Terrible textbook printing quality

In summary, the speaker has encountered numerous instances of poor quality printing in textbooks from various publishers, including Landau & Lifgarbagez, Butterworth & Heineman, McGraw-Hill, Springer, and Breinman. They are questioning if others have experienced the same issue and why there are so many textbooks with low quality printing. They also mention having a copy of L&L's Quantum Mechanics that is unreadable due to smeared fine print. The speaker suggests looking for older copies of books in this series to avoid the poor printing quality.
  • #1
I have been plagued with bad quality printing in textbooks, so many different publishers with a quality of printing that can only be described as ****, and it is doing my head in.

If you're familiar with Landau & Lifgarbagez series of books, to my knowledge they are only published by Butterworth & Heineman, I have vol. 1,2,3 & 5A and in all of them except vol.1 the quality is absolutely abysmal. And I was lucky with vol.1 because a copy that my friend has is missing half of some of the pages!

Another example is my copy of baby Rudin from McGraw-Hill. I have this for at most 1.5 years and it's at the stage now where its difficult to read some of the pages, because the letters are getting so worn away.

Another example Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds. I can't remember the publisher I think it was Breinman or something like that, again the quality is starting to get rubbish too.

Halmos' Naive set theory from Springer, again terrible quality printing.

So my question is, has anyone else noticed this, or am I just particularly unlucky in getting bad textbooks? And if its the former, then why are there so many maths textbooks of really crappy quality printing out there?
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  • #2
I have a copy of L&L, Quantum Mechanics that I can't even give away because it's unreadable. The fine print -- and there's a lot of it -- is all smeared.

If you plan on buying any books in this series, look for the oldest copies you can find.
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FAQ: Terrible textbook printing quality

1. What are some signs of poor textbook printing quality?

Some signs of poor textbook printing quality include blurry or smudged text, uneven ink distribution, visible streaks or lines on the pages, and pages that are not aligned or cut properly.

2. How can poor textbook printing quality affect the learning experience?

Poor textbook printing quality can make it difficult for students to read and understand the content, leading to a decrease in comprehension and retention. It can also be distracting and cause frustration, hindering the learning process.

3. What are some common causes of poor textbook printing quality?

Some common causes of poor textbook printing quality include low-quality printing materials, outdated or poorly maintained printing equipment, and errors during the printing process such as incorrect settings or alignment issues.

4. Can poor textbook printing quality be fixed?

In some cases, poor textbook printing quality can be fixed by reprinting the affected pages or books with higher quality materials and equipment. However, if the issue is due to errors in the printing process, it may be more difficult to fix without reprinting the entire book.

5. How can publishers ensure high-quality textbook printing?

Publishers can ensure high-quality textbook printing by using reputable printing companies and regularly checking the quality of their materials and equipment. They can also have strict quality control measures in place to catch and fix any issues before the books are distributed to students.

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