Rethinking engineering and go something more pure?

In summary, the person is considering switching to a career that involves math and programming after receiving low grades on their calculus and calculus-physics exams. They are uncertain about their future in engineering and are also considering becoming an actuary. They are struggling with their current classes and are worried about their grades. They also mention that becoming an actuary involves passing difficult exams.
  • #1
Sould I rethink engineering and go something that deals with math and programming?
I just got my frist exam of my calculus 2 which was 71% =(
and on my calculus-physics exam I got 36% =...( (cry) (I think it was becuase I never taken AP algbra based physics class)
Is my dad right that I need to give college and go become a blue collar worker.

I do not understand that I got A in calculus 1 (hardest professor in the college), A in precalculus(hardest professor in the college), and A in into to programming. (those terms I got a 3.2 and 3.4 ?_?)

what sould I do I am doing problems like crazy and losing sleep over these classes.

I am thinking as a backup plan to engineering is to get really good at Math and do actuary stuff.

I am lost
Physics news on
  • #2
What were the class averages on the exams? I had a rocky start to physics myself, but I'm doing fine now.
  • #3
An actuarial job is a business job where you must know a particular area of math well. It is not a math job you perform at a business.

If you’re in the US, then to become an actuary you will be required to take a battery of tests, some of which are far more difficult than any test you will take in any undergraduate class. Exam 4/C was more difficult than any test I took in graduate level physics (though the material, in general, was not).

FAQ: Rethinking engineering and go something more pure?

1. What is the main goal of rethinking engineering and going for something more pure?

The main goal is to shift the focus of engineering from just practicality and functionality to also include sustainability, ethical considerations, and the impact on society and the environment.

2. How is this approach different from traditional engineering?

Traditional engineering tends to prioritize efficiency and cost-effectiveness, while rethinking engineering emphasizes long-term sustainability and ethical considerations.

3. What are some examples of pure engineering projects?

Some examples include designing renewable energy systems, developing eco-friendly materials, and creating sustainable transportation solutions.

4. How can rethinking engineering benefit society and the environment?

Rethinking engineering can lead to more environmentally-friendly solutions, reduce negative impacts on communities, and promote sustainable practices for a healthier planet.

5. What skills are necessary for rethinking engineering and pursuing pure projects?

Some important skills include critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and a deep understanding of scientific principles and the impact of technology on society and the environment.

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