Movement of a magnet due to repulsion (help)

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential movement of a magnet inside a sealed tube, and the effects of gravity and magnetic fields on its motion. It is suggested that using a pendulum may be a better option due to less friction. The concept of magnetic levitation and its application is also mentioned. The possibility of multiple resting places and the impact of friction on stability is brought up as well.
  • #1
Basically I was wondering if I was to place a magnet inside a tube sealed at both ends via two magnets (as the diagram shows) would the magnet keep on moving up and down or would it find a resting place. I think it would find a resting place but then I also thought there will also be gravity acting on it when it was falling down and I wondered if that would make a difference. Also If it would find a resting place is there anyway I could stop it from doing so without an external power source.
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  • #2
It will find a 'resting place' where the effect of gravity is balanced by the magnetic repulsion but it will oscillate for a while until the oscillation is damped by a) air resistance and b) magnetic fields set up by opposing induced currents in the magnets – look up Lenz's law in a search engine
  • #3
Ok thanks for your help I appreciate it.
  • #4
If this is a real project you might want to use a pendulum instead.

The tube has at least one problem. The magnet will try to turn over and doing so will cause friction against the sides of the tube or whatever guide you use. A pendulum will try to twist in a similar way, but should be easier to control with less of a friction problem.

  • #5
I thought Earnshaw's theorem argues against a stable magnetic levitation...but I don't know the application scope of the theorem nor your assumptions about 'stabilizing' frictional forces.

Also If it would find a resting place is there anyway I could stop it from doing so without an external power

You can get some insights at the same link, above. Usually, absent friction, the issue is not stability but instability...

In your diagram, my guess is that sufficient friction will likely cause a multiplicity of 'stable' resting places... but the less friction, the less stability.

FAQ: Movement of a magnet due to repulsion (help)

1. How does repulsion cause movement in a magnet?

Repulsion occurs when two magnets with the same polarity (north to north or south to south) are brought close together. This creates a force that pushes the magnets away from each other, causing movement.

2. Does the strength of the repulsion affect the movement of the magnet?

Yes, the strength of the repulsion between two magnets directly affects the speed and direction of movement. The stronger the repulsive force, the faster and further the magnet will move.

3. Can repulsion cause a magnet to move in a circular motion?

Yes, if the repulsive force is strong enough and the magnets are placed at an angle, they can move in a circular motion around each other.

4. What factors can affect the repulsion between two magnets?

The strength of the magnets, the distance between them, and the angle at which they are placed can all affect the repulsive force between two magnets.

5. Is repulsion the only force that can cause movement in a magnet?

No, in addition to repulsion, attraction between opposite poles (north to south or vice versa) can also cause movement in a magnet. Other external forces, such as gravity or a magnetic field, can also affect the movement of a magnet.
