What is the force exerted on an elastic object, on elastic collision?

In summary, a horizontal elastic collision with a wall will result in the object coming to rest compressed due to the force of the collision. The deceleration experienced by the object will be an average one, half of the maximum deceleration which occurs at maximum compression. The kinetic energy of the object will be converted to elastic potential energy, assuming the object does not break. The maximum or average force experienced by the object can be calculated using the spring constant and mass of the object. A stiffer object will experience a greater maximum force, while a more massive object will distort more in the collision. The average speed can be calculated as half of the initial speed.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An elastic object (F = k e) is thrown horizontally at a wall, so it is traveling at constant velocity, which then rebounds elastically (energy conserved). I'm only interested in when the object first makes contact and decelerates to 0ms-1 which will be when the object is at maximum compression. I thought horizontal motion would make it a bit simpler.
The object will come to rest compressed (before rebounding), due to the force of the collision. The deceleration it undergoes will be an average one, half the maximum which is at maximum compression. At rest/compression, all of the object's kinetic energy will be converted into elastic potential energy (assuming the object doesn't break).

I'd like to know the average, or maximum, force that the object experiences, due to the object's elasticity/spring constant, and due to the object's mass. I can then see quantitatively, for example, if a less-stiff (lower k) object absorbs more energy on impact, so the force that it experiences is less but extension greater (if this is the case).

Homework Equations

F,max = - k x e
F,avg = m x a,avg
F,avg x t = -m x u
KE = 0.5 x m x v^2
PE = 0.5 x F x e

The Attempt at a Solution

Not sure if it's best to go about it in terms of energy or momentum.
If I could work out the time it took to be compressed/stop, or the distance it took (i.e. the compression), I think it would help.

The following didn't get me far:

PE = 0.5 x F,max x e
F,max = 2PE / e

e = F,max / k
= 2PE / k e

e^2 = 2PE / k

PE = KE = 0.5 x m x u^2

e^2 = m x u^2 / k

e^2 / u^2 = m / k
e/u = sqrt( m/k )
t = sqrt( m/k) Is this anything?

Substituted t into
F,avg x t = -m x u

To get
F,avg^2 = k x m x u^2

But using that doesn’t agree with the equations of motion (v^2 = u^2 + 2as) I don't think.

Any advice or an alternative method would be good (preferably along the lines of the above).
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  • #2
An elastic collision is not one where there is zero loss of energy,energy is conserved in all collisions, it is one where there is zero loss of kinetic energy.Perfectly elastic collisions can happen with atomic scale objects ,for example gas atoms colliding with a wall, but not with macroscopic objects.The smaller the distortion at impact the smaller the amount of kinetic energy converted and the more elastic the collision is.A good example of this is given by Newton's cradle,the distortion of the steel balls on collision being much smaller than it would be if say tennis balls were used.
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  • #3
You were doing good until you started messing with the time, and incorrectly assumed that the time, t, was equal to the displacement, e, divided by the initial speed, u, when actually the time, t, is the displacement, e, divided by the average speed, u/2. But you don't need to calculate the time. You have already solved for e in your prior equation (e^2 = mu^2/k). Then F_max = ke, or F_avg =ke/2.
  • #4
So a more massive object would distort more, and a stiffer object would distort less.
For two objects of the same mass, would the stiffer experience a greater maximum force on collision/deceleration, to compensate for the lesser distortion in order to convert the same kinetic energy to elastic potential energy?

Also, is the average speed u/2 even though deceleration is not constant (acc. increases with F increasing with e)?
  • #5
Oldor said:
So a more massive object would distort more, and a stiffer object would distort less.
For two objects of the same mass, would the stiffer experience a greater maximum force on collision/deceleration, to compensate for the lesser distortion in order to convert the same kinetic energy to elastic potential energy?
Yes, provided u is constant.
Also, is the average speed u/2 even though deceleration is not constant (acc. increases with F increasing with e)?
Yes, although the acceleration is not constant, it is linear with the displacement, thus the average acceleration is a_max/2, and the average speed is u/2. Or look at it this way: Since the work done by the spring is 1/2ke^2, and for a force varying linearly with distance (as per F = kx), work is F_avg(e), then equate the two to get F_avg = F_max/2.
  • #6
I see, thanks, that helps alot

FAQ: What is the force exerted on an elastic object, on elastic collision?

What is the force exerted on an elastic object?

The force exerted on an elastic object is known as the elastic force. This force is a restorative force that is exerted by an elastic material when it is stretched or compressed. It is proportional to the displacement of the object from its equilibrium position.

What is an elastic collision?

An elastic collision is a type of collision in which both the kinetic energy and momentum of the colliding objects are conserved. This means that the total energy and momentum before and after the collision are equal.

What factors affect the force exerted on an elastic object during a collision?

The force exerted on an elastic object during a collision depends on the mass and velocity of the object, as well as the stiffness of the material. A higher mass or velocity will result in a greater force, while a stiffer material will have a higher elastic force.

How do you calculate the force exerted on an elastic object during a collision?

The force exerted on an elastic object during a collision can be calculated using the formula F = kx, where F is the elastic force, k is the spring constant of the material, and x is the displacement of the object from its equilibrium position.

What happens to the force exerted on an elastic object during an inelastic collision?

In an inelastic collision, some of the kinetic energy is lost and is converted into other forms of energy such as heat or sound. This results in a decrease in the elastic force exerted on the object compared to an elastic collision, as some energy is no longer conserved.
