so. There are only so many ways sitcoms can make mother-in-law interactions funny, but only the Big Bang Theory can have a scene where a physicist tries to do a biologist's work.

2) Because it's a sitcom, I'm willing to tolerate some level of caricature. The characters are SUPPOSED to be a bit goofy. The guys on the show are a little more awkward than they have to be, and Penny (early on) and her boyfriends are a bit more ditzy than they had to be. This has changed in the later seasons, for what it's worth. The men on the show have been fleshed out and made less awkward, while Penny is less of a ditz.

Since this new King of the Nerds show is a "reality" show, I fear that if the contestants are portrayed to be completely out of touch, nerd culture is going to be laughed at rather than being intriguing. Nerd culture has come a long way in the past 20 years. Comic book movies are now blockbuster hits every year, rather than a rarity. People who aren't otherwise particularly nerdy are calling themselves nerds and trying to dress the part because "geek chic" is in style. I just hope shows like this don't start turning the public against us. I can almost see a situation where people say "Well, I might like the Spiderman movies, but at least I don't LARP!"

I believe that if the producers set it up right, they can use this show to dispel myths and preconceived notions about self-described nerds. I really want them to show the normal human side of the contestants. If they manage to do this, I will probably be a big fan of the show.

By the way, I don't want this to become a discussion on Big Bang Theory; we already have a thread for that. If BBT is a borderline case, I'm afraid that King of the Nerds is going to take a flying leap across the line.

What do you guys think? Have you seen the previews? Will you tune into watch? I plan to watch it, and I really really hope they don't set this up to exploit nerd culture.
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  • #2
Personally I'm opposed to the whole idea of "nerd culture" as it perpetuates stereotypes against reality. For instance: the idea that being good at/interested in science means that you're also going to be socially awkward. This show does not look good by any means.
  • #3
At least it isn't 16, nerdy, and pregnant.
  • #4
Ryan_m_b said:
Personally I'm opposed to the whole idea of "nerd culture" as it perpetuates stereotypes against reality. For instance: the idea that being good at/interested in science means that you're also going to be socially awkward. This show does not look good by any means.

I disagree that claiming an existence of "nerd culture" perpetuates such stereotypes. Sure, it's actually a bunch of different cultures kind of crammed together under one tent, but as a gaming and science nerd, I look upon anime nerds and comic book nerds as brethren. When I go to my local board game store, the culture there is very different from a sports bar. It's much closer to the culture at a video game convention.

There's a reason San Diego Comic-Con does a lot more than comic books. I'd argue that there is a somewhat unified nerd culture that exists, even if it is broken up into a lot of sub-cultures.

If anything, the REAL nerd culture actually defies the stereotypes like being socially awkward. If you go to a big convention, it's clear that the attendees are not at all socially awkward as a rule (sure, there are some exceptions).
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  • #5
Jack21222 said:
I disagree that claiming an existence of "nerd culture" perpetuates such stereotypes.
Are you attempting to redefine the word nerd to something like enthusiast? Because that's what I'm getting from your post.

Edit: to expand further, what exactly do you mean by nerd? If its simply someone who likes science and/or games, comics etc then is there really sufficient justification to have one encompassing term? How does that not perpetuate stereotypes e.g. "You're into science so you must like gaming".
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  • #6
Ryan_m_b said:
Are you attempting to redefine the word nerd to something like enthusiast? Because that's what I'm getting from your post.


Ok, let's hear how YOU define the word "nerd." Maybe it's an issue of American vs British English, but the way I use it is the way it's generally used in this country.

I'd define "nerd" as anybody with a strong interest in non-mainstream activities or academics. I use the term interchangeably with the word "geek."
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  • #7
Interesting concept. I've always thought of "nerd" as meaning "enthusiast of something society considers nerdy." Or, in some cases, when used (very) loosely (almost jokingly,) just "enthusiast."

