Calculus: Understanding Lower/Upper Bounds and Epsilon

  • Thread starter The_ArtofScience
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In summary, the conversation discussed the differences between epsilon and delta in mathematics, with epsilon being an arbitrary but fixed value and delta being a specific value used to make a specific statement work. The conversation also mentioned the use of Greek symbols such as delta and epsilon in mathematical proofs.
  • #1
I recently opened a calculus textbook to understand the exact definitions of lower upper bound and greater lower bound. The book went into a discussion over "neighborhoods" explaining that if one were asked to prove a limit point, assume that x lies between 0 and a funny looking symbol that looks like some curled S. To prove lower upper bounds and greater lower bounds, the symbol episolon was used.

I'm curious, what is the real difference between episolon and that curled S? (Sorry I couldn't find a latex image for it but it looks like partial charges from chemistry)
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  • #2
You mean [tex]\delta[/tex]? That's a delta, it's Greek the version of a d. The capital version looks like this: [tex]\Delta[/tex]

Assuming that you did mean delta, the difference is that they are typically used in different settings. For instance, the definition of a continuous function is this:

For all [tex]\varepsilon > 0[/tex] and for all [tex] x, \ \exists \delta > 0[/tex] such that if [tex]\lvert x - y \rvert < \delta[/tex] then [tex]\lvert f(x) - f(y) \rvert < \varepsilon[/tex]

Epsilon is some arbitrary but fixed value such that the statement is true for all positive values.
Delta is some selected value that makes the statement work for a specific epsilon and for a specific x.

In general, the situation is which you will see them is that epsilon is arbitrary but fixed (and you want your proof to work for all values of epsilon > 0) whereas delta is going to be some particular number (depending on the situation, it might depend on some other numbers such as epsilon or x) that specifies some sort of bounded interval that makes the proof work.
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  • #3

hey, man. May i have a question? May i post a message to you?

FAQ: Calculus: Understanding Lower/Upper Bounds and Epsilon

1. What is the concept of lower and upper bounds in calculus?

The concept of lower and upper bounds in calculus refers to the minimum and maximum possible values of a function or variable within a specified range. These bounds provide a range of values within which the true value of the function or variable must lie.

2. How are lower and upper bounds useful in calculus?

Lower and upper bounds are useful in calculus because they help to determine the behavior and limits of a function. They also provide a way to estimate the value of a function or variable within a given range. Additionally, they are used in the definition of continuity and differentiability of a function.

3. What is the meaning of epsilon in calculus?

Epsilon (ε) in calculus is a small, positive number that is used to represent a small, but nonzero distance from a given value. It is often used in the context of limits, where it represents the distance between the input and output values of a function. Epsilon is also used in the definition of convergence and convergence tests in calculus.

4. How is epsilon related to lower and upper bounds in calculus?

Epsilon is closely related to lower and upper bounds in calculus as it is often used in conjunction with these bounds to define the behavior and limits of a function. In particular, epsilon is used to represent the distance between the output value of a function and its lower or upper bound, providing a way to determine whether a function is approaching a specific value or range of values.

5. Can you give an example of using lower and upper bounds and epsilon in calculus?

One example of using lower and upper bounds and epsilon in calculus is in the definition of a limit. For instance, if we have the function f(x) = x^2 and we want to determine the limit of the function as x approaches 2, we can use lower and upper bounds and epsilon to show that the limit is equal to 4. Specifically, we can show that for any value of epsilon greater than 0, there exists a corresponding delta (δ) such that if the distance between x and 2 is less than δ, the distance between f(x) and 4 is less than epsilon. This demonstrates that 4 is the lower and upper bound of the function as x approaches 2, and that epsilon represents the distance between the output value and this bound.
