Wormholes & Travel: Is It Possible?

In summary, humanity could potentially find a way to escape our current universe and move into another one. However, there are many obstacles in the way, including the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
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Sorry for bringing up this subject again but I'm really just looking for some answers.

This is strictly hypothetical. Suppose, for a moment, that humanity could somehow overcome these problems (disease, war, global warming, terrorism, etc) and advanced to a stage where it was limited only by the laws of physics. Let's say humanity somehow found a way to saturate the universe with intelligence and things like war and disease simply didn't exist. After countless billions of years, as the stars and suns are dying out and the universe becomes colder, what's to stop humanity from escaping to another universe, perhaps by wormhole, or creating a new universe, perhaps in a particle accelerator or
something, and moving into it?

Keep in mind that I'm not talking about going from place to place in this universe, but of going to another one altogether.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
o.0 Well, we don't know for certain that there are other universes out there, or that there would be any way to reach them whatsoever. So that would put a damper on the whole wormhole idea.

As for creating a new universe... plenty of things could stop that. Perhaps replicating a Big Bang would require more energy than we could possibly generate in the universe now and throughout the rest of its lifespan. And how would we possibly generate something that existed outside of our own universe?

Furthermore, it wouldn't really help us. Thanks to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, there would be no way to generate more usable energy than we started with, so creating another universe would just use more available resources that much more quickly, hastening the oncoming heat-death.
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hammertime said:
Sorry for bringing up this subject again but I'm really just looking for some answers.

This is strictly hypothetical. Suppose, for a moment, that humanity could somehow overcome these problems (disease, war, global warming, terrorism, etc) and advanced to a stage where it was limited only by the laws of physics. Let's say humanity somehow found a way to saturate the universe with intelligence and things like war and disease simply didn't exist. After countless billions of years, as the stars and suns are dying out and the universe becomes colder, what's to stop humanity from escaping to another universe, perhaps by wormhole, or creating a new universe, perhaps in a particle accelerator or
something, and moving into it?

Keep in mind that I'm not talking about going from place to place in this universe, but of going to another one altogether.

I guess time is not just like an arrow so we will see what the future holds, I believe wormholes must exist in someway that could explain the ufo sightings and many other stuff.

FAQ: Wormholes & Travel: Is It Possible?

1. What exactly is a wormhole?

A wormhole is a hypothetical tunnel-like structure that connects two distant points in the fabric of space-time. It is often described as a shortcut through the universe, allowing for faster-than-light travel.

2. Is it possible to travel through a wormhole?

Currently, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of wormholes or the possibility of traveling through them. However, some theoretical models suggest that it may be possible in the future with advanced technology and understanding of the laws of physics.

3. How would one travel through a wormhole?

The exact mechanism for traveling through a wormhole is not yet known, but some theories propose using exotic matter or negative energy to keep the wormhole open and stable. It is also theorized that wormholes could potentially be used as a natural form of transportation by using the gravitational pull of nearby celestial bodies to enter and exit the wormhole.

4. Are there any potential dangers in traveling through a wormhole?

Since wormholes are still purely theoretical, it is difficult to determine any potential dangers. However, some scientists suggest that traversing a wormhole could result in a distortion of time and space, or even the creation of a new universe.

5. Can wormholes be used for time travel?

Some theories suggest that wormholes could potentially be used for time travel, as they would allow for travel to different points in space-time. However, the practicality and feasibility of this idea is still highly debated among scientists.