I'll refrain from judging until I see an episode. The commercials I've seen don't seem to relate "nerd" to "cleverness," but, again, I'll refrain from judging.
  • #8
To get to the point a little better, I think it is fairly obvious, at least to me, that there exists a certain culture epitomized by those who attend San Diego Comic Con and similar conventions (and this spills over into people who don't go, but would like to). You can name that culture whatever you want, but it's silly to pretend that it doesn't exist. I happen to call it "nerd culture" or "geek culture." You're free to call it "enthusiast culture," but that is not the point of this thread.
  • #9
Jack21222 said:

Ok, let's hear how YOU define the word "nerd." Maybe it's an issue of American vs British English, but the way I use it is the way it's generally used in this country.

I'd define "nerd" as anybody with a strong interest in non-mainstream activities or academics. I use the term interchangeably with the word "geek."
Are you saying that nerd is no longer used as an insult to mean an individual who is academically talented yet possesses unpopular hobbies, lacks social skills, is physically weak and unattractive?

I'm aware of other uses of course but this is the main one I hear people use and when I hear it used in contexts like this I don't think it's a good thing.

Edit: rather than getting bogged down in this I'll simply ask: is the use of the term nerd in this show in any way pejorative?
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  • #10
Ryan_m_b said:
Edit: rather than getting bogged down in this I'll simply ask: is the use of the term nerd in this show pejorative?

I guess that's a good way to summarize what makes me nervous about this show. Historically, the word "nerd" has been a pejorative. However, recently the word "nerd" has been somewhat embraced by people and it's more socially acceptable to be "nerdy." I refer to myself as a nerd fairly often, though "geek" might be just as appropriate. So when I use the word, it isn't as a pejorative. In the video bios of the contestants, they refer themselves to nerds.

However, I am nervous that this show IS subtly using it as a pejorative. This show will either reinforce the old "nerd" stereotypes, or it will show that those that self-identify as nerds have depth and are worthy of respect.
  • #11
I completely agree Jack. I've used the words in the same way as you too but when I see it used in a wider context like this show I see it as reinforcing negative stereotypes. The worst of which being that being classed as a nerd or having nerdish qualities is not normal.
  • #12
One reason I really despise the wacky, goofy-dude stereotype scientist: I can't think of a more efficient way to scare off middle school kids from science. Especially the girls.
  • #13
I don't consider myself a nerd nor do I watch BB Theory. So more than likely I'll skip the show. Like someone mentioned before, it just further adds to the stereotype.

But also, I dislike the culture as it is because of the stereotype and now being considered more of a "trend" now. People being "nerds" because being smart is now cool. But this trend doesn't take into account the hard work these 'nerds' have to go through. A person toiling away at math/physics/biology/psychology and is very knowledgeable of the subject just didn't have the knowledge or consume it via lecture hall, that person worked hard to understand it and apply it. "Other" people misconstrue it as it being something inherent, etc..., so they refuse the hard work and just attempt to be perceived as someone smart by saying all the usual things.

All in all, I see it too many times at my university.
  • #14
Mentalist said:
But also, I dislike the culture as it is because of the stereotype and now being considered more of a "trend" now.

Every culture has its stereotypes. I don't think you should dislike a culture because of stereotypes. In fact, that's the exact WRONG reason to dislike a culture.
  • #15
Jack21222 said:
Every culture has its stereotypes. I don't think you should dislike a culture because of stereotypes. In fact, that's the exact WRONG reason to dislike a culture.
But aren't the stereotypes part of the culture? How can you dismiss them?
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  • #16
lisab said:
One reason I really despise the wacky, goofy-dude stereotype scientist: I can't think of a more efficient way to scare off middle school kids from science. Especially the girls.

  • #17
Evo said:
But aren't the stereotypes part of the culture? How can you dismiss them?

Stereotypes tend to have a bit of truth in them, but they tend to be quite exaggerated. Sure, while it's true that geeks don't tend to have the same circle of friends as the "popular" kids in school, they do indeed have friends. (The stereotype casts the geek as a loner).

As an example, check out what Marketing Week had to say about nerds:

Astonishingly, the survey shows that "87 per cent of geeks say that friends come to them for their opinions". The Diary has checked and rechecked, and that is not a misprint. "Friends" is indeed used in the plural.

