Is Electromagnetism's Causality Consistent with Special Relativity?

In summary, the conversation discusses the contradiction between Newtonian physics and special relativity when it comes to the concept of action-at-a-distance. While the Newtonian gravitational force is instantaneous, violating the principle of causality in special relativity, the first of Maxwell's equations for the electric field does not imply the same. This is due to the fact that Maxwell's equations are Lorentz invariant, unlike Newton's law of gravity. This raises the question of whether undergraduate/introduction courses in physics are incomplete.
  • #1
We are usually told in an introduction to general relativity that when special relativity was completed, there was a contradiction with Newtonian physics. The Newtonian gravitational force of M on m is [itex]F_g = -G \frac{M m}{r^2} \hat{r}[/itex] where [itex]\vec{r}[/itex] is the spatial vector from M to m. This equation for the gravitational force on a point mass, plus the principle of superposition, are equivalent to Gauss' law for the gravitational field: [itex]\nabla \cdot \vec{g} = -4\pi G \rho_{mass}[/itex].
We conclude from this that the Newtonian gravitational force is instantaneous since any change in [itex]\vec{r}[/itex] immediately translates into a change in the force. Such an instantaneous action-at-a-distance violates special relativity, which tells us that c is the maximum speed of influence. Otherwise, causality is violated.

Now, in the case of electromagnetism, we know that Maxwell's equations are Lorentz invariant. This is true even when they're written in the form usually first encountered in an undergraduate course (i.e., which is to say, not the covariant form in which Lorentz symmetry is obvious. Hence—a point usually emphasized at the end of such a course—classical electromagnetism is fully consistent with special relativity. However, the first of Maxwell's equations is just Gauss' law for the electric field: [itex]\nabla \cdot \vec{E} = \rho_{charge}/\epsilon_0[/itex]. This has precisely the same form as Newton's law of gravity in differential form does. So why does this equation imply action-at-a-distance in the case of the Newtonian field but not in the case of the electric field?
Physics news on
  • #2
in an introduction to general relativity ... first encountered in an undergraduate course ...
So... could it be that undergraduate/introduction courses in physics are incomplete?

So why does this equation imply action-at-a-distance in the case of the Newtonian field but not in the case of the electric field?
It doesn't - you need the other three equations as well where, for Newtonian Gravity, you only have the one. Are Maxwell's equations individually Lorentz invarient?
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
So... could it be that undergraduate/introduction courses in physics are incomplete?

My point is that even in that form they are Lorentz invariant.

Simon Bridge said:
It doesn't - you need the other three equations as well where, for Newtonian Gravity, you only have the one. Are Maxwell's equations individually Lorentz invarient?

Ah, of course. Thanks.

FAQ: Is Electromagnetism's Causality Consistent with Special Relativity?

What is causality in electromagnetism?

Causality in electromagnetism refers to the principle that an effect cannot occur before its cause. In other words, the propagation of electromagnetic waves must follow a causal sequence, where the cause (such as an electric current) precedes the effect (such as the generation of a magnetic field).

How does causality apply to Maxwell's equations?

Maxwell's equations, which describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields, are inherently causal. They express the relationship between changes in electric and magnetic fields over time, ensuring that the fields cannot change instantaneously without a corresponding cause.

What role does the speed of light play in causality?

The speed of light, which is a fundamental constant in electromagnetism, plays a crucial role in causality. It sets the upper limit for the propagation of electromagnetic signals and ensures that effects cannot occur before their causes due to the finite speed of light.

How does causality impact the predictability of electromagnetic phenomena?

By following the principle of causality, the behavior of electromagnetic phenomena can be predicted and explained using Maxwell's equations. This allows scientists to understand and control the behavior of electromagnetic waves, leading to technological advancements such as wireless communication and electricity generation.

Are there any exceptions to the principle of causality in electromagnetism?

While the principle of causality holds true in most cases in electromagnetism, there are some exceptions. These include quantum phenomena, where the behavior of particles cannot always be predicted deterministically, and non-linear systems where small changes in initial conditions can lead to significant changes in the outcome.
