Difference between lorentz invariant and lorentz covariant

In summary, the Lorentz invariant is a quantity that is the same in every inertial reference frame, while the Lorentz covariant is a quantity that is described by a set of numbers, but the components of the numbers may change under a transformation.
  • #1
title says it all. I've heard these two phrases.

Lorentz invariant: Equation (Lagrangian, or ...?) takes same form under lorentz transforms.

Lorentz covariant: Equation is in covariant form.

I'm don't think I know what I mean when I say the latter. Can someone elucidate the difference between these two. Is there some necessary/sufficient condition that relates the two.

Thanks for your help!
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  • #2
tiger_striped_cat said:
title says it all. I've heard these two phrases.

Lorentz invariant: Equation (Lagrangian, or ...?) takes same form under lorentz transforms.

Lorentz covariant: Equation is in covariant form.

I'm don't think I know what I mean when I say the latter. Can someone elucidate the difference between these two. Is there some necessary/sufficient condition that relates the two.

Thanks for your help!

By "Lorentz invariant" i understand any expression (that is product) of tensors on the flat manifold [tex] M_{4} [/tex] which has the the same form in every inertial reference frame.So it is a scalar wrt to the Lorentz transformations/group.
For example,the D'Alembert operator on flat spacetimes is a scalar:[tex] (\partial^{\mu})'(\partial_{\mu})'=\partial^{\mu}\partial_{\mu}[/tex],where,obviously:
[tex] (\partial^{\mu})'=\Lambda^{\mu}\ _{\nu} \partial^{\nu} [/tex].

Any expression written correctly wrt to suffices' position and containing a finite tensor product of tensors defined on the same flat manifold (space-time) is a Lorentz covariant.Arbitrary (but finite) rank tensors are Lorentz covariants,including scalars obtained through a finite number of contraction of suffices in a tensor product.
  • #3
I'm sorry I don't understand that explaniation. Can you give me two examples, and say:

1) Formula , "look at the formula" this is what i mean by lorentz invariant
2) Another Formula, "this is what i mean by lorentz covariant"

What I mean is just give an example without so much mathematical jargon
  • #4
A Lorentz invaraint is a quanirty decsrivbed by a single number and is the same for all inertial observers, an example of this would be mass.

A Lorentz covaraint is a quantity described by 4^n (n = 0,1,2,3,...) numbers whose componets may change unbder transformation but essientially remain the same quantity (to be non-technical), Lorentz invaraints are alos Lorentz covaraint, any four-vector like four-momentum is Lorentz covariant as indeed is any Lorentz tensor.
  • #5
The Lorentz invariants are a proper subset of the scalar quantities in physics. The Lorentz invariants are also a proper subset of the Lorentz covariants.

FAQ: Difference between lorentz invariant and lorentz covariant

What is the difference between Lorentz invariant and Lorentz covariant?

The concept of Lorentz invariance refers to the fact that certain physical laws or properties remain unchanged even under a Lorentz transformation, which is a mathematical transformation used to describe the relationship between space and time. On the other hand, Lorentz covariance refers to the ability of a physical theory or equation to maintain its form under a Lorentz transformation, while also taking into account the effects of relativity.

How are Lorentz invariance and covariance related to the theory of relativity?

Lorentz invariance and covariance are both central principles of the theory of relativity. The theory of relativity states that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. Lorentz invariance and covariance provide a mathematical framework for this idea, allowing us to describe and understand the effects of relativity on physical systems.

Are all physical laws Lorentz invariant and covariant?

No, not all physical laws are Lorentz invariant and covariant. Some laws, such as Newton's laws of motion, are only valid in certain reference frames and do not hold under a Lorentz transformation. However, many fundamental laws of physics, such as Maxwell's equations and the laws of quantum mechanics, are Lorentz invariant and covariant.

How do we test for Lorentz invariance and covariance in experiments?

One way to test for Lorentz invariance and covariance is to look for discrepancies between predicted and observed results in experiments. If a physical theory is Lorentz invariant and covariant, the predicted and observed results should match, regardless of the frame of reference. Another method is to use precision measurements and compare them to the values predicted by Lorentz invariant and covariant theories.

What are the implications of Lorentz invariance and covariance in modern physics?

Lorentz invariance and covariance are fundamental principles in modern physics and are essential for understanding the behavior of particles and systems at high speeds and in extreme environments. They are also important for developing theories that unify the different branches of physics, such as quantum mechanics and general relativity. Violations of Lorentz invariance and covariance could lead to major revisions in our understanding of the universe.