Bolding mine.

So, that's the stereotype that some people have in their mind. It's very easy for me to dismiss that stereotype. When I go to the local game shop, I do NOT see a bunch of people huddled apart from each other in various corners. Sure, if you put half of these people in a night club, they'd look socially awkward, but in this setting, they're friendly and outgoing.

Sorry if this post doesn't make much sense, I'm half asleep, it's about 2am. I guess my point is that exaggerated stereotypes aren't a part of any culture, but rather something imposed upon them from the outside.

Aero51 said:
I have trouble meeting women because of my degree title alone (no its not in rapeology) - so I just dumb it down and say I am a writer or artist...

And with all due respect, I don't believe you.
  • #18
Yup, nerd is in limbo between the perjorative and the recent reaction to the perjorative. It's going to be used differently by people in different ways for different contexts.

But "over-enthusiast" (to the point of neglecting social nicities like mannerisms and dress) is sometimes a perjorative too. For instance, making a pedantic point or correcting someone in casual conversation on a date might lose favor with your date.
  • #19
I don't identify with being a nerd. Labels like that are silly. The show is probably bad, but its ok. Most shows are.

I nearly never volunteer my profession. If someone asks I say student, if asked for more I tack graduate in front. Only if pressed will i say I study physics. Many people assume if one studies physics, one must be some super genius. I don't think that's true. I am not smarter than the average bear, I just spend much more time doing physics than them.
  • #20
Thanks to this thread, I'm now reading a 457 page Ph.D dissertation: an ethnographic study of nerd culture. If I wasn't considered a nerd before...
  • #21
Pythagorean said:
Going up and telling somewhat you do and the way you do it might be the repulsive behavior (and not the name of the profession itself).

I see a joke in here but cannot put my finger on it.
  • #22
I can't find it, but earlier in this thread, I seem to remember someone saying something along the lines of "it's going to be terrible, but that's okay, pretty much every TV show is."

Just reminds me of the Sherlock quote, "Because you're an idiot. Oh, don't take it like that. Practically everyone is.
  • #23
Jack21222 said:
When I go to my local board game store, the culture there is very different from a sports bar.

You have a local board game store... that's incredible.

Whovian said:
I'll refrain from judging until I see an episode. The commercials I've seen don't seem to relate "nerd" to "cleverness,".

For fear of discussing the topic in the OP... I totally agree with this.
  • #24
BenG549 said:
You have a local board game store... that's incredible.

To call it a "board game store" is to sell it short a bit. Upstairs, it's a book store and Magic: The Gathering cards for sale. Downstairs is an area with a wall full of board games for sale, another wall for warhammer stuff, and in between, shelves for roleplaying games. The other half of downstairs has tables for games.

It's located directly in between MIT and Harvard, so I get to hang out with some cool people from those universities.
  • #25
Jack21222 said:
To call it a "board game store" is to sell it short a bit. Upstairs, it's a book store and Magic: The Gathering cards for sale. Downstairs is an area with a wall full of board games for sale, another wall for warhammer stuff, and in between, shelves for roleplaying games. The other half of downstairs has tables for games.

Right that makes sense, I was wondering how they were still open with such a niche and to be honest dated product... It makes more sense that they have a little more diversity in their store, my imagination just got carried away with a shop just FULL of board games!

Jack21222 said:
It's located directly in between MIT and Harvard, so I get to hang out with some cool people from those universities.

Bet that's the source of many interesting conversations.
  • #26
BenG549 said:
Right that makes sense, I was wondering how they were still open with such a niche and to be honest dated product... It makes more sense that they have a little more diversity in their store, my imagination just got carried away with a shop just FULL of board games!

I'm not sure I'd call board games a dated product. There are SO many board games out there, and it wouldn't be difficult to fill a store with nothing but board games. There was a store back in my hometown that was pretty much just board games, though I don't believe it was very successful. Maybe I should start a board game thread over in the fun and games subforum (if there isn't one already), but you can check out for a taste of how big the market is.
  • #28
I didn't realize this was such a controversial issue with everyone...

