Understanding Poisson Properties for Client Arrivals in a Shop

  • Thread starter Mark J.
  • Start date
In summary: Retaining new customers would also create dependencies between arrivals.For example, if a store were to do a really good job of retaining new customers, then the arrival of a new customer would be correlated with the departure of a previous customer.However, if a store were to lose a lot of new customers, then the arrival of a new customer would be uncorrelated with the departure of a previous customer.This would create a bottleneck effect, causing the wait time to increase.In summary, the process of arrivals for clients in a shop is Poisson. There are three properties that define the process, independence, memoryless, and non-correlated. The adviser is asking to describe the process in detail,
  • #1
Mark J.
Actually describing the process of arrivals for clients in a shop:
Getting difficulties with math describing of the process:

I wrote down three properties of Poisson but adviser is asking to describe very carefully how we understand these properties to reason that process is Poisson without making this assumption from the beginning.

Any help to get out from this abstraction??

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
So what are the three properties that you have?
I assume they are quite mathematical (something about independent events, blahblah, ...). Can you translate that into real-world language (involving customers and waiting times)?
  • #3
Independence, memory less etc.
I am trying to do the translation bu always failing on it :)
  • #4
OK, so let's try together.
Independence means that the occurrence of one event does not have a causal correlation to another event, right?

What is "the occurrence of an event" in your case?
  • #5
arrival of one client:)
  • #6
Good, so let's "plug that in":

Independence means that the arrival of one client does not have a causal correlation to the arrival of another client.

Does that make sense to you?
  • #7
It does but for the adviser is not acceptable just to write they do not have a causal correlation because there is a "why" after that
  • #8
That's a sensible question, isn't it?
I mean, if you were modelling people arriving at a school or office building throughout the day, I wouldn't say that events are independent.
  • #9
Of course not but there is need for further words on this I think.
  • #10
Well apparently your adviser thinks otherwise. So you should either make an effort to explain why this is different, or argue with him why it's too obvious. I'm just trying to guide you through it :)
  • #11
Yes thank you please continue
  • #12
Can you thinking of any kind of physical process that might cause some process dependencies between the two observations?

What kinds of attributes are common to the processes of multiple observations and how do they contribute to the process creating the observations?
  • #13
No I cannot think of one process that connects passenger arrivals at the bus stop because schedule of bus is not fixed.Anyway its kind of strange just to say not correlated.Thought maybe can be a more specific math speech style :))
  • #14
What kind of attributes do you attach to the process of a passenger arriving? (Not mathematical or quantitative at the moment, but qualitative and descriptive).

Also (and this is crucial with things like this): what kind of constraints and relationships do you put on the clients themselves? Are there properties of the clients that create some kind of bias and dependencies between arrivals?
  • #15
Sorry I missed you here.
Maybe you mention an example?
  • #16
One brief example that I can give is customer type.

Customers that go to a particular store may be frequent customers or they may be customers that visit at particular times of the day depending on what keeps them occupied.

For example 9-5 workers may get time to shop after work and not during the day where-as retired people, students, stay at home people, etc may go during the day.

What is sold will also affect the clients and arrivals.

The season will also affect things (Valentines Day with chocolates and Roses).

Also you must consider what is sold: something like a petrol or gas station will have very different properties and arrival times to even that of a super-market.

These are a few examples highlighting how things can cause dependencies between observations and other factors.
  • #17
No I cannot think anything of these for passenger arrivals.
They are completely random in my case.
Only time of observation is peak hour in the morning.
  • #18
chiro said:
One brief example that I can give is customer type.

Customers that go to a particular store may be frequent customers or they may be customers that visit at particular times of the day depending on what keeps them occupied.

For example 9-5 workers may get time to shop after work and not during the day where-as retired people, students, stay at home people, etc may go during the day.

What is sold will also affect the clients and arrivals.

The season will also affect things (Valentines Day with chocolates and Roses).

Also you must consider what is sold: something like a petrol or gas station will have very different properties and arrival times to even that of a super-market.

These are a few examples highlighting how things can cause dependencies between observations and other factors.
Those are all examples of why the rate parameter may vary with time, but not of why one arrival may alter the probability (given the time of day) of another. Instead, consider that some people shop in pairs or even larger groups. Cluster arrivals would be distinctly non-Poisson.
  • #19
What about the occurrence of retaining new customers?

FAQ: Understanding Poisson Properties for Client Arrivals in a Shop

1. What is the Poisson distribution?

The Poisson distribution is a statistical method used to model the probability of a certain number of events occurring within a fixed time period, given the average rate of occurrence. It is often used in situations where events occur independently and at a constant rate.

2. How do Poisson properties apply to client arrivals in a shop?

In a shop, the number of client arrivals can be modeled using the Poisson distribution, as clients arrive independently and at a relatively constant rate. This allows for the calculation of probabilities for a certain number of clients arriving within a given time period.

3. What is the mean and variance for the Poisson distribution?

The mean (λ) and variance (λ) for the Poisson distribution are equal, and are both calculated using the average rate of occurrence. This means that the mean and variance can be used interchangeably when working with the Poisson distribution.

4. How is the Poisson distribution different from other probability distributions?

The Poisson distribution differs from other probability distributions in that it is used to model the probability of discrete events occurring, rather than continuous events. It also assumes that events occur independently and at a constant rate, which is not always the case in other distributions.

5. Can the Poisson distribution be used for other applications besides client arrivals in a shop?

Yes, the Poisson distribution can be used to model the probability of events occurring in a variety of situations, such as traffic accidents, machine failures, and website visits. It is a versatile tool in statistics and can be applied to many real-world scenarios.
