Induced Current in a Circuit by a Moving Magnet

In summary, the 10-cm-wide, zero-resistance slide wire is pushed toward a 2.0 ohm resistor at a steady speed of 0.50 m/s, with a magnetic field strength of 0.50 T. The pushing force is calculated to be 3.13*10^-4 and the magnitude of the induced current is vBL/R. However, since the velocity is not given, it cannot be determined.
  • #1
A 10-cm-wide, zero-resistance slide wire is pushed toward a 2.0 ohm resistor at a steady speed of 0.50 m/s. The magnetic field strength is 0.50 T. How much power does the pushing force, 6.25*10^-4 supply to the wire? What is the magnitude of the induced current?

I got 3.13*10^-4 for the first part, which is probably correct because it's a simple formula. Just the pushing force times the velocity. However, I cannot figure out how to determine the second part of the question.


While R is given, V is not because it's an induced current. I'm so confused. Help please?
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  • #2
Motional EMF produced across the slide wire is given by E = vBL and the induced current I = E/R = vBL/R
  • #3

Based on the information provided, the magnitude of the induced current can be calculated using the equation V = B*l*v, where B is the magnetic field strength, l is the length of the wire, and v is the velocity. In this case, the length of the wire is not given, but we can assume it is equal to the width of the wire (10 cm). Therefore, the induced voltage can be calculated as V = (0.50 T)(0.10 m)(0.50 m/s) = 0.025 V.

Using Ohm's Law, we can then calculate the magnitude of the induced current as I = V/R = (0.025 V)/(2.0 ohms) = 0.0125 A.

So, the induced current in the circuit is 0.0125 A and the power supplied by the pushing force is 3.13*10^-4 W. It is important to note that this is the power supplied to the wire, not the power dissipated in the resistor. To calculate the power dissipated in the resistor, we would need to know the resistance of the wire as well.

FAQ: Induced Current in a Circuit by a Moving Magnet

What is Induced Current?

Induced current refers to the flow of electric charge in a circuit that is generated by a changing magnetic field. This can occur when a magnet is moved towards or away from a conducting material, or when there is a change in the magnetic field strength near the circuit.

How does a Moving Magnet create Induced Current?

When a magnet moves, it creates a changing magnetic field around it. This changing magnetic field induces an electric field in any nearby conducting material. The electric field then causes electrons in the material to move, creating a flow of electric current.

What factors affect the strength of Induced Current?

The strength of induced current depends on several factors, including the strength of the magnetic field, the speed at which the magnet is moving, the angle between the magnet and the conducting material, and the number of turns in the conducting material.

Can Induced Current be used to generate electricity?

Yes, induced current can be used to generate electricity. This is the basis for how generators work, where a magnet is rotated near a coil of wire to create a changing magnetic field and induce current in the wire.

What is the difference between Induced Current and Direct Current?

Induced current is created by a changing magnetic field, while direct current is a constant flow of electric charge in a circuit. Induced current can only exist as long as there is a change in the magnetic field, whereas direct current can flow continuously in a circuit.
