Projectile Motion in 2D: Solving for Unknown Angles and Speeds

In summary: You need to use the equations for motion. First, find the speed and direction of the cannon. Then use those equations to solve for the angles.
  • #1
Hello there : )
I'm new to this forum and I will probably be a regular because I alwasy get stuck on one or two questions from homework ^^;

Well, I have two questions for now.

Q1. William Tell must split the apple atop his son's head from a distance of 27m. When William aims directly at the apple, the arrow is horizontal. At what angle must he aim it to hit the apple if the arrow travels at a speed of 35m/s?

Q2. An athlete executing a long jump leaves the ground at a 28.0 degree angle and travel 7.80m. What was the takeoff speed?
In both cases, I don't know where to start from. It seems some thing is missing (which is highly unlikely).

Help will be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
Q1 is, to all intents and purposes , identical with this problem.

In Q1, you have distance, angle and take-off speed, with angle as the unknown.

In Q2, you have distance, angle and take-off speed, with take-off speed as the unknown.
Use the exact same eqns as you used for Q1, but solve them for a different unknown.
  • #3
First of all make a draw.
Than ankyze each dimension seperatly. Do it in a table with x and y in the header.
Here is an example of the beginging of the table.

V=const.| [tex]V=V_0+at[/tex]
a=0     |a=-g
.       |.
.       |.
.       |.
After you do so, find in the the equations that will help you slove the problem
  • #4
Alkhimey said:
First of all make a draw.
Than ankyze each dimension seperatly. Do it in a table with x and y in the header.
Here is an example of the beginging of the table.

V=const.| [tex]V=V_0+at[/tex]
a=0     |a=-g
.       |.
.       |.
.       |.
After you do so, find in the the equations that will help you slove the problem

Thank you both of you for such a quick replies.
However, I'm not quite sure if I'm following your instruction.

For Q1.
I checked out the similar problem, but can't seem to get any furher than this:
0 = sin(theta)35 - 9.8*t which gives me the half of the traveling time.
Well, as for the xy table, I'm don't think I understnad how it works +_+
Sorry...^^; I tried!
Wel, thank you very much for your help and I will check this forum out in a few hours again.
Good day.
  • #5
Step by step drawing
Draw the Y axis and the X axis
find the point (27, 0)
Draw a line between (0,0) and (27,0)
Draw half a circle with this line as diameter.
Draw the speed:
The speed is a vector tangent to the circle at (0,0).
The angle [tex]\alpha[/tex] between the speed and the X axis is the angle we are looking for.
Break the speed apart, to find the "real speed at each axis"
The speed at the X axis is V*cos alpha [tex]V_x=V\cos \alpha[/tex]

The speed at the Y axis is V* sin alpha [tex]V_y_0=V\sin \alpha[/tex]

At this stage make a table with the following fields for each axis:
[tex]\sum F[/tex]
t (equal for both axis)

Fill the table with equatations and you will be able to see the answer .
Or you can use this quotation:

[tex]S=\frac{V^2\sin 2\alpha}{g}[/tex]
(S is the distance)
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  • #6
dragon513 said:
For Q1.
I checked out the similar problem, but can't seem to get any furher than this:
0 = sin(theta)35 - 9.8*t which gives me the half of the traveling time.
Well, you've done half the work.
You got an eqn for movement in the vertical direction.
Now do the same and work out an eqn for movement in the horizontal direction.
When you compare these two eqns with each other, will you be able to work out the answer ?
  • #7
i have a similar problem, tried and tried and just can't get it

A cannon shoots at 400m/s towards a target 400m high and 15000m away from it, what angles must the cannon be at?

this is a kinematics question i have for homework and just don't know where to turn to. i tried with the equations but seem to always have something missing... i keep getting one equation with T and Sin(theta) or one with T and Cos(theta),, 2 equations 3 missing numbers, don't know what to do??

FAQ: Projectile Motion in 2D: Solving for Unknown Angles and Speeds

1. What is kinematics in 2D problems?

Kinematics in 2D problems is a branch of physics that deals with the motion of objects in two-dimensional space. It involves the study of the position, velocity, and acceleration of objects in motion, as well as the relationships between these quantities.

2. What are some examples of 2D motion?

Some examples of 2D motion include a ball rolling down a hill, a car turning a corner, a plane taking off, and a person throwing a frisbee. Any motion that occurs in two dimensions, such as up/down and left/right, can be considered a 2D motion.

3. What are the key equations used in solving kinematics problems?

The key equations used in solving kinematics problems in two dimensions are the equations of motion:
- x = x0 + v0xt + ½at2
- y = y0 + v0yt + ½at2
- vx = v0x + at
- vy = v0y + at
- v2 = v02 + 2aΔx
- Δx = v0xt + ½at2
- Δy = v0yt + ½at2

4. How do I approach solving a kinematics problem in 2D?

To solve a kinematics problem in 2D, you should first identify the known and unknown quantities, and then choose the appropriate equations to use based on the given information. It is also helpful to draw a diagram and label the variables to visualize the problem. Then, substitute the known values into the equations and solve for the unknown quantity.

5. How does kinematics in 2D relate to other branches of physics?

Kinematics in 2D is closely related to other branches of physics, such as dynamics, which deals with the causes of motion, and energy, which involves the study of work and the relationship between force and motion. Understanding 2D motion is also essential in fields such as engineering, astronomy, and sports science.
