Why not declare war to corrupted politicians?

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  • Thread starter lockecole
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In summary, the people of Brazil are suffering due to the corrupt politicians who are not punished by the justice system. The US should help Brazil by providing support, because if war is declared against these politicians, they will be labeled as terrorists and the people will be killed.
  • #1
In Brazil, the corrupted politicians responsible for the suffering of millions of people are not punished by Justice. Why not declare war to them? Are you going to say war is wrong and keep millions of people suffering?
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  • #2
lockecole said:
In Brazil, the corrupted politicians responsible for the suffering of millions of people are not punished by Justice. Why not declare war to them? Are you going to say war is wrong and keep millions of people suffering?

Becouse when the people (Not goverments) declare war to corrupted politicians are automaticaly labeled as terrorists.
  • #3
If the Brazilian government helps the US as best they can, there won't be a (US-backed) war against them, sorry.
  • #4
Burnsys said:
Becouse when the people (Not goverments) declare war to corrupted politicians are automaticaly labeled as terrorists.
I think they whould labeled as rebels.I'am not sure the U.S. well doing anything about since they have other terriost in another country to be worried about.
I don't think the people have the abillty to be able to rebel aganist the government they probally all be killed in a few weeks after they lose because of them thowring sitcks and stones that don't break any bones at guys who have Assaut rifles and tanks that always kill you.Even if they do successful overthrow there government they might have more courrpted polticans I think that's how castro came to power in cuba.I think to lot of other countries in latin america.I think Words form other countries whould be more effective then a rebillon
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  • #5
lockecole said:
In Brazil, the corrupted politicians responsible for the suffering of millions of people are not punished by Justice. Why not declare war to them? Are you going to say war is wrong and keep millions of people suffering?

I heard about it. Brazil is one of the most unequal countries. There is a big gap between whites and blacks. Lula would do well to address these discrepancies.

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FAQ: Why not declare war to corrupted politicians?

1. Why not declare war to corrupted politicians?

Declaring war on a group of individuals, particularly politicians, is a serious and complex decision that should not be taken lightly. It involves numerous ethical, legal, and practical considerations that must be carefully evaluated.

2. What are the potential consequences of declaring war on corrupted politicians?

There are many potential consequences of declaring war on corrupted politicians, including political instability, economic disruption, and potential loss of innocent lives. Additionally, the act of declaring war can have long-term effects on international relationships and the reputation of the country making the declaration.

3. Is declaring war the most effective solution to address corruption in politics?

Declaring war may seem like a powerful and decisive action, but it may not necessarily be the most effective solution to addressing corruption in politics. Other measures, such as implementing strict laws and regulations, promoting transparency and accountability, and actively participating in democratic processes, can also be effective in combatting corruption.

4. What are the challenges of declaring war on corrupted politicians?

There are numerous challenges associated with declaring war on corrupted politicians. These include identifying and targeting specific individuals, ensuring the support and cooperation of other political leaders and countries, and managing the potential repercussions and consequences of the declaration.

5. Are there alternative solutions to declaring war on corrupted politicians?

Yes, there are alternative solutions to declaring war on corrupted politicians. These can include conducting thorough investigations, implementing stricter regulations and penalties for corrupt behavior, and promoting ethical and transparent leadership. It is important to carefully consider all possible options before making a decision as significant as declaring war.

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