Well, I'm just being myself - not trying to be condensing, malicious or arrogant. If it bothers you then I don't know... I'd rather be true to myself and others than someone who waters everything down. Apparently that's terrible.
  • #29
Aero51 said:
I didn't realize this was such a controversial issue with everyone...

Well, I'm just being myself - not trying to be condensing, malicious or arrogant. If it bothers you then I don't know... I'd rather be true to myself and others than someone who waters everything down. Apparently that's terrible.
It's off topic.
  • #30
Alright, I just watched the show and I'm still not quite sure what to think. Pretty much anything done by the hosts was somewhat offensive to me. I'm not blaming the hosts, they're just doing what they're told by the producers. But it's as if the show is trying to play to every negative stereotype there is.

On the other hand, I genuinely like the contestants. When the show is just showing the contestants talking to each other, I think it's quite good. It's just a shame that has to be interrupted by a guy on a bullhorn saying "Attention all nerds" calling them out to be picked for teams, where one person isn't going to get picked (playing on that old stereotype).

I'm probably going to watch next week just because I'm rooting for the contestants to look good against the wishes of the show. That probably isn't how reality shows are supposed to work, but oh well.
  • #31
Jack21222 said:
I guess that's a good way to summarize what makes me nervous about this show. Historically, the word "nerd" has been a pejorative. However, recently the word "nerd" has been somewhat embraced by people and it's more socially acceptable to be "nerdy." I refer to myself as a nerd fairly often, though "geek" might be just as appropriate. So when I use the word, it isn't as a pejorative. In the video bios of the contestants, they refer themselves to nerds.
This has been my experience as well. I describe myself as "nerdy" when the situation calls for it. I'm to the point where I don't care what people think, but I have noticed a general shift in paradigms about our kind.

Jack21222 said:
However, I am nervous that this show IS subtly using it as a pejorative. This show will either reinforce the old "nerd" stereotypes, or it will show that those that self-identify as nerds have depth and are worthy of respect.
I had the same reservations about BBT, but it turned out to be one of our favorite shows for many of the same reasons you mentioned in an earlier post. We don't have cable/satellite anymore (haven't for quite a few years), but we do occasionally catch things that come out on NetFlix. If it becomes available through something like that, I'll probably check it out.
  • #32
Dembadon said:
I had the same reservations about BBT, but it turned out to be one of our favorite shows for many of the same reasons you mentioned in an earlier post. We don't have cable/satellite anymore (haven't for quite a few years), but we do occasionally catch things that come out on NetFlix. If it becomes available through something like that, I'll probably check it out.

Full episodes online. Here's the first episode:

FAQ: King of the Nerds exploitative or genuine?

1. Is "King of the Nerds" exploitative towards its contestants?

There is no clear answer to this question. Some argue that the show takes advantage of the contestants' intelligence and interests for entertainment purposes, while others argue that it celebrates and showcases the talents of nerds in a positive light.

2. Are the challenges on "King of the Nerds" designed to mock or belittle the contestants?

The challenges on the show are often related to popular nerd culture and require a certain level of knowledge and skill. While some challenges may be more difficult for certain contestants, they are not designed to mock or belittle anyone.

3. Do the contestants on "King of the Nerds" receive fair treatment and compensation?

The contestants on the show sign contracts and are aware of what they are getting into. They are also compensated for their time and participation. However, there have been some concerns raised about the mental and emotional toll the show may take on contestants.

4. Is "King of the Nerds" an accurate representation of nerd culture?

As with any reality show, "King of the Nerds" may not accurately represent all aspects of nerd culture. However, it does showcase a diverse group of contestants with various interests and talents, which can give viewers a glimpse into the world of nerds.

5. Does "King of the Nerds" perpetuate stereotypes about nerds?

Some argue that the show reinforces stereotypes about nerds, such as being socially awkward or overly competitive. However, others argue that it breaks these stereotypes by showcasing the unique personalities and talents of each contestant.

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