Humans God-Like? Can We Become Omnipotent?

  • Thread starter mikeee
  • Start date
In summary: This is why I feel that the next generation of intelligent beings will the one we create. Consider the possibility, very real possibility that we will produce a "brain" that can think thousands of time faster [not PROCESS but THINK], one that can have hundreds of thousands more neuron like connections and cell per square centimeter than our own brains...etc... sure, its not only possible, we are doing all we can as a species to make it happen... it is not a coordinated effort, but eventually, all the work being done in independent labs around the world will eventually merge at central facilities... it's as though we humans are following an inherent...
  • #1
Do you think that given enough time we will one day have the knowledge and technology to become God-like?
Physics news on
  • #2
It really depends on what you mean by "God like," but the answer appears to be yes, and probably sooner than you would think. Here's some food for thought:

Today it's an axiom that life is changing and that technology is affecting the nature of society. But what's not fully understood is that the pace of change is itself accelerating, and the last 20 years are not a good guide to the next 20 years. We're doubling the paradigm shift rate, the rate of progress, every decade. This will actually match the amount of progress we made in the whole 20th century, because we've been accelerating up to this point. The 20th century was like 25 years of change at today's rate of change. In the next 25 years we'll make four times the progress you saw in the 20th century. And we'll make 20,000 years of progress in the 21st century, which is almost a thousand times more technical change than we saw in the 20th century.
  • #3
The definiton that is currently in the dictionary for god is...

"a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship"


"the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshiped as creator and ruler of the universe"

I guess I mean being immortal, fully understanding ourselves and the universe in its entirety. Or do you believe that there our limits to our intelligence or bounderies in science that we will never be able to cross. Are humans completely capable of understanding everything given enough time, or are there limits to what we can collectively accomplish?
  • #4
mikeee said:
Do you think that given enough time we will one day have the knowledge and technology to become God-like?

Interestingly enough: as of today we are alone in the known Universe. As such WE ARE GOD-LIKE. God is a concept, a belief and wholly not of science. So, if you mean by your question will we humans as a species continue to ascend the evolutionary scale, the answer is likely, yes and no. Our endeavors in the laboratories today assure an eventual future of "synthetic persons"... it is inevitable...we seem to be creating the next "master race", not by design as much as by default. Advances in robotics will cause the courts to face new paradoxes of the law...they will be handed the legalistic dilemmas of deciding WHAT IS LIFE... we will have redefined intelligent life, life itself and we will have pushed ethics out the window and off the globe... go rent Millenium Man again, it is very is a fault of our kind, that in our unquenchable thirst for knowledge we will bring about our own inevitable end. I don't say this based on apocalyptic religions...Religion will have had nothing to do with this, save for our pathetic need to believe in something because we realize we cannot control a single aspect of our own daily lives and destinies.
  • #5
We are already's just a matter of when we are going to be God!
  • #6
You may all praise me and make donations payable to...
  • #7
Adam said:
You may all praise me and make donations payable to...
Yes, make checks payable to: The Invisible Man
  • #8
mikeee said:
Do you think that given enough time we will one day have the knowledge and technology to become God-like?

No, never. Set aside the likelihood that we will destroy our civilisation in the next century or two, and just consider the possibility that not all scientific problems are solvable, and furthermore, even with a complete physical theory of reality, not all technological problems are solvable. I simply regard that possibility as being extremely likely to be true.
  • #9
cragwolf said:
No, never. Set aside the likelihood that we will destroy our civilisation in the next century or two, and just consider the possibility that not all scientific problems are solvable, and furthermore, even with a complete physical theory of reality, not all technological problems are solvable. I simply regard that possibility as being extremely likely to be true.

This is why I feel that the next generation of intelligent beings will the one we create. Consider the possibility, very real possibility that we will produce a "brain" that can think thousands of time faster [not PROCESS but THINK], one that can have hundreds of thousands more neuron like connections and cell per square centimeter than our own brains...etc... sure, its not only possible, we are doing all we can as a species to make it happen... it is not a coordinated effort, but eventually, all the work being done in independent labs around the world will eventually merge at central facilities... it's as though we humans are following an inherent mandate to build our replacements.
  • #10
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Arthur C. Clark
  • #11
Isn't it our goal (to become god like)? since there is no end to the universe we will never be god.

if we ever do become god, IMHO, game over!

then - a new big bang! ? ! ? i dunno

olde drunk

FAQ: Humans God-Like? Can We Become Omnipotent?

1. Can humans ever become omnipotent like a god?

The concept of omnipotence, or having unlimited power and control, is often associated with gods or deities in religious beliefs. While humans have advanced in many ways, it is highly unlikely that we will ever reach a level of omnipotence. Our physical and cognitive abilities have limitations, and there are natural laws and forces that we cannot control. Additionally, the idea of being all-knowing and all-powerful is often considered a divine trait and not achievable by mere mortals.

2. Are there any scientific theories or evidence that suggest humans can become god-like?

There is currently no scientific evidence or theories that suggest humans can become god-like in the traditional sense. However, some scientists and philosophers have explored the idea of transhumanism, which is the belief that humans can use technology and scientific advancements to enhance our physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities. This could potentially lead to humans having god-like capabilities, but it is still a theoretical concept and not a proven reality.

3. What are some traits or abilities that are considered god-like?

Some traits and abilities that are often associated with gods or deities include omniscience (all-knowing), omnipotence (all-powerful), omnipresence (being everywhere at once), and immortality. These traits are often depicted in religious texts and myths, but they are not attainable by humans in our current state. However, with advancements in technology and science, we may be able to enhance some of our abilities in the future.

4. Is it ethical for humans to strive for god-like abilities?

This is a highly debated topic and there is no clear answer. Some argue that it is natural for humans to strive for advancement and improvement, and there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to enhance our abilities. Others argue that it goes against the natural order of things and could potentially lead to negative consequences. Ultimately, the ethics of striving for god-like abilities will depend on individual beliefs and values.

5. How does the concept of humans becoming god-like intersect with religion?

Many religions have beliefs and teachings about gods or deities having powers and abilities that are not attainable by humans. Therefore, the idea of humans becoming god-like may conflict with religious beliefs. However, some people may see the potential for humans to enhance our abilities through science and technology as a way to connect with a higher power or achieve a sense of transcendence. It ultimately depends on one's interpretation of their faith and beliefs.

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