Understanding 'Absolutely Fair' in Statistics & Probability

In summary, the term "absolutely fair" in statistics & probability means that the probability for each variable* is 0 and the expected value is 0.
  • #1
What does the term 'absolutely fair' in statistics & probability mean?

Does it mean that the probability for each variable* is 0.
And that the expected value is 0. I did a search on Google and the only thing I came up with was this:
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  • #2
Biosyn said:
Does it mean that the probability for each variable* is 0.

It doesn't mean that because it doesn't make sense to say "the probability for each variable is 0". Random variables don't have probabilities. It is their possible values that have probabilities.
  • #3
Hey Biosyn.

To add to Stephen Tashi's comments, I think you should consider the context of what the random variable is in.

One way of assessing "fair" is that probabilities are equal in a random variable. If this is discrete uniform with N states then P(X = x) = 1/N can be considered "fair" as can a continuous uniform with P(X = x) = 1/N in the interval [a,a+N].

In finance, we consider fair to be one where there is no risk of arbitrage or a "free lunch" under specific assumptions (which may not be right in practice).

We also consider fairness in the context of unpredictability or pure-randomness where no information at all helps predict the outcome and this is a case of maximum entropy which when used in the proper context (i.e. for discrete random variables with a finite number of outcomes) yields the uniform distribution in discrete state-space.
  • #4
In finance one has the idea of a fair game. The naive model is a random walk or a Brownian motion but more generally the model is called a martingale. This is a game where the current value of a random variable(e.g. the price of a security) gives you the best estimate of its future value after you have accounted for all of the relevant information about it.

This means that any change in value e.g. change in the price of a stock is completely unpredicatable. The game would be unfair if some players had special information that was not generally available that enabled them to get an edge in the betting.For instance insider trading or knowledge of price patterns that were difficult to find and not generally seen by the marketplace.
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  • #5
Biosyn said:
I did a search on Google and the only thing I came up with was this:

which says:

Absolutely Fair

A sequence of random variates [itex] X_0, X_1, ... [/itex] is called absolutely fair if for [itex] n=1, 2, ...,[/itex]
[itex] <X_1>=0 [/itex]

[itex] <X_{n+1}|X_1,...,X_n>=0 [/itex]

(Feller 1971, p. 210).

That definition is expressed in terms of "expectations" of random variables rather than probabilities. It has a misprint since the first condition should say [itex] <X_n> = 0 [/itex] instead of [itex] <X_1> = 0 [/itex]. The notation [itex] <X_n> [/itex] refers to the expected value of [itex] X_n [/itex].

This definition differs from the definition of a martingale.
  • #6
Stephen Tashi said:
which says:

That definition is expressed in terms of "expectations" of random variables rather than probabilities. It has a misprint since the first condition should say [itex] <X_n> = 0 [/itex] instead of [itex] <X_1> = 0 [/itex]. The notation [itex] <X_n> [/itex] refers to the expected value of [itex] X_n [/itex].

This definition differs from the definition of a martingale.

Steve it seems to me that this definition is the same as a type of Martingale. If one takes the new process which is the sum of the X's then the expectation of the sum in the next period is its current value.
  • #7
If a betting game is fair them your current winnings should be your expected future winnings.

FAQ: Understanding 'Absolutely Fair' in Statistics & Probability

1. What does it mean for a statistical experiment to be "absolutely fair"?

Being "absolutely fair" means that all possible outcomes of a statistical experiment have an equal chance of occurring. In other words, there is no bias or preference towards any particular outcome.

2. How do we determine if a statistical experiment is "absolutely fair"?

To determine if a statistical experiment is "absolutely fair", we can use mathematical principles such as the Law of Large Numbers and the concept of expected value. We can also conduct experiments multiple times and analyze the results to check for any patterns or biases.

3. Can a statistical experiment ever truly be "absolutely fair"?

It is difficult to say if a statistical experiment can ever truly be "absolutely fair" as there are many factors that can influence the outcome. However, by following proper experimental design and conducting thorough analysis, we can strive to make our experiments as fair as possible.

4. Why is it important to have "absolutely fair" experiments in statistics and probability?

Having "absolutely fair" experiments is important because it ensures that our results are reliable and unbiased. This allows us to make accurate conclusions and decisions based on the data gathered from our experiments.

5. What are some examples of "absolutely fair" experiments in everyday life?

Examples of "absolutely fair" experiments in everyday life include flipping a fair coin, rolling a fair die, and shuffling a deck of cards. These experiments have equal chances of producing each possible outcome, making them "absolutely fair".

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