Elastic and gravitational potential energy, with friction and a box on incline.

In summary, the box slides down an incline and is stopped at L/2. At the starting point the string is slack. The coefficient of friction and the spring constant are found.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Elastic and gravitational potential energy

First off, long time lurker here on his first post. Your forum seems absolutely brilliant, so I hope you can help me :)

Homework Statement

A box on an elastic string is dropped down an incline and proceeds to slide the distance L before being pulled back by the string and stopping at the distance L/2. At the starting point the string is slack. Find the coefficient of friction and the spring constant.


Known data:
  • Distance, L
  • Angle of incline, Theta
  • Mass of box, m

Homework Equations

[tex]U_{{{\it el2}}}=1/2\,k{x}^{2}[/tex]
[tex]U_{{{\it grav}}}=mgy[/tex]
[tex]y=\sin \left( \theta \right) L[/tex]
[tex]W_{{{\it res}}}=-mg\cos \left( \theta \right) \mu\,x[/tex]
[tex]{\it K1}+U_{{{\it grav1}}}+W_{{{\it res12}}}={\it K2}+U_{{{\it grav2}}
}+U_{{{\it el2}}}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Right, so I've basically just changed x to L plugged in my attributes into [tex]{\it K1}+U_{{{\it grav1}}}+W_{{{\it res12}}}={\it K2}+U_{{{\it grav2}}
}+U_{{{\it el2}}}[/tex] and solved for my variables. I did first for when the box goes from point 1 to point 2, then 2 to 3 and finally 1 to 3. All three equations give me the same answer.

[tex]2\,{\frac {mg \left( \sin \left( \theta \right) -\cos \left( \theta
\right) \mu \right) }{L}}[/tex]
[tex]{\frac {-2\,mg\sin \left( \theta \right) +kL}{mg\cos \left( \theta
\right) }}[/tex]

What I don't understand is why the problem is formulated as it is (why give me the information that it springs back to L/2, if I don't need it to find the constants).
Also, I was hoping that it would be possible to get equations for the constants where the unknowns doesn't figure, i.e. an equation for the spring coefficient that doesn't have mu in it and vice versa.
I've tried with all the algebra I could think of, but nothing seems to work - is there anyone who can point me to what I'm missing?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF, and my compliments for the really nice diagram!

The trouble is you have μ and k in both expressions, so it isn't "solved".
You must have had these equations at one point:
mg(sinθ + μcosθ) = .5*kL and mg(sinθ - μcosθ) = .5*kL
If you subtract one from the other, you will eliminate k so you have the value of μ. Sub that into one of the original equations and solve for k.
  • #3
Thank you very much, Inkscape and Maple makes writing here a lot easier :)
I found the expressions you mentioned from my own, but oddly enough I ended up with mu = 0, which I doubt is correct, giving the way the problem was formulated. It'll have to do for now though :)
  • #4
I agree with that! Looks like the problem was cooked up to make the answers work out nicely.

I use SmartDraw myself, but I'm downloading Inkscape to see how it works. Draw programs are wonderful!

FAQ: Elastic and gravitational potential energy, with friction and a box on incline.

1. What is elastic potential energy?

Elastic potential energy is the energy stored in an object when it is stretched or compressed. It is a form of potential energy that can be converted into kinetic energy when the object returns to its original shape.

2. How is gravitational potential energy related to height?

Gravitational potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position in a gravitational field. It is directly proportional to an object's height above a reference point, such as the ground. The higher an object is, the more gravitational potential energy it has.

3. How does friction affect potential energy?

Friction is a force that opposes motion and can reduce an object's potential energy. When an object is moving on a surface with friction, some of its potential energy is converted into heat energy due to the work done by the friction force.

4. How does an incline impact potential energy?

An incline, or slope, can change the amount of potential energy an object has. When an object is on an incline, its potential energy is affected by both its height and its distance along the incline. The steeper the incline, the more potential energy an object has at a given height.

5. How is the potential energy of a box on an incline calculated?

The potential energy of a box on an incline can be calculated using the equation PE = mgh, where m is the mass of the box, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the vertical height of the box above the ground. This equation takes into account both the height and the gravitational force acting on the box.
